Chapter 10 - Exit Strategy and Look Who's Barking, part 2

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A little while later, Prue came up behind Phoebe and used her power on the door. It opened up a bit. Phoebe looked through the crack. Raynor looked at Ben. "Is she really worth sacrificing your father's soul for?"

"Ben, no, don't do it." Phoebe called as Ben shouted and he changes into Belthazor. He throws an energy ball at Jenna. She disappeared as Raynor shimmers out. Then, Prue, Piper, Paris and Phoebe got inside. Prue, Paris and Piper rushed over to Leo. Phoebe stared at Belthazor. (Author's note: cause Ben and Cole are twins, we have two Belthazors!)

Belthazor looked at back at her. "Phoebe."

"What did you do to him?" Piper asked to him as Belthazor changed back into Ben.

Phoebe looked at him. "I saw what you did."

"It's not what it looks like. It wasn't..." Ben trailed off.

"Jenna is dead, and Leo is unconscious. What else could it be?" Phoebe asked him.

"Raynor forced me, I had no choice." Ben replied to her.

"There's always a choice, Ben." Phoebe said as she shook with her head.

Then, Ben saw the potion. "The potion." He reached for it but Phoebe grabbed before he can. "Before it's too late."

"It's already too late. You killed an innocent woman. There is no turning back from that." Phoebe hissed.

"I didn't wanna kill her. You've gotta understand that, I can still be good." Ben was frustrated.

"There's nothing good in you anymore." Phoebe told him.

Just then, Prue spoke up. "Maybe there never was. You have to read the spell to activate the amulets, right? I mean, Ben, maybe that was your plan all along, to get the book."

"But evil can't use the amulets or the book." Piper added, glancing at her youngest sister.

"He could've if we'd stripped his powers. Is that why you wanted the potion, Ben? So you could get the spell and use the amulets against us?" Phoebe asked him.

Ben looked at Phoebe. "Phoebe, you've gotta believe me."

"I think she's believed you one too many times." Piper hissed at him.

"Stay out of this!" Ben shouted to her. "This is between me and her."

Phoebe looked at him. "There's nothing between us anymore."

"Phoebe, don't let Raynor take this away from us, don't let him win." Ben told her.

"Raynor didn't set you up, you se me up. What am I supposed to do?" Phoebe asked him.

"Please, save me." Ben pleaded.

"Save yourself." Phoebe throws the potion on the floor as Ben shimmered out.


Later, Phoebe walked in holding three candles as the others were by the couch. "Oh, I'm sorry guys. I didn't mean to stick you with the morning after clean up."

Piper looked at her. "How you doing?"

"I'm not sure." Phoebe replied as she sat down on the couch and placed the candles on the coffee table.

"Well, you have a lot to sort out." Prue comment to her.

"No, not really. I lost my soul mate to evil, end of story." Phoebe sighed.

Piper looked at her. "Pheebs, I think he really tried but..."

Phoebe interrupted her. "It wasn't enough. I wasn't enough. I thought we could do a blessing for our two fallen witches, and for Ben."

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