Chapter 8 - Sin Franciso, part 1

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It was Thursday, like it was every week on that day an demon attack! Paris thought to herself as she walked into her sisters home as them they went to the Attic. Prue, Piper, Paris and Leo were there. They have the Book of Shadows opened up to a page on 'The Seven Deadly Sins'. Then, Prue read. "Bottled at the Source by the Source. So what, it's a box of sin?"

"Good thing you didn't open it. It would have been Pandora all over again." Piper glanced at her sister.

Paris chuckled. "That wouldn't be good." She comment as she had heard all about that story.

"Not quite." Leo agreed. "But this may be how the myth got started. Only it's much more specific type of attack. According to this, the box contains seven balls of sin used to corrupt paragon's good."

Piper looked at her husband. "If you're a paragon of good, how do you get corrupted?"

"Because no one is immune to sin. Whether it be pride, envy, gluttony, lust, anger, greed or sloth. Whichever one you're predisposed to, is the one that attacks you." Leo replied to her.

"Well, the business man must have been attacked by greed, that's why he kept on wanting more." Prue added.

Leo looked at them all. "Only his greed was magnified a thousand times."

"And it explains why my scry worked." Prue sighed. "I felt the unnatural activity was the demon courier. But it must have been the sin working against the businessman's good nature."

"Okay, so what do we do now?" Piper asked to them.

"Throw it in the pit of hell." Paris muttered.

"Well, the infector appears to be the link. Destroy Lucas and the sins lose their power." Leo replied to Piper.

Prue looked at Leo. "Do we know anything about these infectors?"

"Only that they were humans consumed by sundering life and in death." Leo replied to her.

"So what we need to do now is find a spell to remove the sin from the infected human incase Lucas strikes again, right?" Piper asked to them.

"Yep." Paris popped with the 'p'.

"You can't remove sin magically or otherwise. It's apart of all of us." Prue replied to her.

"Even you?" Piper as to her.

Prue nodded. "Yes, even me. Just a teeny little bit. Nothing that anyone would notice but me."


Later, Lucas appeared and picked up the box. Then, Phoebe came down the stairs. "Okay, you guys, wish me luck." She saw Lucas. "Hey."

Lucas smirked. "It's okay. I think you're gonna like this one." A sin ball hit Phoebe. Prue, Piper, Paris and Leo came down the stairs. Four more sin balls hit them, unnoticed by everyone, by Paris it bounced off. Then, Lucas disappeared.

Phoebe was confused. "What was that? What just happened?"

"Sin balls." Paris replied to them.

Piper sighed. "Oh, no, don't tell me we got infected with the sin thingy."

"What do you mean?" Phoebe asked as then she looked at Prue. "What is she talking about?"

"Okay, nobody panic." Prue looked at them. "Does anybody feel different?"

"No." Leo replied.

Piper shook her head. "Me neither."

"Uh-uh." Phoebe replied.

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