Chapter 3 - The Good, the Bad and the Cursed, part 1

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Paris didn't tell them yet, about Cole's brother, saying that it wasn't that important, yet. Now, Paris and Piper were in the living room, Piper had set the table as then Prue came in. "Uh, wait a minute. We have one too many place settings."

Piper shook with her head. "No we don't."

"Okay, uh, you, me, Leo, Phoebe, Paris, dad. That's six, we have seven." Prue counted.

"Prue's right." Paris comment, looking at Piper.

Piper looked at her sisters. "So?"

"So who is the seventh for?" Prue asked to her.

"Mmm, maybe, um, mum." Piper replied to her. "What? It's my wedding. At least she could be here in spirit, if nothing else."

"Ahhh." Paris comment, looking at them.

Prue nodded. "Yes, she can be." Then she gave her a little hug.

Just then, Leo orbed in, he was looking at the table. "Wow, looks great. When do we eat?"

"Leo, can't you see we're having a sister moment?" Piper asked back.

Leo looked at her. "Oh, sorry. Do you want me to go?"

"No, I want you to help." Piper shook with her head. "This is your rehearsal dinner too, you know."

Prue looked at him. "So, Leo, you nervous? I mean, only one more week before dum, dum, dum-dum."

"Dum, dum, dum-dum." Paris added, smiling.

Piper nodded. "Thanks."

"Well, as long as no demons come bursting through that door, until them, I am fine." Leo comment to them.

Victor shouted from the outside. "Prue! Piper!" Then he and Phoebe walked through the front door.

Piper looked at Leo. "You had to jinx it."

Paris laughed a little at her sister's silliness. "Omg."

Just then, Prue walked at bit to Phoebe,. "Hey. Phoebe, what happened?"

"Oh, it's nothing, I'm fine." Phoebe replied to her, causally. "I just need an aspirin."

Piper looked at her father. "Dad?!" As Paris stood there a bit uncomfortable.

"I don't know what happened." Victor replied to her. "One minute we're just walking around, the next thing I know she's bleeding."

"I got into a bar brawl." Phoebe comment to them all. "Well, actually, I didn't. Two cowboys did. Bo and some other guy. I didn't catch his name, but I think he was the bad guy, 'cause he was wearing a black hat. Oh, and they were transparent."

"Ghosts." Paris face palmed.

"She must have hit her head." Piper comment to them.

Prue nodded. "Uh-huh."

Victor looked at Phoebe. "Sweetheart, I never would have taken you there if I had any idea."

"It's fine, dad. Really, don't worry about it." Phoebe told him.

"Here, let me take care of that." Leo held out his healing hand but Phoebe stopped him.

"No, I'm alright." She told him as then she looked at Victor. "Dad, why don't you go to the porch and get those town files. You know, maybe there's something in them that can help us."

Victor nodded. "Alright." Then, he went outside.

"Dad doesn't know that Leo is a Whitelighter." Phoebe whispered shouted to them all.

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