#96 Carlos - Telepathy challenge

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NARRATOR POV: It was another annual christmas party at Sainz household, everyone making their apearance, dressed up nicely for the ocasion. But the peace was long forgoten, as the youngest Sainz was starting her yearly chaos.

-It's good idea, I promise!- Ana said, pouting and trying to win them over.
-What's the idea, querida hermana? I'm not saying yes without knowing that- Bianca said, smiling softly, but her tone was firm.
-Come on!? Carlitos? Izzy?- she looked at her older brother and his fiancee with pleading eyes, hoping to win them ower first, to help her convince Bianca and her husband.
-Tell us what it is about Ana, and then we'll decide- Carlos hugged his not so happy sister, to cheer her up, while Carlos Sr and Reyes watched them in amusement.
-Come on, out with it Hermana!- Izzy added, cuddling happy Oli on her lap.
-It's a challenge- she said, looking at everybody one by one -Which Mama and Papa will judge, to be on fair and unbiased side.
-What challenge?- Bianca groaned, not happy.
-Shh! It cannot be worse than that ice skating competition she came up with a few years ago!- Carlos tried to placate his older sister, getting an offended, but grateful nontheless look from the youngest.
-It's a gingerbread house telepathy challenge!
-The what now?!- Bianca, her husband and even Ana's husband were clueless.
-Let me explain- she forced herself to stay calm, and continued -We're gonna test the telepathy abilities between each couple by buliding a gingerbread houses. We'll seperate the table in two with a bedsheet to not see the other side. Then, at the same time we're gona built the houses, and at the end, Mama and Papa will declare the winner, which will be the most similar houses between the couple.
-It's even more absurd stuff than PR always makes me and Charles do- Carlos complained quietly to Iz, making her laugh.
-Come on! It'll be fun!
-This time, I have to agree with Ana. I want to see this- Reyes spoke up, mishevious glint in her eye, all three kids know well. They all inherited it from her, to some degree.
-Alright / Ok / Let's get this over with- were the responces, making Ana squeal and jump with joy like when she was a little girl and Papa bought her the best toy ever.

After some arrangement to set up Anas' vision to life, they all were ready. All 3 couples put on some "allowed to get dirty" clothes, already knowing it'll get messy and got ready. Then they seperated and stood in front of the table, with women on the one side and men on the other. 
Just like Ana said, each of them had 2 sets of gingerbread houses to choose from and lots of edible glitter, sweets, fondant, frosting and lots of other stuff to create the perfect house.
-All contestants ready?- Reyes said, her and Carlos Sr already having lots of fun.
-Then... GO!- her husband said, setting the timer for 40 minutes. That was also a requirement made by Ana, to which they not so happily agreed. 
It got messy right from the start, making the parents laugh as they observed and made comments, seeing their kids struggle. Swear words in 4 languages were thrown around, as the young part of the family was all more or less fluent in all Spanish, English, Italian and French.
Some were on the right track from the start, while the others not so much, which only added to the chaos and hilariousness of the sittuation.
-This time, Ana had amazing idea- Carlos Sr said, chuckling to himself, seeing how they all slowly began to be more and more covered in colorful frosting and other liquidy substances available on the table.
-The best one yet!- Reyes agreed, giggling at how all three of her kids had frosting on their faces somehow, with tip of the nose and cheeks smeered with it. It was indeed chaos...

Before they knew it, the time was up and they hand to stand away from their creations.
-I told you ... I'm sending you certain vibes!
-We're fucked B, discuple.
-Don't even tell me about it...- the oldest of Sainz siblings huffed, with her hands on her hips, looking frustrated at her gingerbread house.
-And you two!? Why are you so quiet all the sudden!?- Ana elbowed Izzy in her side with a smirk on her face.
-We just know we did great job- Izzy said simply, shrugging her shoulders.
-That we did mi Amor- Carlos agreed and huffed, smiling proudly. Deep in his bones he knew he's right.
-Bueno... Let's see those creations...- Reyes said, and her and Carlos stood up from the couch, to inspect the houses carefully. The result was, as followed:

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