8. Living Plastic

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"I bet if you call Steph's contact at the Inquire you could get a fine amount."

"I have nothing to tell, mum, and I won't make something up for 15 minutes of fame."

Jackie let out a long sigh before taking a sip of her tea, "Alright. I won't say anything more about that but you should at least request compensation from Henricks. You could have been seriously hurt. I heard they found that Wilson fellows' remains, burnt to a crisp he was."


"Alright, alright."

An odd scattering, kinda like a cat scratching at their door was heard.

"Is the cat coming by again?"

"No, I nailed the flap down. It had fleas."

I walked to our front door to find the nails mum had nailed down now at the foot of the door. More scrambling was heard and so instead of kneeling on the floor I opened the door to find a familiar man in black leather.

"You're not the cat."

"What are you doing here?"

"I live here."

"What do you do that for?"

I let out a laugh, "I have to live somewhere."

I heard an odd sound and saw a device in his hand that flashed an almost neon blue. A Mind Palace door opened and a voice whispered, 'sonic screwdriver.'

"Must have gotten it wrong." His brow furrowed as he looked down at the sonic device.

"I still have the arm if that's what you are looking for."

As if answering a thump came from my bedroom and I opened our front door further letting the man who called himself the Doctor in.

I pointed to the cardboard box in my bedroom that was already trying to slide off my bed.

The man pointed the sonic screwdriver towards the box and it made the 'sonic' noise again, the box stilled.

He turned toward me, "The box?"

"You said living plastic didn't want to take any chances."

He nodded in approval before catching a glimpse of himself in the hallway mirror.

"Could have been worse..." he flicked his ear, a small frown on his lips, "The ears."

The Doctor opened our front door and went to leave, cardboard box under his arm.

"Hold on, where are you going?"

I went to go out but was stopped by mum who called me from her bedroom's doorway.

Mum in her satin pink robe peered out from her bedroom after the Doctor. "Ooh...who was he?"

I shook my head, "I'll be back mum, going to talk to him about the thing."

"Alright, don't forget you have your flight. You said earlier it might move up. Might not be here when you come back, call when you land."

I would find out later what that was all about, in the meantime I waved at my mother before closing our front door behind me and chasing after the Doctor.

He was halfway down the Powell Estate's stairs when I caught up with him.

"So who are you really? You said you were the Doctor but who do you wish to be?"

He barely slowed down but he did look back at me, "I haven't been asked that in a long time." He went down some more stairs.

"You run from strange things, blow up buildings and you have a sonic device that does amazing things. Who are you not Doctor?"

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