Chapter 9 - The Demon Who Came in from the Cold, part 3

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Phoebe was staring out the window. Prue, Piper, Paris and Leo walked in. "Alright, Phoebe, we need to get going. The merger vote is in less than three minutes." Prue told her.

Phoebe turned to look at her. "Why didn't you tell me you kept some of the potion to kill Ben with?"

"Well, it's a good thing she did, it came in pretty handy." Piper comment.

"Look, Phoebe, I'm sorry I didn't tell you, but the truth is until recently I didn't really trust Ben. I mean, I sort of felt like I had to protect us just in case." Prue replied to her.

Phoebe looker betrayed. "Just in case what? He tried to kill us?"

"It wouldn't be the first time." Piper replied as Phoebe looked away. "Well, it wouldn't. Look, I know you love him, and we all know that he loves you, but sending demons to kidnap our innocent kind of speaks for itself."

"You're right, we never should had let him go under." Leo sighed.

"Or Cole." Paris added.

Phoebe sighed. "I still think this is all part of some plan of his, it has to be."

"Okay, but right now we need to stick to our plan, which is to vanquish the demon imposter." Prue stated.

"Ben said not to, he said it was a huge mistake and I believe him." Phoebe said to them.

Piper looked at her. "Okay, but we don't."

"Come on, you guys, we really have to get going." Leo added.

"That's three to one, Pheebs. You coming?" Prue looked at her as then at Paris. "You coming too?"

"Yeah." Paris nodded.


They arrived in an empty office. The door flow open and Prue, Piper, Paris and Phoebe walked in. "Vote's in, demon guy, you lose." Piper comment.

Just then, a chair swung around and Ben's sitting in it. "Piper, wait. Ben."

Ben looked at them. "Surprised."

"What are you doing here? Where's the demon?" Prue asked to him.

"And where's Cole?" Paris asked to him.

"He sent me instead. It might be a test. I think he's onto us." Ben replied to them. "He's somewhere."

Prue frowned. "On to us? You make it sound like we're working together."

Ben blinked. "Aren't we?"

"Hmm, who you kidding? We should vanquish you on the spot. Where's Pirelli?" Piper asked as well.

"He's safe." Ben stood up.

"Ben, where is he?" Prue asked to him.

"Where else would he be?" Ben asked back.

"The safest place you know. The mausoleum." Phoebe replied to him.

"Isn't that what we agreed to?" Ben asked to her.

Phoebe shook with her head. "No, unfortunately, it isn't." Then she throws the potion at Ben.

"Phoebe!" Prue shouted.

Then, Ben started shouted. He changed into Vornac. Vornac was vanquished.

"But how did you know? Did you know?" Piper asked to her.

"The safest place that Ben knows is with me. He said so." Phoebe replied to her.

Ben shimmered in. They spin around ready to throw the potion. "Easy, easy. I know I'm not very popular right now but let the condemned man have his last words. I had no choice but to play it this way. They were so suspicious of me I had to make everyone especially you believe I was evil. Or I was dead."

"Some of us still think you're evil." Piper stated.

"Alright, so why did that demon impersonate you?" Prue asked him.

"He didn't trust me. Wanted to find out whose side I was really on. I knew you wouldn't fall for it." Ben told them all.

"You are lucky." Paris comment.

"What about Pirelli?" Piper asked him.

"I had to make you think I'd actually betrayed you, to give you motivation to kill Vornac and me." Ben sighed ads then he looked at Phoebe. "Forgive me."

"I never doubted you." Phoebe went over to him. "Well, maybe just a little." Then, they kissed.

"Where is Cole?" Paris asked to him.

"Covering his tracks." Ben replied to her.

"Hmm-mmm." Paris hummed.

Then, Ben looked at the others. "You'd better get Leo to the mausoleum, get Pirelli back here before the mercher."

Piper looked at him. "Can't you get Pirelli?"

"No, I have to get back." Ben replied to her.

"You can't go back now." Phoebe comment.

"Just to cover my tracks. I don't want those guys hunting me down." Ben kissed Phoebe. "I'll be out before your graduation party tonight, I promise." Then, He shimmered out.


Later, it was Phoebe's graduation party. Phoebe hugged someone as then walked off looking worried. Prue, Piper, Paris and Leo were watching her nearby. "Why can't we ever throw a party or have a wedding or just live our lives without evil screwing it up?" Piper asked.

"She'll start celebrating as soon as Ben shows up." Prue replied to her.

"What if he doesn't?" Piper asked to her.

"Don't know, cause Cole isn't here as well." Paris replied to her.

"What if he can't?" Leo added.

Then they walked over to Phoebe as Prue spoke up. "Hey. Look, whatever happens, he did the right thing. He helped get Pirelli back in time to cancel the merger, he helped us stop the brotherhood."

"He proved he was good." Piper added.

"Yeah, but at what cost?" Phoebe asked them.

"I agree." Paris added.

Prue looked at her. "You can't really think of it like that."

Phoebe shrugged. "Why not? Shouldn't I get to protect one part of my life and say this magic doesn't screw with, this I get to keep."

"Yes, you should." Prue told her.

Phoebe looked at them all. "Last night Ben was back and he wanted to strip his powers, and I was graduating. Yesterday everything was perfect, and today it's all fallen apart. Where is he? What happened to him?"

"I don't know, but is doesn't feel right." Paris replied to her.

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