Chapter 47 - Hades

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Paris looked at Prue. “So, will you stick around?”

Prue nodded. “Yeah, until the problem is solved.”

“Why would someone helping Hades of all people?” Paige asked confused.

Prue looked at her. “That’s what we need to find out.”

Then Piper looked at Leo. “Could you ask the Elders?”

“Yeah.” Leo nodded as then he orbed away.

Then Paris spoke up. “I'm going to talk to Mr. Gold.”

“I'm coming with you.” Cole suggested, he had Samuel in his arms.

Paris nodded. “Yeah.”


Paris and Cole walked over to Mr. Gold. “Hey.” She greeted him.

“Bae is staying only for his son.” Mr. Gold told them. “Henry’s my grandson.”

“Maybe he will come around and talk to you.” Paris told him.

“I don’t think so.” Mr. Gold disagreed.

Paris sighed. “Maybe. But we have another problem and that is that someone is helping Hades with the dead people and we don’t know why?”

“Hades?” Mr. Gold asked as they nodded. “Dearies, he is powerful. Only an equal can defect him.”

“Or five sisters.” Cole suggested.

“Maybe.” Mr. Gold comment.

Paris groaned. “Great.” Then she looked at Mr. Gold. “Do you know something about him?”

“Yes.” Mr. Gold nodded. “King of the underworld. God of the dead and riches.”

“Great.” Paris groaned. “So who do we need to stop this idiot or Hades?”

“If Hades isn’t here, then I suggest you the him/her and stop them.” Mr. Gold replied to her.

“We will.” Paris comment seriously. “And good luck with your son and Belle.” Then she pulled out a paper. “Here my number and from Cole if you need anything.”

Mr. Gold grabbed it. “Thank you. And best of luck with you too.”

“Thanks.” Paris smiled as then she and Cole walked back to the others.


By the time they arrived there David and Mary Margaret were gone and only the sisters were there still there. “So what are gonna do?” Paige asked.

“I think we can go home and scry for the person there.” Piper replied.

Paris nodded. “I agree to that.”

“And i will look into the Book of Shadows and find more information about this Hades.” Phoebe added.

“But we need to go home first.” Paris comment.


Hours later, after they got home. They went to work as they had said. Cole looked after the children as then Leo orbed in. The sisters looked at him. “Well, I found her. Jane Constantine. She lost the love of her love and is determined to get him back.”

Paris blinked. “The Elders told you that?”

“Yes.” Leo nodded. “If she succeed, Hades gets out of the Underworld and hell brakes lose.”

“Well, we don’t want that.” Prue comment.

“We really don’t.” Piper added.

“Then we need to convince her not to do it.” Paris told them.

“Then you can try first.” Piper told her.

Paris looked at her. “Why me?”

“So that we can prepare potions and a spell just in case.” Piper replied to her.

Paris nodded. “Okay.”


Paris shimmered in front of a door and she knocked on it. Then a woman open it. “Hello.”

“Hello.” Paris greeted her back. “Are you Jane Constantine?”

“Yes.” She nodded. “Why are you asking?”

Paris looked at her. “Ever heard from Hades?”

Jane opened the door wider. “Come in.” Then Paris walked in as Jane closed the door. “Why are you asking about Hades? What do you know and how do you know me?”

“You wouldn’t believe me if I told you.” Paris replied to her.

Jane looked at her. “Try me.”

Paris took a deep breath and told her everything. After that she said. “So that’s about it.”

“I’m not going to stop.” Jane told her.  “I will bring him back so he can bring George back.”

Paris looked at her. “You can’t bring someone back from the dead.”

“Hades can.” Jane told her seriously.

“He will betray you.” Paris was serious. “If you bring him into the land of the living. He will betray you.”

Jane looked at her in disbelief. “I don’t belief you.”

Paris walked towards her. “Then we are all doomed. So I warn you, don’t do it.”

“Get out of my house!” Jane shouted at her.

“Fine, but don’t say i didn’t warn you.” Paris comment seriously as then she shimmered out.


Paris shimmered in the kitchen where Piper asked her. “How did it go?”

“Not good.” Paris sighed. “She goes through her plan.”

Piper sighed as well. “Well, good thing we have our spell and potions then.”

“Yeah.” Paris nodded. “We do.”

Just then the others came into the kitchen. Prue looked at Paris. “How did it go?”

“Bad.” Paris replied to her.

“She is doing the spell.” Piper added.

“She is going to bring Hades into our world.” Paris comment seriously. “To bring back her dead friend/boyfriend George.”

“She can’t do that.” Paige exclaimed.

“You can’t bring someone back from the dead. You would be a ghost.” Phoebe added.

Prue nodded. “Like me.”

“Yeah, like you.” Paris comment.

Piper clapped in her hands. “So what are we going do to now?”

“Well, you said. You have the spell and the potions.” Paris replied to her.

“Yeah, I know. I hope its powerful enough.” Piper told her seriously.

“Let’s hope so.” Phoebe comment.

Just then the sky turned dark as then the girls shivered from the cold. Jane had done it. She brought Hades into their world.


Surprisely Hades didn’t keep his word, he unleased chaos into the world. The dead were walking again. If Jane had listened to Paris, it wouldn’t happened. The sisters looked at each other and they looked in shock. “Oh no.”

“Well, now we find him and bring him back where he belongs.” Prue told them.

“But first we find him.” Paris comment seriously.

“And then we give him hell.” Phoebe added.

“Let’s find him.” Piper told them.


They found him in the woods, near by a well. Hades smirked at the sisters. “Well, well what do we have here?”
The five sisters looked at him. Then Paige spoke up. “You worst nightmare.”

Hades laughed. “We will see about that.” He attacked them.

Then the sisters dodged the attack and throw the potions to him. Then they said the spell, minus Prue. But it didn’t work. “What the hell?!” Paige exclaimed.

“It should have worked.” Piper complained.

“Well, it didn’t.” Phoebe comment sarcastically.

“What do we do now?” Paige asked worried.

Then Hades attacked again. “How about die?” He asked sarcastically.

“We do it together.” Prue replied to them. “Combining our powers, it should kill him.”

“Boom.” Paris muttered. Then she spoke louder. “You can use powers?”

“Yes, I can.” Prue replied to her.

Then Piper spoke up. “Well we need to do it fast.”

“Okay.” Phoebe comment as then they were holding hands.

They spoke together. “I call forth from time and space. Women from the Warren line, Mothers, daughters, sisters, friends, Our family’s spirit without end, To gather now in this sacred place. To help bring this demon to disgrace.” Then they used their powers together as then Hades screamed loudly and clearly in pain, then he vanished out of their world and back into the Underworld. Chaos stopped and peace returned to the world.


Everyone had wine or a beer in hand, they had won and the Demons were quiet or adjusting. The prophesy was fulfilled and peace were forming everywhere under the supernatural community. “We finally did it.” Phoebe comment happily.

“Yeah, we did it.” Paige added.

“Finally some peace and quiet.” Piper comment.

“But what about Jane, what would happen to her?” Paige asked to them.

“She will have to mourn.” Paris replied to her. “But she will live.”

Prue looked at them. “You are right, but it’s time for to go back.”

“So soon?” Piper asked sad.

“Yeah, I’m sorry.” Prue replied to her.  “But I have to.” Then she disappeared from there.

“We love you.” The sisters called after her as then they heard a faint whisper. ‘I love you too.’


Author's note: Chapter 47 done and epilogue comes next.

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