Chapter 16 - The ghost ruined their night

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Paris was very grumpily as a ghost just barked in and was chatting away. She told to the ghost to go away and to come to her another time or go to Melinda. The ghost went to Melinda, much to Paris’s relief. Now was the next morning and Paris and Cole went out bed, showered and changed their clothes. Then, they went down and into town to eat breakfast. They say a local shop, where they could get their food and drinks. Later, when they had everything , they went to sit-down on a bench and began to eat. They were happily eating as Melinda came towards them. “Hey.” She greeted. Then, she looked at Paris. “The ghost you send me to is a she and she was chatting away by me, I understand you. When I ignored her, she went away on her own.”

“Uh, thanks. I think.” Paris frowned.
“But I do think she will come again.” Melinda told her.

Paris nodded. “Okay.” She comment. “We will see her, when that happens.”

“Okay.” Melinda nodded. “What are you eating?”

“Beagle and a smoothie.” Paris replied to her.

“Oh, sweet.” Melinda comment.

Cole stared at her. “I aren’t telling you what I’m eating.”

“Rude, honey.” Paris told to him.

“Its okay, I understand. I was only asking, cause I needed to eat.” Melinda told them.

“I understand.” Paris nodded.

“Well, I will be going.” Melinda comment. “Bye.”

“Bye.” Paris waved as Melinda walked away.

Then, Cole looked at Paris. “Is it me or is she social awkward?”

“A bit, yeah.” Paris replied to her. “But I like her, she is nice.”

Cole said nothing about that as he was earing further, Paris followed suit.


Later, the ghost returned to them, well to Paris as Cole was doing something for himself, for a bit. Pairs looked at her and asked. “What’s your name, miss?”

The woman looked at her. “I’m Alice.”

“Beautiful name.” Paris told her.

“Thank you.” The woman, Alice comment.

Paris looked at her. “I’m sorry to ask, but why are you earth bound?”

“I don’t remember.” Alice replied. “I see only flashes, but they are unclear and I don’t understand them.”

“Its okay, I can help you.” Paris glanced at the shop, where Melinda worked. “Actually, I know someone to can help too.”

Alice looked at the shop, where Paris was looking. “Okay.”

“Follow me.” Paris comment to her. Alice nodded and followed her to the shop.


When they arrived, Melinda had already seen them and went outside to meet them. “Hey.”

“Hey.” Paris greeted back as then she pointed at Alice. “This is Alice and she have trouble remembering what happened.”

“Hey.” Alice greeted her.

“Hi.” Melinda greeted back. “So, uhm, what can you al least remember?”

“Well, I have flashes of what had happened, but I don’t understand it.” Alice replied to her.

“Understandable, I have met other that had the same problem.” Melinda nodded.

“She said that you can help too?” Alice glanced at Paris.

“Yes, I can.” Melinda replied to her.

Alice looked at Paris. “How can you help me?”

“With a little bit of magic of course.” Paris replied to her.

“Magic?” Melinda asked.

Paris nodded. “Yeah, but now we need to go somewhere else, cause people will see.”

“Okay.” Melinda nodded. “Follow me, I know just the place.”

Then, Paris and Alice followed her.


They followed Melinda to her house. “How are people not gonna see this?” Paris asked to her.

“In my house, Paris.” Melinda replied to her.

“Oh.” Paris scratched the back of her neck. Then, they walked inside of the house. Paris looked at Alice. “I’m just gonna use magic on you, to help you remember, okay?”

“Yeah.” Alice nodded.

Then, Paris looked at Melinda. “Are you are that this is okay?”

“Yeah.” Melinda nodded.

Paris shrugged. “Alright.” Then, she used a spell on Alice. She got flashes of what had happened.

Alice gasped. “I remember.”

“What happened to you?” Melinda asked to her.

“I… I died of a accident.” Alice looked at her. “A car accident, but my boyfriend was with me and he survived.” She cried. “I need to see him.”

“Maybe that your unfinished business here on Earth.” Paris comment to her. “We will find you boyfriend.”

“We need his name.” Melinda added.

“Willem Potter.” Alice told them.

Then, Melinda grabbed her laptop and began searching. Moments later, she found him. “Found him, he is just outside of town.”

Paris looked at the laptop also and pointed. “That is his address.”

Alice looked at them. “Thank you.”

“Your welcome.” Melinda told her.

“Come on, we gonna go there.” Paris nodded.

“He may not belief this.” Melinda told them.

“He will.” Paris winked.

“Alright.” Melinda nodded.


When they arrived, Paris looked at Melinda. “This is you ground, I will wait here for you.”

Melinda nodded. “Its for the best.” Then, she stepped out off the car. Alice followed her.

Paris watched them leave as then, Cole shimmered into the car. “Hey, honey.” Paris comment. “Are you done with what you needed to do?”

“Yes.” Cole nodded. “But what are you doing?”

“Helping a ghost to cross over.” Paris replied to him. “Well, Melinda is doing the last part.”

“So the ghost isn’t going to be with us for the next night?” Cole asked her.

Paris nodded. “Yeah.” She looked at him. “What are you thinking?”

“You will see then.” Cole replied to her.

“Okay.” Paris nodded.


Later, Melinda walked to them. Without Alice. “So she crossed over?” Paris asked to her.

“Yes, her boyfriend is the first to understand it.” Melinda replied to her. “That there are ghosts.”

“Well, that’s a first.” Paris comment.

“First time for everything.” Cole added.

“Indeed.” Melinda nodded, happily.

“Dinner?” Paris asked. “Its on us.”

Melinda nodded. “Sure.”

Then, they drove away from there.


Author's note: Is there another crossover you want to read guys? In this story, i mean.

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