Chapter 37 - Strangers that are not strangers

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Author’s note: This is part 2 from my 2 parter cross over with my stories Happily ever after and Magical Demon. If you didn’t read the first one I suggest you read it and then come here.


A fee hours later, Piper calmed down from all that was happening. Phoebe had helped her to calm down. Paige  was down to earth. And Paris was still helping Marley and Damon. Marley looked at Paris. “So you what do you do, if you and your sisters are after demons?”

“We figure what demon it is and then we vanquish him/her.” Paris replied to her.

“Kind of what I did.” Marley comment.

“So, you told us.” Paris told her. “If you are lucky you can see how we do it.”

Marley looked at her. “Maybe.”

Then Damon was pacing around. “Can we hurry up?”

“Damon!” Marley scolded him. “You know that, this can take a while.”

“Hmm.” Damon huffed.

Then Marley looked at Paris. “I’m sorry about him.”

“It’s okay.” Paris comment. “How about we take break and out for food and drinks?”

Marley nodded. “Yeah.” Then she looked at Damon. “You coming?”

“No, but i will hang around outside.” Damon replied to her.

“Okay.” Marley comment.

Paris looked at her. “Shall we?”

“Yes, lead the way.” Marley replied as then they walked out.


They walked towards the P3 as then Paris’s father walked towards them, what Marley didn’t know. Marley frowned at the man as then Paris spoke up. “Father, what are you doing here?”

Marley looked at her in disbelief. “Father?”

Raoul looked at her. “Yes, i’m her father. And you are?”

“Marley Miller.” Marley replied to him. “And you are like Paris?”

“Yes.” Raoul replied as then he looked at Paris. “I’m here, because i felt a shift in universe for some reason. I would like to think that the other demons felt it too. So what ever happened has to go.” Then he asked to his daughter. “Do you know what happened?”

Paris glanced at Marley. “Yeah, she and her fiancé came through a portal.”

Raoul put his hands behind his back. “Ah, how did that happen?”

“I don’t know.” Marley replied to him sad.

Then Raoul looked at Paris. “Have you planned to bring them back?”

“We would want to, but I don’t know how and the others are hesitant around Marley.” Paris replied to him.

Marley sighed. “Is it a good idea to talk here?”

“Maybe not.” Raoul grabbed the girl as then they shimmered away.


They shimmered in his hotel room. Marley glared at him. “A warning next time would be nice!”

Raoul smirked. “Sorry, not sorry.”

“Dad!” Paris exclaimed.

Raoul looked at them. “Now, what were we talking about?”

“About Marley and my sisters.” Paris replied to him.

“Ah, yes. Why are they hesitant around her?” Raoul asked to them.

“Because she has demon blood as he called it.” Paris replied, glancing at Marley.

“I’m what you call a Shadowhunter/ Warlock hybrid or tribrid if you add my human side.” Marley told them, seriously. More to Paris’s father.

“Hmm. Yes, the witches beside my daughter are indeed hesitant about demons.” Raoul nodded. “They vanquish demons, who attack them or protect innocents.”

“Yeah, I have understood that from what I heard.” Marley comment. “But you said other demons were coming...?”

Raoul nodded. “Yes, i did.”

“Could they already be here?” Marley asked worried.

“It could be, yes.” Raoul replied.

Then Paris spoke up. “Then we need to hurry.” Then she look at Marley. “We need to get you and Damon home.”

“Yes, but how?” Marley pressed.

Raoul looked at them. “I think they same way you came here.” Then he looked at Paris. “I think that’s why you can’t find anything in the book.”

“Oh.” Paris comment.

“Great, so I just open a portal and go through and we are home.” Marley comment sarcastically.

Raoul nodded. “Yes, that’s my theory.”

“Okay.” Marley nodded as then she looked at Paris. “Then we should go to others and tell them.” Then she looked back. “Thank you, I hope you are right with you theory.”

Raoul gave her a nod. “I hope so too for all our sakes.”


Back at the Manor, they had explained what Raoul had told them, even Cole was there as well. “So, if I understand, there are demons are you and you need to open the portal and you two can go home and we need to stop those demons.” Piper told them. “Am I right?”

“Yes, that’s correct.” Marley replied,  nodding.

“Okay.” Piper comment.

“Oh that will be a piece of cake.” Phoebe added.

Paris had a small smile. “With four of us and other demons, plus a whitelighter. They will be vanquished.”

Paige laughed. “Yep.”

Then Paris looked at Marley and Damon. “You will get home, go open the portal, we will hold back the demons.”

“Thank you.” Marley thanked her.

“Don’t thank me just yet, just go home.” Paris told her seriously.
Marley nodded and glanced at Damon. “Time to go, hun?”

“Yes, babe.” Damon nodded.

Then Marley opened the portal and as predicted demons came through the door and wanted to attack her but the sisters held them back. Then Paris called. “Go home now!”

“You don’t have to tell me twice!” Marley called back as then she grabbed Damon’s hand and they went through the portal as it closed behind them.

“Thank god!” Piper called.

“I think they are home.” Paris comment.

Then they vanquished the last demon. “That was fun.” Paige comment.

“But not everyday!” Piper exclaimed.

“Agreed.” Phoebe added.

“Hehe.” Paris comment, happy that the demons are gone. Mad demons they were.

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