Chapter 12 - Charmed Again, Part 1, part 2

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Much later, Paris joined her sisters as Cole was close by, but wanted to give them some privately as then Phoebe and Paris sat next to the fireplace. Piper walked toward them and handed them a teacup. "Here, this should help. It's chamomile. I had three cups." Piper took a seat on the floor beside Phoebe and Paris.

"Thanks." Paris muttered.

"Thanks." Phoebe toom a sip and set it aside. "Doesn't seem real, does it?"

Piper shook with her head. "No. What are we gonna do with all of her stuff? What are we going to do with her car?"

"I don't know. Sell it, I guess." Phoebe replied to her.

"Unless you want it." Piper suggested it.

"No." Paris muttered.

"No." Phoebe held hands with Piper. "We're gonna get through this, you know. We just have to stick together."

Just then, Leo orbed into the room. "Well?" Paris asked to him. The others had told her the news as well.

"Well, they don't know anything about her, so she's definitely not a white-lighter." Leo replied to her.

"Then why can she orb, Leo?" Phoebe asked this time.

Leo sighed. "They can't explain it."

Tuen, the sisters stood up. "Then how is it possible that they don't kn..." Ben shimmered into the room.

"Whew." Ben comment to them. "Sorry I took so long. I had to dodge a couple of bounty hunters."

Leo looked at him. "Did you find anything out?"

Ben looked at them all. "You have no idea what I found out. Turns out the Source doesn't think she's a white-lighter at all." He sat on the arm. "In fact, he thinks she might be another... Charmed One. That's why he put Shax on it. He thought he ended the Power of Three. Now he's worried that this girl may somehow reconstitute it."

"No, but that's not possible. Is that possible?" Phoebe asked as Leo shrugged. Piper began to take off. "Piper?"

Cole saw her. "Piper?" Then, the others followed her. Piper went to the attic and went to the book.

Phoebe was confused. "What's going on?"

"I'm going to ask Grams what's going on, actually." Piper replied to her.

Paris joined her sisters. "Grams?"

Piper nodded. "Mm-hmm. Your destiny still awaits, she says. There's a reason for everything, she says. So, it's time to summon her transparent butt back here and find out exactly what that reason is."

"Okay, but what should..." phoebe was interrupted.

"Here these words. Hear my cry spirit from the other side. Come to me, I summon thee. Cross now the Great Divide!" Piper let out a semi-satisfied sigh.

Grams appeared in a bright light. "Piper? Why are you calling? P-Phoebe, Paris, wha-what's going on?"

"Grams, why does the Source think that the Charmed Ones can be reconstituted?" Piper asked her.

"I do... I don't know what you're talking about." Grams replied to her.

"Lair." Paris muttered.

Piper sighed. "You know what, Grams? You were a lousy liar when you were alive, and now as a ghost, you're worse."

"If you know something, Grams, you have to tell us." Phoebe added.

"We deserve to know." Paris finished. "Even with I was a secret to you all."

Grams sighed, heavily. "I can't. I'm sworn to secrecy."

"By who?" Phoebe asked.

"By me." Patty appeared right next to Grams in a bright light. "By me."

Piper blinked. "Mom?"

"This gonna be one of a hell of an explanation." Paris added.


Patty was explaining to her daughters as she paced. "We didn't tell anybody because we were afraid that there would be reprisals, afraid that, you girls would be dined your powers. Your birthright. It happened after your father and I were divorced, when Sam and I were together."

Ben glanced at Leo. "Sam?"

"Her white-lighter." Leo replied to him.

"Hmm. Apples don't fall far from the forbidden tree, I see." Cole comment to them.

"Shh!" Piper shushed them as then she looked at Patty. "Go on."

"You were both toddlers. You just thought Mommy got a little fat." Patty smiled. "You never knew I was pregnant."

"I was the only one who knew." Grams added.

Patty glanced at Grams. "And Sam, obviously."

"Right." Grams nodded. "Well, yes, of course."

"We wanted to keep the baby, of course. But mother..." Patty was interrupted.

"Well, I... I knew it would be disastrous. You know, before you and Leo, Piper, it wasn't just forbidden. It was unthinkable for witches to be with white-lighters. I mean, let alone have children with them." Grams told them.

"So, that's why we had to... why we decided... to give the baby up. Sam and I took her to a local church as soon as she was born. And we asked the nun there to find a home for her, and she found one. A very, very good home." Patty added.

Grams nodded. "Yes."

"Familiar story." Paris hissed a little. "Like you did with me?"

"I'm sorry for that." Patty replied to her.

"You should have kept us all." Paris hissed. "I needed my mother as much a I needed my father."

"I know." Patty nodded.

Then, Leo spoke up. "Explains why the Elders didn't know about her." He looked at the sisters.

"All right, hold it. Wait just one minute. Are you telling me, that that girl, our innocent, is really... our sister?" Phoebe asked them.

"Your baby sister." Patty replied to her as them she looked at Paris. "Your older sister."

"Great." Paris rolled with her eyes. "I'm the youngest."

"Their baby half-sister." Grams added. "Her older half-sister."

"But by my half, which makes her a sister witch. Well, actually, not yet anyway. Not until all three of you are here together by the Book. Just like before." Patty told them.

"Four" Grams whispered as then she spoke out loud. "Charmed. Again."

"And I thought my family was screwed up." Ben comment as Piper gives him a look. Cortez walked into the attic, seeing the two ghosts there. Everyone was a bit stunned. Darryl was right behind him.

"Well, I'll be damned." Cortez breathed out.

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