Chapter 45 - Believing

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Emma stormed into the hotel room. “I touched Henry so many times, but know I saw images from... from my parents and al of other people.”

“Then you know its real?” Paris asked to her.

Emma nodded. “Yes, everything.”

“About time.” Cole comment sarcastically.

Emma frowned. “Whaa..?”

“Don't mind him.” Paris replied to her. “So what are going to do?”

“I don’t know, I need help.” Emma replied, admitting.

“Then we need Rumpelstiltskin, but you know him as Mr. Gold.” Paris told her.

“Oh.” Emma comment shocked.


They walked into Mr. Gold’s Pawnshop. Mr. Gold looked at Emma. “Do my eyes deceive or is that the eyes of a believer.”

“Yes, she is.” Paris comment happily.

“About time, isn’t?” Cole asked.

“Yes.” Mr. Gold replied.

“So how do we break the curse?” Emma asked.

“With true loves kiss.” Mr. Gold replied to her. “But it has to be you. You need to kiss someone that you truly love.”

“Henry.” Emma replied, blinking.

Then Mr. Gold looked at Paris. “Time to use our deal. You are going to retrieve a magic bottle.”

“Where can I find it?” Paris asked to him.

“In the basement from library, which is closed.” Mr. Gold replied to her.

Paris narrowed her eyes. “I’m not stupid. What's down there?”

“A dragon.” Mr. Gold replied. “By the name of maleficent.” Then he grabbed a sword. “You will need this to kill her.”

Paris nodded. “Understandable.”

“What about Regina?” Emma asked worried.

“She will not noticed.” Cole replied to her. “She’s to busy with other things.” He smirked.

Emma nodded. “Okay.”


Later the elevator was carrying Paris arrived at the bottom of the shaft. She found herself in a cavern. Paris started to walk through, when she came across Snow White’s broken glass coffin. The wall behind her turned out to not be a wall, but instead Maleficent in her dragon form. The dragon awakened. “Great.” Paris muttered.

The dragon attacked and Emma, again, attempted to shoot it with a fire ball. Seeing that didn’t work, she saw the sword on the ground near her. She rushed over to pick it up. “Hey!” Paris called.

When the dragon turned to her, she throws the sword towards the dragon’s belly. The dragon disintegrated into pieces ash, with the egg container resting neatly on top of the pile. Paris picked it up and made her way over elevator and went up. Then she shimmered into the Pawnshop. “I have it.”

Mr. Gold looked at the egg. “Ahh.”

Paris gave it to him. “So our deal is done?”

“Yes.” Mr. Gold nodded. “Time to bring back the magic.” He opened the egg and took bottle. “It’s true love.”

“I have never seen it.” Paris comment.

Mr. Gold snored. “Of course not, your world is different from mine.”

“Yes, but still... I have our own version of fairy tales. But never seen that.” Paris told him seriously.

“It’s interesting.” Mr. Gold comment.

“What is?” Paris asked confused.

“Your own version of fairy tales.” Mr. Gold replied.

Paris sighed. “We have dealt with the evil Queen before.”

“So you know what to do?” Mr. Gold asked.

“I guess so.” Paris nodded. “So, why don’t bring the magic back? I’m going to look for Emma.”

“Good idea.” Mr. Gold replied.


Paris found Emma with Henry. She said something as then she kissed him on the forehead. Then the curse was broken as a rainbow washed over them. Then Paris rushed over to them. “Emma, you did it.”

“Yeah, I did.” Emma comment smiling.

Henry jumped. “She did it, she broke the curse.”

Just then people walked outside shouting and laughing. Then Mary Margaret and David walked towards them. “You found us.”

David joined in on the hug. Henry had also arrived with Emma. “Grandpa?”

“Yeah, kid. I suppose so.” David grinned. More hugging.

Henry smiled. “She did it. She saved you.”

“She saved all of us.” Mary Margaret said to them.

Emma blinked. “I… Well…”

Suddenly purple haze washed over them. “What is that?” David asked to them.

“Magic.” Paris replied to him.

“Why is it here?” David asked confused.

“I think you should ask that Mr. Gold.” Paris replied as then Cole came with their son. “Rumpelstiltskin as he calls himself in the Enchanted Forest.”

“Why would he do that?” Mary Margaret asked confused.

“That’s his problem.” Paris replied.

Just then a car pulled up, it were her sisters and the men. Piper came first out. “Well, we found him and took him with us.”

Paris looked amused. “And how did you do that?” As the others looked confused.

“Maybe knocking him out.” Phoebe replied as then she got out of the car.

“Oh, well he’s cute.” Paige added.

“Of course you think that.” Paris rolled with her eyes. “He’s the son of the bloody dark one.”

Paige shrugged. “I’m single.”

“Yes and?” Piper asked this time.

“I can look at every guy I want.” Paige replied, shrugging.

Just then Mary Margaret spoke up. “Excuse me, but what is going on?”

“Oh they found the son of the dark one aka Rumpelstiltskin.” Paris replied to her. “You know, Mr. Gold.”

Emma nodded. “He’s with you then?”

“Yes, in the car. Knocked out.” Phoebe replied to her.

“Why?” Emma asked confused.

Phoebe shrugged. “He didn’t want to reason.”

“I can imagine.” Emma snored. “So, you are the sisters of Paris?”

“Yes.” They replied on the same time.

“How many do you have?” Emma exclaimed.

“Four, we lost one.” Paris replied. “Our oldest sister Prue.”

“I’m sorry.” Emma told her.

They all nodded. “Thanks.”

Just the man groaned awake. “What the hell?!” He exclaimed.

“Oh, look! He’s awake.” Paris comment.

“Who are you people?” The man asked confused as he stepped out of the car.

“Neal?!” Emma exclaimed.

“You know him?” Paris asked. “Fantastic, then you can explain everything while I find Mr. Gold.” Then she shimmered away.


Paris had a pit stop as then she turned up to Regina’s home. She knocked on the door. Regina opened it. “What the hell are you doing here?”

“Oh, I don’t know.” Then Paris turned Regina into cat. “Don’t worry, its only temporary.”

Regina the cat hissed at her and ran off.


Author’s note: As you all have noticed, is this story AU from the series Charmed and OUAT and all otehr crossovers that are in the story. So i wanted to say that, i won't be doing season 6,7 and 8 of Charmed and i won't to the other seasons of OUAT. This is different from the rest abd so there will be maybe 3 chapters left! One with OUAT and the other two with something else to close this book.

But i won't tell, cause it will spoil the funn! I hope it wil be good for everyone.

See you in the next chapter!


Mandy van Oost aka Littlesimmer2

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