Chapter 8 - Sin Franciso, part 2

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Prue, Paris and Phoebe walked up to the door. "You know, it would have not killed you to drive by the fire station for a little looksy." Phoebe comment.

"No." Paris told her.

"You know what?" Prue opened the door. "If you and Piper do not get your sins under control..."

They walk inside and all of Piper's purchases fill the foyer and living room. Piper walked in. "Good, you're here. The pashminas have arrived and they're to die for. Come see." A delivery man walked past carrying long metal strip things. "Whoa, hey, hi, almost decapitated."

"Hello." Phoebe comment as then they walked into another room filled with stuff. Piper pulled a pashmina out of a box. "Wow, Piper, you really put the glutt in gluttony."

Prue looked at Piper. "Okay, how did you get this stuff so fast?"

Piper: "Oh, I just let my fingers do the walking and the clicking and the... flipping." Piper replied to her.

"Weird." Paris blinked at her sister.

"Flipping as in the pages of the Book of Shadows? You used magic?" Prue asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Well, yeah, I couldn't wait six to eight weeks for delivery." Piper replied to her.

"Why so many stuff?" Paris muttered.

"That is so personal gain." Prue told her.

"No, 'cause we need all of this stuff." Piper comment as Phoebe leaves the room.

"Okay, this is weird." Paris comment.

Prue nodded. "Okay, Piper, this isn't you. You're being consumed by your consumption and it will only lead to your total misuse of magic."

Piper turned on a water fountain. "Soothing, isn't it?"

Prue rushed in. "No, no, no." She took the statue off of Piper. "Alright, you guys, the last I checked we still had a demon to vanquish and an innocent to save."

"I agree." Paris comment as she rubbed her forehead.

Phoebe looked at Prue. "I thought you said Morris hid the Pastor some place safe."

Prue nodded. "Yes, he did, but envy is only the sixth sin. Which means there's still an innocent out there infected with anger." She told her. Then she put the statue down.

"What would you like us to do about it?" Piper asked to her.

Prue looked at Leo. "Leo, I would like for you to orb up there and ask the Elders what they know, okay?"

"I'm too tired." Leo replied to her.

"Leo," Prue hit him on the arm. "get up there right now! You're a Whitelighter, that is your job."

Leo looked to her. "Why? You never listen to me anyway." He yawned. "I think I'm gonna orb upstairs and take a nap." Then, he orbed out. Phoebe picked up a magazine and started to read it.

"Fine!" Prue shouted. "Fine, orb, who needs you anyway?" Piper put on a pair of boxing gloves. "We still have the power of three." Then, she looked at Piper, Paris and Phoebe.


In the Attic, Prue and Paris were looking through the Book of Shadows, Piper's got her feet in a foot spa and Phoebe was lying in a chair. "There is nothing, there is nothing in the book." Prue sighed. "Why did only lame witches precede it?" Paris snickered.

"Because nobody is as good as you, Prue." Piper replied to her.

"You know, at least I'm trying, Piper." Prue comment. "Instead of getting a foot massage, or sleeping."

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