Chapter 3 - The Good, the Bad and the Cursed, part 2

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Moments later, Phoebe was on the couch as Cole muttered to Paris. "So much to get away from here." He sighed. "But we can't let you sister die."

"I know." Paris told him. "After this I will them about you know..." He seemed to understand as he nodded to her.

Just then Leo orbed in. "What the hell are you doing here?" he looked at Cole.

"Forget about him, Leo. Phoebe's been shot." Prue replied to him.

Leo looked at the sisters. "Shot? How did that happen?"

"There's no time to explain." Prue looked at him. "Can you heal her?"

Leo started to heal her as Piper asked him. "Where's dad?"

"Seething probably." Leo replied as he continued to try and heal her but it doesn't work.

"Why isn't it working?" Paris asked concerned for her sister.

Leo sighed. "I don't know. Phoebe, you gotta tell me exactly how this happened."

"Um, I don't, I don't really know." Phoebe explained it to him. "I had a-a premonition and I felt Bo get shot and then I came out of it."

Prue looked at him. "Leo, can you heal her?"

"No, because Phoebe wasn't the one that was shot." Leo replied to her. "Bo was."

Piper looked confused. "What are you talking about? She's bleeding."

Leo sighed. "I know, but it's more like a psychic echo. Phoebe is linked to Bo somehow. Whatever he feels, whatever happens to him happens to her."

"Which means Bo must be magical too." Cole stated. "The only way they can be linked is through their magic."

Leo nodded "I agree."

"We have to find Bo." Cole suggested. "Heal him. It's the only way."

"Well, he's been cursed into a time loop along with the rest of the town." Piper told them. "And we don't know how to get there, let alone where there is."

"Well, it's gotta be a parallel plane existing in the same physical space as the town." Cole told her.

Prue looked at him. "You know, I don't think that we need any demonic input right now."

"If I can help save Phoebe's life, you sure as hell do." Cole glared at her.

Leo looked at him. "We're listening."

"Please, tell us what your plan is?" Paris asked to him.

Cole nodded. "Look, I move through different planes all the time. It's how I've been hiding from the Source. Shouldn't be any problem to shimmer into Bo's plane and bring him back here so you can heal him."

Piper raised an eyebrow. "You said you don't use your powers anymore."

"Shimmering isn't a lethal power." Cole comment to her.

"I agree." Paris muttered.

Phoebe looked at Cole. "Uh, why don't you just take Leo with you and you can heal Bo there?"

"I can't." Leo glared at Cole. "I'm not allowed to work with a demon."

Prue stood up. "Fine. I'll go."

"And me." Paris added.

Piper looked at her sisters. "Prue. Paris."

"I'm not gonna leave this up to him." Prue sighed.

"What she said." Paris pointed at Prue.

Piper looked at them. "Well, okay, what if something goes wrong and you get stuck in the time loop and you don't get back before midnight?"

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