Chapter 38 - Sam, I Am

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Author’s note: I'm skipping  A Witch in Time.


Piper, Paris and Phoebe were watching a band play. Then they looked at Paige. “Oh.” Phoebe comment.

Piper watched the man go. “Uh, there he goes. I really thought that one was a keeper.”

Phoebe looked at her. “Why, because he was cute and funny and oh, yeah, don’t let me forget, deliciously yummy.”

“Hmm.” Paris hummed.

“That’s the second guy in a row she’s dumped.” Piper comment.

“Heh.” Paris comment confused.

Phoebe looked at them. “Uh, third, but who’s counting. So you think she has commitment issues? Or you think she’s just too picky?”

Piper sighed as Paris shrugged. “I don’t know, I’d love to speculate but I’ve gotta go.”

Phoebe looked at them. “Piper, Paris, if you haven’t noticed, the Flaming Lips are playing at your club. My... my favourite group.”

“I know and that’s why you’re not going to scare them when you go back stage, okay.” Piper told them.

“Okay.” Phoebe comment.

“Lol.” Paris snickered.

Piper looked at them. “I’ve gotta go home because I’ve gotta interview magical nannies tomorrow and I gotta prepare.”

Phoebe held her hand up. “Wait, magical nannies? You mean like Mary Poppins?”

“Oh, one can only hope, but no. Leo has arranged for us to meet supernatural creatures that have child care experience.” Piper replied to her.

Paris frowned. “Creatures?”

Piper shrugged. “It’s not like I can call a service and ask for a nanny to watch over my little Charmed One while I go off and slay slimy demons.”

“That’s a good point.” Phoebe comment. “But don’t you think it’s a little early to be looking for nannies? I mean, you’re not even showing yet, except for your boobies.”

“I’m telling you, they are large and they are definitely in charge but at least something is normal about this pregnancy. Okay, I’ll see you two.” Piper got up.

“Bye.” Paris comment.

Phoebe looked at her. “I just... Can I...” Piper leaves.

Then Paige walked over to Phoebe and Paris and sat down beside them. “Breaking up is such a downer.”

“Yep.” Paris comment sarcastically.

“Yeah, honey, well, practice makes perfect.” Phoebe looked at Paige. “Well, you know, I mean, if it’s not right, it’s not right. Why wasn’t it right?”

Paige sighed. “I don’t know, I could kinda just tell it wasn’t really going anywhere so I thought I’m gonna cut this one off at the pass before it gets messy and he likes me too much.”

“Okay, if you say so. At least you don’t have to worry about if he’s gonna attack again.” Phoebe scoffed.

Paige frowned. “Is that some sort of Ben segue?”

“Yeah, well, now that you mention him, um, he hasn’t contacted me in a while.” Phoebe replied a little nervous.

Paris looked at her. “That’s a good thing, right?”

Phoebe nodded. “Yeah, it is for me, I’m just worried about the rest of humanity, you know. Ben doesn’t just do nothing, which means he’s up to something. And now that he knows that we’re definitely not together anymore, I’m afraid that something might be evil.”


Later Piper, Phoebe, Paige, Leo and Samuel were in Manor. Phoebe leaned Samuel against the chair. “It’s okay, you’re gonna be okay.”

Then Paris shimmered in. “What happened?”

“He was attacked.” Piper replied to her.

“Oh.” Paris comment.

Paige panicked. “This can’t be happening. I can’t be losing my first charge.”

“You’re not. Everyone with Whitelighter blood, back up.” Phoebe comment. Piper, Paige and Leo took a step back.

Paige looked at Leo. “Leo, I can’t believe you didn’t tell me he was a Whitelighter.”

“Paige, just try and stay calm.” Leo told her. Phoebe broke the tip of the arrow.

Paige looked at him. “Calm? The Elders sent me to protect someone without telling me who he was.” She hissed.

“I’d say that’s a bit of an understatement.” Piper comment.

“Is there something else I should know?” Paige asked to them.

Samuel screamed as Phoebe pushed the arrow out. “Okay.”

Leo went over to Samuel and healed his wound. Then Piper looked at Paige. “Paige, go get the Book of Shadows.”

Paige frowned. “Why? We know it was a Darklighter.”

“No, there was something different about that guy. You just go get the book.” Piper told her.

“Fine.” Paige leaves.

Leo looked at Samuel. “You alright?”

“I’m still alive aren’t I?” Samuel groaned.

“Long time no see.” Piper comment to him.

Samuel looked at Piper and Phoebe. “Piper, Phoebe, how you been?”

Phoebe looked at him. “Last time we saw you, you were riding into the afterlife with our mother. What happened?”

“They made me a Whitelighter again.” Samuel replied. “And I screwed up again. I guess I never got over...”

“Losing your daughter? Yeah, that’s the one.” Piper interrupted him.

“I’ve gotta get out of here.” Samuel got up.

Leo looked at him. “Don’t. She’s your Whitelighter for a reason, the Elders are trying to help you.”

Samuel scoffed. “By reuniting me with the child they forced me to give up?”
Piper looked at him. “You knew about this supernatural Jenny Jones reunion, didn’t you?”

“I was sworn to secrecy.” Leo replied to her.

Piper huffed. “Ugh.”

“It doesn’t matter.” Samuel walked into the parlor. The others followed.

Then Phoebe spoke up. “No, hey, wait a minute. Aren’t you forgetting someone? Like that girl upstairs that’s trying to save your life.”

“She’s better off without me.” Samuel told them.

“I’m sorry to say this, but you are wrong.” Paris told him seriously.

“This isn’t right.” Phoebe added.

Samuel looked at them. “I’ll tell you what’s not right. The Elders setting me up.”

“You forced them to.” Leo told him. “When you stopped using your powers, you feel off the radar. The only way to find you was through a blood relative.”

Samuel nodded to upstairs. “I never wanted to be found. Least of all by her.”

“Don’t you think she at least deserves to know the truth?” Piper asked.

Samuel scoffed. “The truth? That her birth father, the Whitelighter, is a two-time loser and a drunk? She doesn’t need to know that.” Then he orbed out.

Just then Paige came down the stairs with the book. “Where’s Samuel?”

“He, uh, he orbed out.” Piper replied to her.

Paige blinked. “What? You just let him?”

Phoebe looked at her. “We couldn’t stop him.” Then she asked. “Did you find anything in the book?”

“No.” Paige slammed down the book.

“Well, we’re pretty sure that he’s a tracker. They’re stronger and more powerful than the Darklighters you’ve dealt with. They go after fallen Darklighters, especially those who are a step away from losing their wings.” Leo explained.

Paige frowned. “Okay, if you knew all that, why did you send me for the book?”

“Because I didn’t know that. Sorry. So we’re gonna need a vanquishing potion. Why don’t you two get started on that and Leo and I will go find Sam.” Piper told them.

Paige held her hand up. “Wait a second, he’s my charge, I’m gonna go look for him.”

“Well, he’s been orbing a lot longer than you have, you might lose him. I have a better chance of finding him than you do.” Leo told her.

Piper looked at them. “Mm-hm, here, we’re gonna go. We’re going."
Just the Leo orbed out with Piper.


Phoebe was making a potion, Paige was helping her as Paris looked on. “So you don’t know him at all?” Paige asked them.

“No, I don’t think so.” Paris replied to her

Phoebe glanced at Paige. “You know, we run into a lot of people in our line or work.”

“Hey, once again, not an answer.” Paige exclaimed.

“Can you pass me the cardamom please?” Phoebe asked. Paige did so. Phoebe sprinkled some in the potion and started humming.

Paige looked at them. “Okay, I’m just gonna take a guess now. Let’s see, maybe the Elders gave him to me because he’s a lost cause they couldn’t pawn off on anyone else.”

“Toadflax.” Phoebe ordered.

Paige handed her the toadflax. “Just tell me if I’m hot or cold.”

“Um, okay, maybe the Elders thought you would actually learn something from working with him.” Phoebe told her as Paris zoomed out of the conversation. Just then Piper and Leo orbed in. “Hey, nice job, you guys.” Phoebe told them as Paris looked at her.

Leo frowned. “What do you mean?”

“Sam’s in there talking to Paige.” Phoebe replied to him.

“Huh.” Paris comment confused.

“What?” Leo asked confused.

Piper looked at them. “That’s impossible. Sam refused to come back.”


Moments later, they rushed into the parlor. Leo spoke up. “Paige.”

“That’s not Sam.” Piper added.

Paige was confused. “What are you talking about?”

“She’s talking about this.” Samuel morphed into Ben.

“You son of a bitch.” Paige hissed at him.

Ben smirked. “Wait, it gets better. Ronan!”

Ronan the Darklighter appeared with his crossbow. Piper tried to blow him up but nothing happened. “What happened?”

“He’s immune.” Ben replied.

“Not to this.” Phoebe throws the potion at Ronan but nothing happened. Ronan pointed his crossbow at them.

“Uh-oh.” Paige comment.

Ronan shot his crossbow and the arrow splits into three. An arrow hits Paige in the stomach, another hitting Leo’s arm and when the third hit Piper’s stomach, a blue force field appeared and the arrow crumbles to the ground. Paige and Leo fell to the floor. “Ooh. Let’s go.” Ben comment as then they disappeared.


The arrows had been pulled out of Paige and Leo. Leo was lying on the floor with his head propped up on a pillow. Piper was kneeling beside him tying a cloth around his arm. Paige was lying on a chair while Phoebe dabbed her wound with a towel. Paris came in with another bowl of water. Paige groaned. “You can’t stop the bleeding, can you?”

“Shh, just try and rest.” Phoebe replied. Piper walked over to Phoebe and Paige. “How’s Leo doing?” Paris walked towards them.

Piper sighed. “He’s been better.”

“I can’t believe Ben would go this far.” Phoebe complained.

Piper sighed. “Yeah, and why now? What’s the occasion?”

“Because he’s pure evil.” Phoebe replied.

“Hmmm.” Paris hummed.

Piper nodded. “Yeah, but it’s just not smart. And good or evil, Ben is usually smart.”

“Well, he’s obviously lost his mind. I mean, he killed two people yesterday, in public.” Phoebe told them.

“Yeah...” Paris trailed off.

Paige looked at them. “I’ve been thinking about the vanquishing potion. Maybe if you mix three different ones...”

Phoebe shook her head. “No, you’re gonna be able to make the vanquishing potion, just as soon as we figure out a way to heal you.”

“We’ve gotta find Sam. He’s our only chance.” Piper told them.

“Then I’m screwed.” Paige comment sarcastically.

“Hey.” Paris comment disappointed.
Phoebe had a scolding look. “Don’t think like that.”

Paige sighed heavily. “Why? Sam bails, that’s what he does. This time it won’t be any different.”

“It’s different because now you’re the one that’s hurt. So you gotta find him and I will go get him and bring him back here and Phoebe and Paris will stay with you and Leo.” Piper told them.

“You can’t go alone.” Phoebe argued.

Piper shrugged. “No, I’m not alone. Apparently the baby here prefers mummy to be indestructible.”

“That’s a good point, you go.” Phoebe comment.

Piper looked at Paige. “It’s up to you, you’ve gotta sense him. Concentrate.” Paige closed her eyes and ahe found him.


Paige was shaking. Phoebe covered her with a blanket. Paris patted her head. “He’ll be here soon. He will, just hang on.” Sam orbed in with Piper. He saw Paige and rushed to her side. He held his hands above Paige but nothing happened. “What’s the problem?”

“What?” Paris asked confused.

Samuel sighed. “I can’t.”

“What?” Piper frowned. “Try again.”

Samuel shook with his head. “It’s no use. This is my punishment.”

Piper had a scolding look. “No, you will not sit there and drown in self-pity while Paige and my husband die.”

“Don’t you think I wanna save them? For god’s sake, this is my daughter.” Samuel complained.

“You can’t heal her because you gave up.” Phoebe comment.

Samuel looked at them. “Everything I touch I hurt. All I wanted was a life for her free from magic and demons.”

“No, it was not. Paige saved us. She is the reason I am still standing here, she brought this family back together.” Piper told them.

Phoebe smiled. “She has done so much good. All the pain and anger you’ve been hanging on for so many years, you’ve got to let it go. It’s time to let it go.”

“Paige, I am so sorry.” Samuel comment.

“It’s okay.” Paige touched Sam and a blue orbing light surrounded him. The light vanished to reveal a clean, shaven Samuel.

Samuel looked at them. “What happened?”

“I think you just healed yourself. Now Paige.” Phoebe told him, smiling.

Samuel held his hands above Paige and healed her. Paige looked at him. “Thank you.”

“Okay, thanks later. Leo now.” Piper urged. Samuel walked over to Leo and healed him.

Leo sat up. “Piper, are you okay? The baby.”

Piper smiled. “Oh, she’s fine. I don’t think we have to worry about her at all. I’ll explain later.”

“I’m gonna go get started on those potions. We have a Ben to vanquish.” Phoebe told them seriously.


Later in the Attic. Piper, Phoebe, Paris and Paige stood around a table. Four different coloured potions sat on the table. Piper looked at them. “So you think this is gonna work?”

Paige nodded. “These are at least as strong as the one we used on the Source, so yeah, I think.”

“Alrighty.” Paris comment.

Phoebe looked at them. “But you can’t be sure?”

“I can’t be sure of anything until I try it.” Paige replied.

Phoebe sighed. “That’s not good enough.”

“Phoebe.” Piper scolded her.

“I want him dead. I want this over with. And if this doesn’t work, we may not get a second chance.” Phoebe told them.

“Got it, kill him, dead.” Piper comment.

“I heard.” Paris comment sarcastically.

Phoebe looked at them. “Dead.”

“I have a thought.” Paige carried the letter opener with Ben’s blood on it to the centre of the room. “No other potion has been able to destroy this since Ben’s blood has been protecting it but if these potions are as strong as I think they are, then a little will go a long way.” Paige, Piper and Phoebe filled a little four bottles with each of the different coloured potions. They each took one and stood near the letter opener.

“On three?” Piper asked them.

“No. Me, then you, then Phoebe, then Paris.” Paige throws her bottle of potion at the letter opener. It sizzled. Piper throws her bottle at the letter opener and it makes a small explosion. Phoebe throws her bottle and the letter opener makes a large explosion, then Paris throws her bottle and leaves nothing but a hole in the rug.

Piper looked at Phoebe. “Sure you wanna do this?”

Phoebe looked back. “How can you even ask me that question?”


Ben placed the letter next to a photo of him and Phoebe. Piper, Paris, Phoebe, and Paige orbed in. Phoebe looked at him. “Stand up. I said stand up!”

Ben took off his wedding ring and placed it on the table. He stood up and faced the girls. “Come to vanquish me, have you?”

Piper looked at him. “Where’s your hit man?”

“Oh, you know those Darklighters, they’re just so difficult to work with. Can’t even kill a lousy Whitelighter, let alone you.” Ben replied to her.

Phoebe looked at him. “But you could have.”

“You bastard.” Paige throws her potion at Ben’s feet. Paris did as well.

Piper throws her potion at his feet. “Phoebe, come on.”

“I know what you’re doing.” Phoebe comment, looking at him.

Paige frowned. “Phoebe, throw the potion.”

“You never really wanted to kill us, did you?” Phoebe asked them.

Paige and Paris were confused. “What are you talking about?”

Phoebe looked at them, but more at Paige. “He could’ve killed you back at the manor, he had you alone. But you needed all of us to survive for your plan to work, including Sam.”

“Phoebe, have you lost your mind?” Piper asked her.

Phoebe looked at them. “No, you said it yourself. It wasn’t a smart plan. Unless you didn’t really want to kill us. You wanted us to be so blinded by hate that we couldn’t see what you were really up to.”

Ben looked at them all. “Well, it’s the only way out for me. And you want it too, so...”

“Yeah, but on our terms, not yours. We won’t help you commit suicide.” Phoebe comment.

“You already have.” Ben telekinetically pulled the potion out of Phoebe’s hand and it landed at his feet. It caused a massive explosion, sending the girls to the floor. The windows and doors smash. Then the girls got up.

“Oh my god!” Phoebe exclaimed. The smoke cleared and Ben stood there, breathing heavily.

Paige blinked. “I don’t understand, that should’ve worked.”

“What the hell?” Paris exclaimed.

Piper was confused. “Why didn’t it?”

“They knew it wouldn’t work.” Ben replied.

Phoebe looked at him. “Who knew? What are you talking about?”

“You can’t vanquish me. Nobody can.” Ben replied to her.

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