Chapter 6 - Death Takes a Halliwell, part 3

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Leo placed the lamp on a different table as Piper stood behind him. "It's just so bright."

"Of course it's bright." Leo comment. "It's supposed to represent the light of eternal love."

Piper pointed at the lighting lamp. "Wait, does that mean we can never turn It off?"

"At this rate you're gonna turn it off in record time." Phoebe comment.

"I agree to that." Paris muttered.

Piper sighed. "I'm just saying, I don't think it belongs in the living room."

"Or the parlor, the dining room, the foyer." Leo added.

Piper looked at her sisters. "Pheebs? Paris?"

"Oh, do you think I'm stupid, I am staying out of this." Phoebe added.

"Nope, I'm Switzerland." Paris replied to her. "Besides, I'm more concerned about..."

Just then, Cole and Prue walked in. Cole was carrying Reese. "I wouldn't revert to my demon form and I could've used some help." Then, he laid him on the couch.

"I was busy saving Davidson." Prue comment to Cole.

Cole looked at her. "No, that's what I was doing."

"Hello?" Phoebe waved with her hands. "What happened? Is he okay?"

"He almost wasn't." Cole sighed. "The Seekers were at the Courthouse waiting for him."

"And then they tracked Cole to the mausoleum." Prue added.

Leo looked at Cole. "Well, how do you know they didn't track you here."

"They retreated first." Cole told him. "They have to be close to a shimmer to track it."

Paris frowned. "They retreated?"

"Yeah." Prue nodded. "I kicked ass."

"No, you kicked air." Cole corrected her.

"No, I told you that I was fighting the Angel of Death and obviously I won." Prue disagreed.

Leo looked at her. "Prue, that's not possible."

"Well he's alive isn't he?" Prue gestured to Reese.

"For now maybe." Cole replied to her. "But the Seekers will be back and they'll out for blood, mine and yours. The only thing they don't know is how to find us."

"Yes, and now they know Davidson is the key." Prue told them.

Cole looked at her. "If you had have just worked with me..."

"You know, you're not exactly the poster boy for teamwork, Cole." Prue comment, looking back at him.

Piper frowned. "Hey, you were supposed to stick with us, remember?"

"I was trying to protect you." Cole replied to her. "All of you."

"By exposing yourself?" Paris asked, frowning.

Cole looked at her. "Better me than you."

"You know, the one thing you failed to consider, Cole, is no matter how dangerous Davidson is to us, you were more dangerous." Prue stated.

Cole was taken aback by that. "Oh, no, wait a minute, I think that I proved myself to you..."

Phoebe sighed. "No, Cole, that's not what she meant. You're a part of our lives now. You know almost everything about us. If you had lost..."

"The Seekers could use what they know to destroy you." Cole finished, sighing.

"I better check with the Elders, this is getting complicated." Leo told them as then Reese started to wake up and he saw Leo orbing out. He freaked out.

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