#84 Lando - You smile like an idiot

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NARRATOR POV: Lando Norris, the charismatic McLaren Formula 1 driver, and Ava Cooper, a talented photographer, found themselves on set for another Quadrant video shoot. The atmosphere was filled with excitement as they prepared for a day of capturing exhilarating moments. Unbeknownst to Lando, Ava had become more than just a colleague; she had captured his heart...

As the crew set up the equipment, Lando couldn't help but continuosly steal glances at Ava. Her infectious smile, the way her eyes sparkled with enthusiasm, had a way of making his heart skip a beat or two. He found himself drawn to her, unable to resist the magnetic pull she had on him. And the way she giggled when they did or said something especially funny, or Niran and Aarav acted as usuall made him feel all warm inside.

Max Fewtrell, Lando's close friend and fellow driver, noticed his distracted state pretty quickly, and the reason for it too. With a teasing grin, he approached Lando during a break.
-You smile like an idiot when you're looking at her, let alone actually talking to her- Max quipped, nudging Lando playfully.
-I don't know what do you mean...- Norris tried to play it down.
-Boonekers mate. I have two eyes, y'a know?!
Lando's face flushed, a mix of embarrassment and affection, as much as shyness, already knowing that Max won't let him live this down.
-I can't help it, Max. There's just something about her that lights up my world- he admitted, his voice filled with genuine warmth, as his gaze drifted to the blonde girl, who was giggling about something with Ria, on the other side of the room, with her camera around her neck.
Max chuckled, understanding his friend's predicament. He was in similar state himself with Pietra not so long ago.
-Well, my friend, it sounds like you've fallen hard. Don't let this opportunity slip away. Life's too short for regrets- he encouraged him with pointed look, hinting on his fallout with Luisa, clapping Lando on the back before returning to his own responsibilities, and leaving Lando to himself and his dilema.

After some thought, taking Max's words to heart, Lando decided to talk to Ava and see where it might go.
Throughout the shoot, he made it a point to engage in lighthearted banter with Ava, seeking any opportunity to make her laugh. He noticed the way her eyes crinkled at the corners when she smiled, and the sound of her laughter became music to his ears very quickly. Lando knew that he migfht be damned, but he'll spent his whole life makung her laugh like that if she'd let him...

As the day progressed, their connection grew stronger. They found solace in each other's presence, sharing stories, dreams, and aspirations. Lando admired Ava's talent and dedication, while she admired his drive and genuine nature. It was a perfect harmony of two souls finding their way to each other.
He liked her work so much, that he made her promise to send picked photos to him via email, to later post it on instagram.
In the midst of the shoot, there was a break for lunch. Lando seized the moment, approaching Ava with a mischievous twinkle in his eyes.
-Fancy a walk and a little break from those idiots I call my friends?" he asked, extending his hand in her direction. Ava hesitated for a split second, her heart racing with anticipation and mind overflowing by possibilities and implications. She felt the undeniable pull towards Lando, and she couldn't resist his charm. With a smile, she accepted his hand, and together they ventured into the picturesque surroundings, away from the noise and busyness of the set, leaving Max and Steve to manage the chaos.

They strolled along a peaceful path, the gentle breeze carrying their laughter. The world seemed to fade away as they shared intimate moments, their hearts becoming entwined with each passing step.
They stopped after some minutes of silent walking and looked at the harbour. Without more hesistation, Lando turned to face Ava, his gaze unwavering.
-Ava, I can't deny the way you make me feel. You've brought so much joy and light into my life. I want to explore this connection between us, if you're willing to try, and see where it'll take us- he confessed, his voice laced with vulnerability and uncertanity. Ava's heart swelled with emotion as she met Lando's gaze. She had felt the magnetic pull between them from the moment they met, and now, standing there with him, it was impossible to deny the depth of her feelings. With a soft smile, she nodded.
-I feel it too, Lando. Let's see where this journey takes us...- she agreed with small nod, and smiled, blishing heavily. Unsure, they leaned closer and let their lips meet in a sweet and loving kiss, sealing their unspoken promises. In that moment, everything felt right, and the world seemed to align with their newfound love.
After some more minutes alone, they sadly had to get back.
-We should go back...
-Yeah. I'd very much like to have an apartment in good state- Lando agreed, making her laugh again. With newfound confidance Lando wrapped an arm around her shoulders, bringing her closer to himself, and then they slowly made their way back to Landos'.

As the shoot continued, Lando and Ava were able to hide their relationship from the squad, not ready to tell them yet. Still, they had lots of fun and good laugh with them, having great time.
After that, they met almost every day when possible, going on little dates and just hanging out together, seeing how their relationship blossomed. The connection they had grew deeper with every passing day, no matter if they saw each other in person or not. Beside that they ttalked over the phone, videochated, texted and all other ways to keep in touch. And when Lando sadly needed to go away to another race she wished him good luck and cheered for him on every seesion, slowly learning what his world evolved around. They navigated the challenges of their respective careers, supporting each other through victories and setbacks. And she was deffinitely the happiest and proudest WaG in the paddock when he won his first race in Austria, back where he scored his first pole, making full circle..

Months turned into years, and Lando and Ava found themselves standing at the brink of a new chapter in their lives. With the sun setting on another unforgettable day at the track, Lando took Ava's hand, his gaze filled with unwavering devotion.
-Avalynn Marie Cooper, you've brought so much happiness into my life- he began, his voice filled with love -Being with you has made me a better person, and I can't imagine my life without you. Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?
Tears glistened in Ava's eyes as she nodded, her heart overflowing with love.
-Yes, Lando. 3000 times yes!
Their smiles were radiant as they sealed their love with a kiss, surrounded by the cheers and applause of their friends and teammates. In that moment, they knew that their love story was just beginning, and they eagerly embraced the future together, hand in hand.
And so, Lando Norris and Avalynn Cooper embarked on a new journey—a life intertwined with love, passion, and the shared thrill of the racetrack. As they drove into the sunset, their hearts soared with the knowledge that their love had found its perfect race, destined to go the distance, quater of a mile at a time...

In all that Quadrant chaos, something good happened...
Have a nice day! / Goodnight!

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