Chapter 4 - Just Harried, part 3

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Victor laid Prue on the couch as Leo, Paris and Phoebe walked in. "I've never seen Piper so defeated." Phoebe sighed as Leo sat on the other couch. "Prue, come on, wake up. Prue, come on." She tried to wake up her sister.

"Honey, you won't get her back that way. Apart of Prue wanted to escape and it used her astral self to do it." Patty told her as Phoebe looked at her mother.

"Urgh." Paris groaned a little.

"If the wedding's off, I have to go. I'm only here to conduct the ceremony. I'm sorry." Grams disappeared.

Victor looked at them. "Maybe Piper's right. Maybe the wedding just wasn't meant to be."

"Victor." Patty scolded him.

"All I'm saying is maybe the gods are just trying to spare them the pain that we went through." Victor continued.

"No." Leo shook with his head. "All I need is what's inside of me to know that Piper and I are meant to be together." Then, he stood up. "What happened here today..."

"Piper and Leo's love have touched us all. We have to fix this." Phoebe interrupted him.

"I agree." Paris sighed.

Just then, Darryl's pager beeps. "I gotta go fend of the parse."

Victor looked at him. "What parse?" He asked.

"Prue's wanted for murder. I'll stay in touch by cell phone." Darryl leaves.

Patty looked in shock. "Murder?"

Then, Leo looked Phoebe and Paris. "You knew about this?"

"Just when Morris told me and her." Paris replied to him.

"I just found out when Morris told Prue." Phoebe added. "But it's obviously a mistake. I mean, Prue wouldn't murder anybody."

Ben looked at her. "You sure? I mean, Prue's astral form seems to have taken a life of its own. How do you know she didn't do it?"

"Because I know her." Phoebe replied to him.

"Oh, yeah." Cole comment.

Phoebe sighed. "At least I think I do."

"Well, I don't her very well, but she wouldn't just kill someone." Paris told them.

"Well..." Cole told her.

"Oh, shut it." Paris glared at him.

Just then, Leo looked at them. "Alright, alright, you guys find Piper, bring her back here somehow." He told to Victor and Patty. Then he looked at Phoebe and Paris. "Phoebe, Paris, Book of Shadows, see if there's a spell to bring astral Prue back." Then he looked at the twins. "Cole, Ben, you two and me are gonna do a little investigating of our own. Alright, come on you guys. We've got a wedding to save."


Phoebe had grabbed the Book of Shadows as then she and Paris were there flipping through it. Phoebe found a spell first. "Gotcha."

Then Paris looked at it to. "Nice."

Then they said the spell as then Prue astral projected in. "No, I will not let you take me!"

Prue looked around as Phoebe slammed the Book of Shadows shut. "Nice spell, huh?"

"How dare you." Prue replied to her.

Phoebe stood op. "How dare you. You destroyed Piper's wedding along with Piper. Now, Prue, I don't know what's going on with you but you have got to pull yourself together."

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