Chapter 24 - Marry-Go-Round

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Paris and Cole were in their home. They were talking about Ben. Cole looked at Paris. “I have seen that Ben has changed.”

Paris looked at him. “How so? I know my father warned about him.”

“Yes.” Cole nodded. “He looks different?” He looked at her. “Has you used your power on him?”

“No, not yet.” Paris shook with het head. “But I will, when I see him. And anyway, I made an appointment to see how far along I am.”

Cole smiled. “And I can come with you?”

“Well duh, you are the father.” Paris replied.

“Yes.” Cole rubbed the back of his neck. “And I found work.”

“Where?” Paris asked.

Cole looked at her. “Where no one would recognise me.” He replied. “Another lawyer agency.”

“Oh?” Paris asked.

“Yes.” Cole nodded. “And it’s by a small police station.”

“Not by Darryl?” Paris asked.

“No.” Cole replied. “It’s not a problem, is it?”

“No.” Paris shook with her head. “I have one question though, we can stay here?”

“Yes.” Cole nodded.

Paris smiled. “Good.”


Paris and Cole were by the appointment and the midwife looked on the screen. “This is your baby.” She pointed.

“Wow.” Paris comment.

“And you are about 7 weeks.” The midwife told her.

Paris looked at Cole. “Our little bean.”

“Yeah.” Cole nodded, still looking at the screen.

“When do we know if its a girl or boy?” Paris asked.

“When you are 20 weeks.” The midwife replied.

“That’s still 13 weeks to go.” Cole comment.

“Yes, but the first 3 months is crucial.” The midwife told them. “After that its less.”

“Thank you for the information.” Paris told her.

“You need to eat healthy and eat balanced.” The midwife told her.

Paris nodded. “I will.”

“I will make sure she does.” Cole added.

“Good.” The midwife nodded. Then, she told more information about the baby and sickens and stuff.


When they arrived hone, Cole looked at Paris. “Are you going to tell your sisters?”

“Well, after the wedding of Phoebe and Ben.” Paris replied to him. “Oh, we still need to go to the rehearsal dinner.”

“Yes.” Cole nodded. “But, I’m not in the mood for that.”

Paris smiled. “I understand.” Then, she came over to him.

Cole put his on her still flat stomach. “This is where my head is.”

Paris was still smiling. “Me too.”


In the Manor. Everybody was in the Living room  and they were sitting around the table, including Darryl and Victor, having the rehearsal dinner. They were all giggling. Piper spoke. “...And what about Phoebe, who was speed walking down the aisle.”

Phoebe laughed. “I was not.”

“You left your dad.” Ben comment as the others laughed. “Okay, attention.” Then, he tapped his glass with a knife and stood up. “I have something for my groomsmen, three fine gentlemen who I chose to stand by me on the most important day of my life, because well, they're the only ones I know.”

Leo looked at him. “Wow, you have to admire his honesty.”

Ben picked up three gift bags and handed them to Darryl, Cole and Leo. “Here you go.”

“Thanks.” Leo thanked him.

They looked in them. Cole made a face. “Uh...”

“Wow, cool, engraved golf balls. Titleist Pro V ones. Thanks, man.” Darryl comment.

“I don't golf.” Leo added.

“Hey, I'll take them.” Victor told him.

Leo protested. “They've got my name on it.”

Victor took them from Leo. “So?”

“And for my three beautiful bridesmaids whom I chose because they're my three best friends in the whole wide world.” Phoebe told to the girls. She handed them a gift basket.

“Aww, Phoebe.” Paige awed.

“There's a bonsai tree for balance and harmony and a dream catcher so that all your dreams will come true, just like mine have.” Phoebe comment.

Paige smiled. “This is so great, tarot cards. My deck is totally trashed this is perfect.”

“Yeah, that's just in case you need psychic services while me and my new husband are busy getting busy.” Phoebe nodded as then the phone rang. “Oh, I hope that's the photographer.”

Darryl looked at Leo. “Hey, Leo, I got an extra stogie, you wanna join me?”

“I don't smoke.” Leo replied.

“I'll take that.” Victor added.

“But I do eat chocolate.” Leo comment as then they stood up.

Cole whispered to Paris. “If there is something wrong, don’t hesitate to go to me.” Paris nodded.

Piper looked at Leo. “Leo, no, wait, wait, wait. No, Leo, we need to wait for everybody else.” They leave the room.

“Let's see what future has in store for Ben and Phoebe.” Paige flipped over the Lovers card. “Oh.” Then, she flipped over the Despair card, then the Death card. “Oh, no.” She looked over at Phoebe.

Paris frowned. “Huh.”

“You don't really believe that stuff do you?” Ben asked.

“Oh, I am so sorry. There's just so many details. You know, I practically bit Paige's head off today at the church because she didn't pick up my dress on time.” Phoebe replied.

“Which is now in the attic. Yay.” Paige comment.

“Excuse me, I'll be right back.” Ben leaves the room.

Piper came back in with a plate of food. “So what did the cards say?”

“Oh, nothing.” Paige replied.

Paris saw the plate of food. “Oh.” She went nauseous. “What’s that?”

“A little of everything.” Piper replied, frowning. “Is there something wring?”

“I have the stomach flu, so some food smell like shit to me.” Paris replied, with a disgusted face. Paige face palmed.

“Really? You never told us.” Piper asked.

“It’s no harm done, besides , it will over in a few days.” Paris replied. “I hope.” (Yeah, over 9 months. Whoops side joke.)

Piper looked at Paige. “Try the cards again, see what comes up.”

Just then, Ben walked in. Paige glanced at him. “Oh, uh, maybe later.”

“So, I don't mean to spoil anybody's fun but I should be going.” Ben comment.

The men were in the room again. Leo looked at him. “Going where?”

“Hotel.” Ben replied. Phoebe hugged him. “Not supposed to stay in the same house as my bride the night before the wedding, right? But Phoebe has the number in case of emergency.”

“Goodnight.” Piper comment.

“See you later.” Leo added. Phoebe and Ben headed for the door.

Paris looked tired as Cole noticed that. “Honey, we should be going as well.”

“Hmm.” Paris hummed. “Yes, we should.”

“I thought you stayed, Paris.” Paige comment.

“Me very tired, so I want to go to my own bed.” Paris stood up as Cole helped her and they shimmered home.

Paige looked after the spot they just stood. “That’s not a normal stomach flu.”

“No, its not.” Piper agreed.


Paris was fast asleep as then later they got a call, that her sisters where attacked by a demon. Paris not bordered to change, she had still her pyjamas on as Cole grabbed a jacket and put it over her. Then, they shimmered to them and was greeted in the Attic. Piper was looking through the Book of Shadows while Paige was sewing Phoebe's dress. Leo orbed in with Ben. Ben looked at Phoebe. “Are you hurt?”

Phoebe nodded. “Baby, you're not supposed to be here.”

“Leo said it was an urgent call, I was worried.” Ben told her.

“Thanks. I'm fine.” Phoebe comment. They hugged. “No demon is gonna stop me from marrying you tomorrow. Now my sister's another story.”

“I said I was sorry.” Paige comment.

Paris went over to her. “What happened?”

“I don’t know. I picked the right dress as the all of sudden, there was another in the Attic.” Paige sighed.

“That’s strange, but I believe you.” Paris told her. “There is something weird going on.” Paige nodded.

Leo looked at Piper. “What kind of demon attacked you?”

“This one.” Piper pointed in the book. “A Lazerus demon.”

Cole frowned. “A Lazerus demon, you sure?” He went closer to Paris.

Piper read from Book of Shadows. “’Rare, high level demons, with telekinetic powers’. Yep, that's the bad boy we popped.”

“Has it resurrected yet?” Ben asked.

Piper frowned. “Resurrected?”

Just then, the Lazerus demon resurrected. “That’s right on time, eh.” Paris comment, frowning.

“Behind you!” Paige shouted. The demon usef his telekinetic powers and throws Piper and Leo across the room. “Sofa!” The sofa orbed out and orbed back in to where Piper landed.

“No!” Ben shouted. The demon used his power and the chandelier above Phoebe dropped on her head.

“Piper blow him up!” Paige shouted. The demon smoked out.

“That was wonky.” Paris comment.

Cole shook his head. “Honey, not know.”

“Heh.” Paris comment, then she looked at Phoebe. “Oh... Sorry, but I’m still sleepy.”

“Leo.” Piper called.

Leo rushed over to Phoebe and healed her. She groaned. Leo and Ben help her up. “Are you okay?” Ben asked.

Phoebe nodded. “I think so, yeah.”

“Uh, he's gonna be back. The book says that Lazerus demons get stronger the longer they are out of cemetery ground.” Piper comment.

“Urgh.” Paris muttered.

“Cemetery ground?” Paige asked.
“It's the only way to keep them from resurrecting. You bury them.” Ben replied.

“So that means someone intentionally dug them up, to attack us, the night before my wedding.” Phoebe added.

Leo looked at them. “The question is who, and why?”

“We will find out.” Paris replied.

Just then, Paige spoke up. “I know why. To stop the wedding. I did two tarot readings, Phoebe, they both said that marrying Ben would only cause death and despair.”

“Lovely.” Cole muttered.

Phoebe blinked. “What?”

“Well, I'm surprised he didn't tell you, he saw the first reading.” Paige replied.

Ben rolled with his eyes. “If I run scared every time things look dark for us, we never would've made it this far.”

“That's true. Is there anything else bothering you, Paige, that I should no about?” Phoebe asked her sister.

Paige shook with her head. “No, not really.”

“Okay, good. Paige and I will be on demon watch tonight so that Phoebe can get some sleep.” Piper told them.

“What about Paris?” Paige asked.

“What about me?” Paris asked also.

Then, Cole spoke up. “It’s better she is going home, she needs her sleep also.” The others frowned at the protectiveness from him.

Phoebe frowned. “Ugh, I'm too wired to sleep.”

“Well, maybe I can help you relax with one of my aromatherapy treatments.” Paige comment.

“See, now this is the spirit. Everything will be fine as long as we stay together, stay calm.” Piper reassured them. Then, Paris and Cole shimmered out.


The next day, for some reason Phoebe was invisible, but they were all in the church. Paris walked in the dressing room. “What’s taking so long? Everyone is getting annoyed.”

“We tried everything.” Piper replied. “We are on the last spell.”

“Okay, this one's gotta work. It's the spell that reversed my enhanced breasts. Here.” Paige handed Piper a piece of paper.

“Guiding spirits hear our plea, annul this magic let it be.” Piper burned the paper with a candle.

Phoebe sighed. “Can you see me?”

“Nope.” Paris replied.

“Not even your breasts.” Piper added.

“Ugh.” Phoebe groaned.

“That's it. That's the last reversal spell we have.” Paige comment.

“It's okay you guys. You did your best.” Phoebe sighed.

Just then, someone knocked on the door. Piper opened it. Ben's there.
Piper looked at Paige and Paris. “Come on, let's go. We'll leave you two alone to talk.” Piper, Paris and Paige leave.


Moments later, Piper, Paris and Paige walk in. Ben looked at them. “The wedding's off.”

“Not necessarily.” Paige told him.

“We know of something.” Paris added.

“Get everybody in their positions, we'll start with the processional, tell the quartet.” Piper took Ben to the door.

Ben looked at her. “Whoa, what about Phoebe? She's invisible.”

“Not for long, we hope.” Paris comment.

“So go on, and look for your bride walking down the aisle. Go on.” Piper added. He leaves. Piper closed the door.

“Wait, hold on here, I'm a little confused. I thought we were out of spells.” Phoebe told them.

Paige hummed. “Mm-mm, not yet. You know how every attempt we've made to reverse your invisibility has failed?”

“Yes.” Phoebe replied.

“Well, what if we don't reverse it, we just shift it from one sister to another.” Paige told her.

“Indeed.” Paris added.

“Wait, you mean transfer the invisibility to you?” Phoebe asked. “No way, I won't let you.”

“Phoebe, every Cinderella needs a fairy godmother. Let me be yours.” Paige replied.

Phoebe sighed. “Paige...”

Paige interrupted her. “Please, I need to do this so you know that I'm not trying to stop your wedding.”


Ben stood in his place as everyone else. The quartet was playing the wedding march. Victor and Phoebe walked down the aisle. Darryl asked Leo and Cole. “Where's Paige?”

“I don't know.” Leo replied.

Invisible Paige pulled up a chair near by and sat down. She sniffed. “I'm gonna cry.”

“Thank you all for coming to honour the love between Ben Turner and Phoebe Halliwell.” Priest told them all.

Suddenly, the Lazerus demon smoked in nearby. Paige looked at him. “Oh, no.” She went to him.

“Before we get started, I must ask, is there anyone who has just cause why this couple should not be united...” Priest told them.

Paige picked up a candle stick and hit the Lazerus demon on the head. Lazerus Demon groaned. “Ugh!”

Paige pushed him out the door and the door slammed shut. Everyone turned to look. Priest spoke up. “This is your time, your platform...”

The Lazerus demon used his telekinetic power and Paige flied across the room. Everyone in the church heard. “I'll check that out. Keep going.” Piper rushed out of the church.

“Since nobody here can show just cause, it's my privilege to ask...” Priest was interrupted.

Piper called from the outside. “You put her down!”

“Ahh!” Paige shouted. The heard a crash. Everyone turned to look.

“Excuse me.” Leo rushed out of the church.

Phoebe looked at the priest. “Keep going, please, just keep going.”

“As I was saying, it's my privilege to ask, who gives this woman to this man today.” Priest told them.

Victor looked at him. “Her sisters and I do.”

Piper called from the outside. “Son of a bitch!”

“Ahh!” Paige shouted.

Leo called. “Piper, look out!”
They heard another crash. Phoebe dropped her bouquet and rushed outside. Ben followed as did Paris and Cole.


Piper was lying on the floor. Phoebe, Paris, Cole and Ben raced in. The Lazerus demon used his telekinetic powers on Leo and he flew across the room, knocking over Phoebe. The Lazerus demon picked up a chair. Phoebe rushed towards the demon and he was about to throw it at her. Ben looked at him and shouted. “Stop!”

Piper blows up the demon. Phoebe looked around. “Where's Paige?”

“I don't know.” Paris replied.

Phoebe looked at Leo. “Leo, where's Paige?”

“I can't get a read on her. Wherever she is her heart's not beating.” Leo replied.

Ben saw Paige's blood spill onto the floor. “Over here.” He called. Leo rushed over and started to heal her.
Just then, Darryl and the Priest rushed in. Priest looked at them. “What the hell is going on in here?”

“That's it.” Phoebe pulled off her veil. “The wedding is off! Tell everyone to get outta here. Go-go-go-go!” She pushed Darryl and the Priest out of the door.


All the guests had left. Piper, Phoebe, Paige, Paris, Cole, Ben and Leo were there. Piper was on the phone. “Just send the food to the house. Yes, and the bill. Not as sorry as I am. Thank you.” She hung up. “Caterer's taken care of.”

“Thank you so much, Piper, I just, I can't deal with any of that right now.” Phoebe told her.

“It's okay, it's been a tough day.” Piper nodded, then she looked at Paige. “How about you? How are you doing?”

“Uh, still a little shaky.” Paige replied.

Leo looked at her. “We nearly lost you. Lucky the demon hesitated when Ben yelled.”

“Yeah, but why did he?” Phoebe asked.

Ben shrugged. “Maybe he was surprised somebody yelled at him.”

“We should all just be thankful that we're alive.” Leo comment.

“And visible. Although I'm not sure how that happened.” Paige added.

“I do.” Ben spoke up. “The magic you were under was supposed to stop the wedding, it wore off once the wedding was cancelled.”

Phoebe raised an eyebrow. “Oh, you mean when evil won? I am not stopping until I find out who sent that thing after us.”

“Speaking of the demon, the crispy critter needs to find its way back to a cemetery.” Piper told them.

Ben looked at them. “I know a local haunt, I can take it there.”

“And what happens when my freeze wears off on the way?” Piper asked. “You'll be as defenceless as a cat toy.”

“I'll go with him.” Phoebe replied. “I wanna make sure it's in the ground for good.”

“Lets all do it.” Paige suggested. Paris glanced at Cole, he just shrugged.
Ben looked at them. “Fine by me.”


They were on the cemetery. Ben was standing in front of a grave. The girls, Cole and Leo were catching up to him. Ben looked at them. “I found a spot. This headstone's from the early 1900s. Nobody'll come digging here anytime soon.”

Leo looked at Piper. “Piper, if you see anyone coming, freeze them.”

Ben started digging. Piper looked at Phoebe. “Don't worry, honey. It took Leo and me three times to get married. It'll happen for you and Ben. We just need to figure out what kind of evil stopped your wedding and why.”

“I have an idea. Why don't we just ask it?” Paige asked.

“I agree.” Paris replied.

Ben look up. “Oh, don't be crazy. That Lazerus demon is a time bomb waiting to explode.”

“I want to know who ruined the happiest day of my life.” Phoebe told him. Paige poured the ashes onto the ground.

“Phoebe, I'm asking you, please, for me. Don't do this.” Ben pleaded. Paris frowned.

Phoebe looked at him. “Ben, I can't believe you don't wanna know.”

The Lazerus demon resurrected. Piper threatened him. “One flinch and I blow you into briquettes.”

“Who resurrected you?” Phoebe asked.

Lazerus Demon pointed to Ben. “Ask him. You swore I'd never see a cemetery again if I helped you. You set me up.”

“Ben, what is this demon talking about?” Piper asked.

“I have no idea.” Ben replied.

“Liar!” Lazerus Demon shouted. “You ordered me to attack them in the church. Is this how you reward your loyal servants?”

Phoebe looked at him. “Okay, Ben, what is going on, because I gotta tell you right now I am freaking out!”

“Oh, what's the point you already figured it out.” Ben throws a fireball at the Lazerus demon and he turned into ash.

“Oh, no. No, it can't be. No, it can't be. No.” Phoebe looked away. Ben turned into the Seer.

“It's not. It's the Seer.” Paige comment.

“What the hell?” Paris exclaimed.

Piper held her hands up. “Not for long.”

“No, don't.” Phoebe stopped her as then she went over to the Seer. “Where's Ben?”

“Unconscious in the mausoleum.” Seer replied.

“Why would you save us one day and try to kill us the next?” Paige asked.

Seer looked at her. “For the same reason. To keep the balance of power between good and evil.”

“Don't be cryptic. I hate cryptic.” Piper groaned.

“I had a vision. If you married Ben on this day, his love would've helped you evolve into a much stronger witch, too strong. I had to stop you and I did.” The Seer flamed out.

“Bitch.” Piper comment.

“Heh, that she is.” Paris added.

“Ben.” Phoebe exclaimed.

Leo looked at them. “Go. Cole and I will bury the rest of the demon.”


They walked into the mausoleum. Ben lied on the ground. Piper, Phoebe, Paris and Paige rushed in. Phoebe called. “Ben?” They got over to him.
Ben opened his eyes. “Where's the Seer? She's in the cemetery.”

“Yeah, we know, we had a little chat.” Piper replied.

“I'm surprised she didn't kill you.” Paige comment.

“I agree.” Paris added.

Ben looked at them. “It's not her style.” He groaned. “Killing's beneath her. She only does it if she has to.”

“Come on, let's get you home.” Phoebe told him.

Just then, Leo and Cole walked in. “You okay?” Leo asked. Ben nodded.


They were walking through the mausoleum. Paige frowned. “I still don't understand. If the Seer wanted to stop Phoebe from marrying you, wouldn't she want to kill you?”

Ben shrugged. “I don't know, you'd have to ask the Seer.”

They walked past a small chapel in the mausoleum. Leo pointed. “Look, a chapel.”

“That’s new.” Paris comment.

Paige frowned. “A chapel in a mausoleum?”

“That's a first.” Leo comment.

“It's cute.” Piper added.

Ben looked at it. “And perfect.”

“For what?” Phoebe asked.

“A wedding.” Ben replied.

Piper nodded. “I couldn't agree more.”

“Really?” Phoebe asked.

“You've got the rings.” Paige replied.

“Hmmm.” Paris hummed.

“And we're all here.” Leo added.

Phoebe looked at them. “Okay, I do. I-I mean, I will. Let's go.”

They walked inside. The dark priest removes his hood. Ben handed Phoebe a rose and she pins it to his lapel. She pricked her finger on one of the thorns and it bleeds. Ben put her bleeding finger in his mouth. They got through the ceremony and they place the rings on each other's fingers. Dark Priest looked at them. “Not two but one, till life be gone. You may kiss the bride.”

Ben and Phoebe kissed. Phoebe smiled. “We did it.”

“Yes, we did.” Ben nodded. They kissed again.

None of them noticed, that the Seer appeared near by. “It is done.” She smirked.

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