Chapter 32- A Witch's Tail, Part 1

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Paris and Cole walked into the Manor. They went to the living room and saw Piper, Phoebe, a mermaid and Leo were there. The mermaid was sitting on the couch while Phoebe dried the mermaid's legs with a hair dryer. “Why is it that we come back, always something happens, when we do.” Cole muttered.

Paris looked at her boyfriend. “Honey, hold the commentary to yourself.”

Just then Paige walked in the foyer through the front door and put her bag and umbrella away. “Okay, I just cut work on the day of my big promotion and sped through a rainstorm to get here, what is the 9...” She walked into the living room. “11?”

“Phoebe found a mermaid.” Leo told her.

“And we just got back.” Paris added.

“Actually, she found me. On the way to a very important court date, I might add.” Phoebe corrected Leo.

“Hi, I'm Mylie.” Mylie shook Paige's hand. “You must be Paige. You have a very big underwater fan base.” Then she looked at Paris. “And you must be Paris.”

Paige had her eyes widen. “You're a mermaid? You guys actually exist?”

Then Piper spoke up. “Uh, excuse me. When you said, uh, Sea Hag, did you mean like old woman hag or evil magic hag? Because see, I'm not really in the battle mood today.”

Mylie looked at her. “Uh, she's kinda both.”

“Uh-huh.” Piper huffed.

Paige basically bounced. “Forget that. What's life like under the sea? Does your skin get wrinkly? Does algae pose as a personal hygiene problem.”

“Okay, guys, why don't we let her up for a little air.” Leo told her.

Mylie shook with her head. “No, it's okay, I don't mind. Actually, there's nothing like being a mermaid. Swim in the open sea all day, explore endless wonders, it's pure freedom.”

“I would rather stay on land.” Paris comment.

Phoebe had a small smile. “Sounds like heaven. I'm sure you want to get back. I can drop you off at the beach on my way...”

“Wait, you don't understand. It was a great life. For the first few hundred years.” Mylie interrupted her.

“Mermaids are immortal.” Leo added.

“So are vampires.” Paris muttered.

Mylie nodded. “Yeah, we can spend eternity at sea. Because our hearts are, well, some say are as cold as the water. But sometimes a mermaid gets lonely and her heart warms and she wants more.”

“Is that what happened to you?” Paige asked.

Mylie hummed. “Mm-hmm. The ocean's floor is littered with bones of mortals who died for love. I had to know why.”

“Now these bones, um, could they be bones of mortals that perhaps the Sea Hag killed?” Piper asked.

“Piper.” Paige scolded.

Piper looked at her. “What?”

Leo looked at Mylie. “So you said you wanted to feel love, is that why you went to see the Sea Hag?”

Mylie nodded. “Yes. If a mortal professes his love to a mermaid, she becomes human. The Sea Hag agreed to give me legs but if I didn't find love before her deadline I would have to give her my immortality.”

Phoebe frowned. “All that for a guy? Boy, did you get taken for a ride.”

“Omg.” Paris muttered.

“Phoebe.” Paige scolded.

Phoebe shrugged. “What?”

“But I did find love, I-I mean I think I did. But I might be dead before I get to find out for sure. Craig's getting on a plane to New York soon.” Mylie told them.

Piper sighed. “Oh, no-no-no, this is good. Because all we gotta do is find the fish lover, get him to spill his guts and then we don't have to face the Sea Hag.”

Paris laughed. “Oh, Piper! That’s good! Haha.”

“Piper! Paris!” Paige scolded them.

Piper shrugged. “What?”

“Sorry?!” Paris comment, not sorry at all.

Then Paige looked at Mylie. “If your boyfriend's love can make you human why don't you just tell him you're a mermaid?”

“You mean, that I'm a genetic freak with a fish tail coated in glandular slime?” Mylie comment.

Leo basically pointed at Mylie. “She raises a good point.”

Phoebe nodded. “Yeah.”

“You may be half fish, but you're still a woman and women, you know they generally know when a man's in love even before he does.” Paige told them.

Phoebe huffed. “Oh, puh-lease! If I wrote that slop in my column I'd be driven out of town.”

Paige looked at her sisters. “Okay, that is it. Can I see you two in the kitchen?” Piper, Phoebe and Paige went into the kitchen.

“Well, that’s something.” Paris muttered.


Later, Paige and Phoebe left as well as Cole, but Paris stayed. Piper, Leo, Paris and Mylie were watching the weather report on TV. Piper lowered the volume. “Now the book says that the Sea Hag has power over her natural environment, would that be, like, rainstorms?”

Mylie nodded. “Yeah. Rainstorms, hurricanes...”

“Hurricanes?” Piper interrupted her.

Mylie nodded. “Even tidal waves.”
Paris sighed. “Okay.”

Piper looked at Leo. “Leo, she said tidal waves. How far do tidal waves travel?”

“Excuse us.” Leo told them as they move away from Mylie and Paris.

Just then the front door opened and Paige and Craig walked in. They walked into the living room. “Thank god.” Paris muttered.

Craig looked at Mylie. “Hey.”
“You came.” Mylie comment.

Craig nodded. “Yeah, Paige told me your life was in danger. What's going on?”

“I really need to know how you feel about me.” Mylie replied.

Craig scoffed. “I can't believe we're back on this. What, are you two in on this joke or what?”

“No.” Paris spoke up. “My sister wouldn’t joke about something like this, so you have to tell her how you feel about her, her life depends on it.”

Craig looked in disbelief. “What is this? The delusional girls club? Come on.” Then he comment to Mylie. “Tell me what's happening.”

Mylie shook with her head. “I can't.”

“You can't? You yank me out of a business meeting, your friend ambushed me at the airport, I miss my plane and you can't tell me why?” Craig asked her.

Mylie sighed. “No.”

Just then Piper walked up to them. “Okay, buddy, look. You obviously wouldn't be here if you didn't care, so why don't you just tell her that you love her for crying out loud.”

“Piper, relax.” Paige told her.

Piper ranted. “What? If he does not do this then we've gotta fight the evil...” Paige stopped her. “Person.”

“You know what, I'm outta here.” Craig started to leave.

Mylie called out to him. “Craig wait. You wanna know what I'm hiding from you? Okay.” She took the flowers out of a vase and sat on the couch.

“Mylie? No, don't!” Piper exclaimed.

Mylie tipped the vase water onto her legs and her legs turned into a mermaid tail. “Please don't be afraid. It's still me.”

Craig backed away, frightened. “What are you? Geez.” He raced out the door.

A gust of wind blows in the living room and the Sea Hag appeared. “Did you find a vanquishing spell?” Piper started to back away. “Piper, freeze her.”

Piper tried to freeze the Sea Hag but nothing happened. A water ball formed in the Sea Hag's hand. “I can't.”

The Sea Hag throws the water ball at Paige and she was surrounded by a tunnel of water, then the Sea Hag throws another at Paris and she was trapped as well. The Sea Hag throws another water ball at Piper and she ducked behind the couch. The water ball hit the wall. The Sea Hag turned to Mylie. “Piper!” Piper stayed behind the couch, frightened. “Piper, help me! Piper! Help!”

Piper heard a splash of water and Paige and Paris were coughing. She came out from behind the couch. Paige was standing there, soaking wet. “What happened to you?”


Moments later, Cole shimmered in and rushed over to Paris. “What happened?!”

“I got trapped into a water bubble.” Paris replied, she had a blanket around her.

“Your soaking wet.” Cole comment. “Come on, lets get you home.”

Paris hummed. “Hmm-mm.”

They shimmered out of the manor and back onto their home. “You need to be more careful. You could have hurt the baby.”

“Cole, I know. But my sisters need me also.” Paris told him. “I can’t let them down either. And we have been coming the power of four, sort of.”

Cole nodded. “The strongest power that the world has seen.”

“Yeah.” Paris sighed. “I will be more careful with our baby.” She promised him.

"Okay.” Cole nodded and kissed her. “Lets get you out of these clothes.” He let her go to their bedroom.


After a change of clothes, Paris was back in the manor again and went to the attic, to find her sisters, she only found Paige and Phoebe. “Hey, how’s the spell going?”

“Finished, we only now need Piper.” Paige replied to her.

Just then Piper walked in. “I'll be fine. Okay, let's go, we've got a job to do.”

Paige looked at her. “You sure you're up to it?”

“Well, I don't have a choice. It's a Power of Four spell, right? One, two, three, four.” Piper replied.

“Should we wait for Leo to find Craig before we go?” Phoebe asked.

Piper shook with her head. “No, Mylie needs us now.”

Phoebe handed them each a piece of paper. Paige looked at them. “Okay, if the spell works, it should take us straight to the Sea Hag.”

Piper, Phoebe, Paige and Paris said the spell. “Powers of the witches rise, find the hag who speaks in lies, balance chakras focus chi, lead us through the cruel cruel sea.”

Nothing happened but then suddenly Phoebe fell to the floor. “Whoo!”

Piper, Paris and Paige looked down to find Phoebe turned into a mermaid. “Oh.”


They went to the beach. Piper, Phoebe and Paige orbed in as Paris shimmered. Phoebe fell into the water. “Hey!”

“Sorry, couldn't hold you.” Paige told her, with a apologizing look.

Phoebe tried to get up. Piper looked at her. “Phoebe, you can't stand, you don't have legs.”

“Okay, well, why me?” Phoebe throws a little tantrum. “Why did I get the tail? We all said the spell together!”

Paris chuckled. Paige suggested. “Maybe because you're the best swimmer?”

Phoebe looked irritated. “Yeah, at the Y! But this is the ocean! It is very cold and I am allergic to shellfish!”

“Okay, forget that. Do you sense the Sea Hag? Is she close?” Piper asked to her.

“How should I know?” Phoebe asked back.

“Put you head into the water.” Paris replied.

Phoebe frowned. “And get my hair wet?”

“Phoebe, you're a mermaid.” Piper groaned.

“You should be able to sense the Sea Hag. My spell worked but not the way I envisioned it.” Paige added.

Phoebe held her nose and dove underwater. Just then Leo orbed in. “I found Craig. He was on a plane on his way to New York. Why am I standing in the ocean?”

“Phoebe's a mermaid.” Piper replied.

“Oh. Well, that would explain it.” Leo comment dryly.

Phoebe poked out of the water. “Whoo! Dive in! The water's great.”

“Phoebe, get back here this instant!” Piper called after her.

Phoebe dove back under and popped back up next to them in a second's flat. “The call of the sea's intense. Just like Mylie said it was.”

Piper sighed. “Well, ignore it. Did you find the Sea Hag?”

“Now that you mention it there was a stench under the water.” Phoebe replied.

“That could be the sewage treatment plant.” Leo told them.

“We'll take our chances, follow the stench.” Piper comment.

“How?” Phoebe asked.

Piper looked at her. “I don't know. Get in touch with your inner fish. And then when you find the cavern, call for Leo and we will orb there.”

Phoebe nodded. “Okay.” She dove back in the water and swam away.

“That's actually the most fun I've seen Phoebe have since Ben died.” Paige comment.

Leo frowned. “Which time?”

“Before Ben became an evil maniac.” Paris replied.

Paige sighed. “Good point. Okay, you guys ready? T-minus Sea Hag and counting. Piper, have you got the Power of Four spell?” No answer. “Piper, are you okay?”

“I'm fine. Everything's under control.” Piper replied.

Paris looked at her sister. “Every mother to be react different to the hormones.”

Just then Phoebe called for Leo. “She's calling. Let's go.” He told them.

“Come on, come on, let's go.” Paige comment. They join handed and start to orb out. Piper let go of their hands and Leo, Paris and Paige orb out without her. She leaned against a rock, frightened.


Leo, Paris and Paige orbed in. “Where's Piper?” Phoebe asked.

“Urgh.” Paris muttered.

Paige sighed. “She let go of my hand.” The Sea Hag throws a waterball at Paige and she ducks. “Enough with the water. Shell!” The shell orbed into Paige's hand. It revealed a bloody spot on Mylie's chest. The sea hag flicked her arm and seaweed appeared tightly around Paige. Paige dropped the shell into the water. Phoebe dove down to get it. Leo grabbed a sword and swung it at the Sea Hag. She disappeared and reappeared and throws a waterball at Leo. He was surrounded by a tunnel of water. The Sea Hag throws a waterball at Paris, bit she ducked.

Just then Phoebe jumped out of the water and throws the auger shell at the sea hag. It attached itself to her and she screamed. She turned into a pile of dust. The tunnel of water disappeared from Leo and Paige freed herself from the seaweed. Phoebe looked at them all. “Is everyone okay?”

“Yep.” Paris replied.

“Yeah.” Paige added.

Leo went over to Mylie. “No, she's dying.”

“Can you heal her?” Phoebe asked.

Leo tried to heal Mylie but it doesn't work. “It's no use, she's not human.”

“No, not yet. Get Craig, hurry.” Paige told him. Leo orbed out.

Phoebe sighed. “She should've stayed in the water. She could've avoided all of this.”

“Can we stay positive please?” Paige asked.

“Always.” Paris replied.


Leo orbed in with Craig. “Get your hands off me!” He looked around. “What, what just happened? Where am I?”

“Somewhere off the North Atlantic would be my gut instinct.” Phoebe replied.

Craig stuttered. “How... What... Who are you people?”

“Witch.” Paige replied.

“Witch slash demon.” Paris added.

Leo looked at him. “Angel.”

“Mermaid.” Phoebe finished.

Paige looked at her. “Don't you mean witch?”

Just then Craig looked at Mylie lying unconscious. Leo looked at him. “I know this is hard to accept, but all that matters is she's dying and you can help her.”

“What can I do?” Craig asked.

“Tell her how you feel. Your love can save her.” Paige replied.

Craig looked at Mylie. “My love? How can I love her? I mean, look at her. She's got a...”

“Really beautiful heart.” Leo interrupted him.

“Now you know what she is, but who she is, you've always known that.” Phoebe added.

Craig looked at Mylie. “I do love you...”

Mylie turned human. Leo quickly took off his coat and handed it to Craig. Craig covered Mylie's naked body. then Leo healed Mylie and she woke up. She saw Craig and smiled. They kissed. “Thank you. Thank you for everything.”

“Okay, I hate to cut this short but I can sense Piper's panic and I think we should get back to her and let her know that everything's alright.” Paige, Paris and Leo walked over to Phoebe. “Phoebe, take my hand, I'll orb you back.”

Phoebe shook with her head. “Nope, I'm staying in the ocean.”

“Okay, just meet us back at the beach. You swim so fast you'll probably beat us there anyway.” Paige told her.

“No, I'm staying in the ocean, I'm not going back.” Phoebe told them.

“Don’t be an idiot.” Paris comment.

Paige frowned. “I don't understand.”

Phoebe looked at her. “Paige, it's everything that Mylie said it was. It's complete freedom.”

“The call of the sea. It'll turn her heart cold if she lets it.” Mylie told them.

“Okay, Phoebe, get out of the water.” Leo told her.

Phoebe backed away. “No.”

“Phoebe, take my hand.” Paige told her.

Phoebe shouted. “No!”

“Phoebe, fight it!” Paige shouted.

“Phoebe, please.” Paris pleaded.

“I don't wanna fight it. I just wanna be free.” Phoebe swam away.

“Phoebe!” Paige shouted after her.

“Omg.” Paris sighed.

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