#100 Mick - Catch me

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MADDIE POV: I always was one of the rather small girls, which was definitely an advantage in dance, but surely not in ordinary life! Most of the time I struggle with reaching for stuff from higher cupboards, to the point I have to climb the counter tops to reach it, or move a chair. But to not risk me tripping over on the chair, or Angie to barrel into it while running around the house, I do "parkour" most of the time. Just like right now, as I want to bake cookies and for that I need the big bowl from the highest shelf possible. And Mick is not in the house, as he went for his run, I need to manage on my own.
Firstly, I cleaned the counter from anything which would make me slip and fall and then climbed on top of it, previously opening the cupboard, to not hit my head with it. Then, I reached for the bowls and took all of them out, to take the only one I needed. So far, everything went smoothly. Happy, I placed the unneeded bowls back in the cupboeard and reached for the big white one, I needed.

But suddenly, my right foot slipped from the counter, making me loose balance. I only got time to hold tight to the bowl and hope to dear lord to not crack my head open, as I fell.
-Oof!- but instead of hard surface and cold floor, I felt warm and strong set of arms around me.
-Mick!- happy, I opened my eyes to look up at him -You're home early!- I said, sheepish. He told me multiple times already that he doesn't like when I climb counters, but I never listened anyway. And look where it brought me....?!
-I left my water bottle- he explained and added -What on earth were you doing!? You could crack your head open and die!
-I needed the bowl to make cookies..- I said shyly, blushing all over. In face of his worry I realised how stupid it was. Using the chair would be 100x safer...
-Alright. Let me change and we're baking those cookies.
-What about your run?- I asked, confused, as he sat me down on the counter with the bowl on my lap.
-I can go later- he smiled and kissed my forehead -I much rather help you out and be sure you're safe with me- I felt warm all over at his words -You stay here and don't move. I'll go change and be back with you in a minute.

Soon, Mick was back, wearing a comfortable hoodie and pair of sweats and an apron. I laughed at the sight of him.
-You look like a pro baker.
-I've got some skills hidden up my sleeve- he replied, grinning. It's really nice to see him happy... -Ready?
-Yeah, here is the recipe- I replied, pointing at the cooking notebook I left opened next to the other prepared ingridients, and we get on with the baking, while talking about everything and nothing in particular, feeling warm and homely. It was one of the best times, hands down....

We spent the whole afternoon baking cookies, laughing, and stealing cookie dough from the bowl when the other wasn't looking. Mick's presence made everything feel light and easy, his gentle encouragement making me forget about my clumsy mishap earlier.
As the cookies baked in the oven, we sat on the kitchen floor, surrounded by flour and laughter. Mick leaned against the cabinets, and I rested my head on his shoulder.
-Thank you for saving me- I said softly, feeling grateful for his timely arrival.
-Anytime- he replied, placing a gentle kiss on my temple -I'd do anything to keep you safe and happy- his responce made me smile.
-I love you Mick.
-I love you too- he replied and we kissed shortly, before Angie came to us and our focus shifted elsewhere.
In that cozy kitchen, amidst the sweet scent of freshly baked cookies, Mick Schumacher and I shared a moment that felt like home—a moment that reminded me how lucky I was to have him by my side, always ready to catch me, whether from falling off a counter or from life's unexpected twists and turns.

When the cookies were baked we left them on the counter to set, while we changed into workout clothes, got Angie's leash and went on short run, which also worked as a one of the daily walks we do with Angie. And another plus was, after we came back, we could eat the cookies! A bit crazy afternoon, but SO worth it...!

Something short, sweet and fluffy for the cold days.
I hope you're saying healthy and warm ;-)
Have a nice day! / Goodnight!

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