#106 Max - A weekend to forget

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NARRATOR POV: The night had fallen over the Marina Bay Street Circuit in Singapore, casting a surreal glow over the Formula 1 paddock. Max Verstappen was sitting in his team's motorhome, stewing with frustration. It had been a miserable day for Red Bull, a far cry from their dominant form earlier in the season.
Mackenzie Bontempo, Max's longtime friend and confidante, had flown in from the Netherlands to support him during this critical race and next two that followed. She could see the anger radiating off Max as he clenched his fists. She didn't say anything however, just sat next to him i silence.
Max finally spoke up first, his voice dripping with frustration.
-Kenzie, you won't believe how bad it was out there today. The car just didn't respond, and I couldn't extract any performance from it. It was worse than driving on the ice!
-I saw it. Believe me, it was just as tough to watch- he replied, her heart aching for her friend.
-It never was this bad! I don't know what happened?!
-But you'll work with Checo and the team and it won't happen again, I'm sure of it!
Just then, right before Max said anything, Christian entered the room with a grim expression. He knew that this race had been a disaster for the team, and it weighed heavily on his shoulders.
-Max, I need to talk to you- he said, taking a deep breath.
-Maybe I'll leave you guys alone then...- Kenzie stood up from the couch and headed to the door.
-No need, you can stay Mackenzie- Horner assured her and then shifted his gaze to Max -I know, this has been one of the toughest races we've had this season. We struggled with the car's setup, and it showed in the results. We're already working on it to see, what went wrong, but... Still, I'm sorry.
-Christian, we both know this is unacceptable! We can't afford to have such a disastrous race at this stage of the championship. We still have eyes set on that 1-2, and with persormace like that, it's not gonna happen!- Max's anger flared up as he interrupted. Christian nodded, his own frustration apparent.
-I know, Max. We messed up today, and I take full responsibility for it. We'll analyze what went wrong and make sure it doesn't happen again. Adrian and Hanna are already working on it- he repeated, looking more tired than usual.
-I don't want apologies, Christian. We're a team and we're together no matter what happens out there, the good, or the bad. But I also want solutions. We need to bounce back stronger in the next race- Max leaned back, trying to calm himself, with tiny bit of help from Kenzie and the suppoirtive squeeze of her hand on his shoulder, as she was back at his side, sitting down.
-Max, remember what got you here in the first place. You're a fighter, and you'll come back even stronger. We all know it- she tried to assure him and added -One bad race is not the end of the world- Kenzie said pointedly, looking his deeply in the eye, waiting for Max to nod in agreement. It wasn't the time, nor need, for the toxic mentality Jos drilled into him for years, to come back.
-You are both right. I'm sorry Christian.
-None offence taken. See you in 20 minutes in the debrief?
-Obviously- they all laughed and Horner left, leaving them alone.

The night passed in tense reflection, and the next day, Max and his team were determined to make amends. Starting from the 11th position on the grid, Max knew he had a challenging race ahead. Checo Perez, his teammate, was starting from 13th.
As the race unfolded, Max drove with relentless determination, making bold overtakes and clawing his way through the field. Checo, too, was on a mission, showing his trademark consistency.
With each passing lap, Max's anger from the previous day transformed into a steely resolve. He knew he couldn't afford another mistake, and he pushed himself and the car to the limit. Both of them were more than hungry for good result....

At the checkered flag, Max had fought his way up to P5, a commendable recovery from the disastrous start. Checo, displaying his expertise in tire management, finished in 8th place, earning crucial points both for himself to fight off charging Lewis in P3, but also for the team.
In the post-race debrief, Max couldn't help but feel a sense of redemption. He looked at Christian and said:
-We salvaged some points today, but we can't let this happen again. We need to keep pushing.
-You're right, Max. We'll learn from this and come back stronger in the next race- Christian nodded, a determined look in his eyes.
As Max walked out of the debrief, Kenzie was waiting for him. She wrapped her arms around him, a proud smile on her face.
-You did it, Max. You turned frustration into determination, and you came back fighting.
-Thanks, Kenzie. It's moments like these that make us stronger- Max hugged her tightly, grateful for her unwavering support.

The Singapore Grand Prix had been a humbling experience for Red Bull Racing, but it had also shown the resilience and fighting spirit that defined Max Verstappen and his team. They knew that the championship battle was far from over, and they were ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, together.

The old good Singapore GP and a disaster for Red Bull...
I'm still very happy about the Carlando 1-2 we got there...
Let's see what next season will bring...?
Have a nice day! / Goodnight!

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