Chapter 7 - Pre-Witched, part 2

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Phoebe was in the kitchen. It's pitch black. "Hey, who turned out the lights? Then, she walked in and turned on the light. The warlock attacked her. He throws her over the table. Then, she kicked him and he fell on a knife. He disappeared "Uh-oh!"

Just then, Prue, Paris and Piper run in. "What happened?" Piper asked.

"I think I killed the warlock again." Phoebe replied to her.

"Oh, oh." Paris muttered.

"Ugh, Phoebe!" Prue shouted.

"Phoebe!" Piper exclaimed.

"Well, I didn't mean to. It was a gut reaction. You know, self-preservation and stuff." Phoebe defended herself.

"Hmm." Prue leaves the kitchen. Phoebe, Paris and Piper followed her. "You know, I've been thinking. I'm pretty sure he won't actually hurt us. I mean he needs us. So, let's just say he knocks one of us off."

Piper looked at her. "Then the power of three will be broken and we wouldn't have the strength to kill him."

"And I can't help you." Paris comment. "I mean, I'm not a charmed one."

Phoebe looked at them. "And then he takes a permanent cat nap. But we're assuming that he's smart enough to know this. I mean, what if he isn't? You know? What if he doesn't know he shouldn't kill us and we just sit there and watch it happen?"

Prue sighed. "Yeah, well, what other choice do we have? I mean, we kill him four more times, he wins, becomes more powerful that we can handle. Either way we lose."

"I vote for not losing at all." Piper comment.

Then, Phoebe saw boxes of Piper's stuff sitting in the foyer. "Wow!"

"Uh, yeah, sorry. I'll get all this stuff out of the way as soon as..." Piper was interrupted.

Phoebe pointed at the stuff. "You're really going to do this, huh?"

"Yeah. You know, we have lived apart before." Piper replied to her.

Prue looked at her. "Our lives were apart, Piper. It's different now. I just think that we need to talk this through, that way we all know exactly what the consequences are for all of us."

Just then, Kit meows. Phoebe sighed. "Ooh, saved by the meow. You know, I don't think I'm ever gonna be able to look at Kit quite in the same way. Or get undressed in front of him for that matter."

"You guys are right, we should talk this through." Piper headed for the door. Kit meows.


Paris walked into the manor. "Okay, what the hell happened? I went home for a second to grab something!"

"The warlock attacked again!" Phoebe replied to her.

"Oh." Paris comment.

Piper was putting ingredients in a pot as Phoebe comment. "That girl. There's just no reason. I got used to there being a reason, you know, an explanation. But she didn't even..."

Prue nodded. "Stand a chance." She finished the sentence. "But there was a reason, Pheebs, he was sending a message."

"Yeah, and we got it loud and clear. But there's nothing we can do that we haven't already done." Piper added.

"Omg." Paris comment. "What happened?"

"We were at the cafe for coffee, that's where he attacked us." Prue replied to her.

"Oh, that's not good." Paris comment, worried.

Then, Phoebe looked at them. "So, what, he just keeps killing until we kill him?"

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