35. A Stop in the 1950s

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We had dropped mum and Mickey back home after the holiday at Midnight.

"I feel like another concert."

I looked at the Doctor, "What did you have in mind?"

He nodded toward the corridor, "Dress up for the late 1950s. We are going to see the King at the Milton Berle Show."

After picking out a floral puffy skirt frock with a mini pink jacket and red clutch. I came out of the wardrobe to see the Doctor drive up on a TARDIS blue scooter. The Doctor's hair poofed up in a rock and roll style.

He deepened his voice with a wink, "Going my way, doll?"

I let out a laugh, any remaining tension from our last adventure and the ominous warning from my other self melting off me.

"Is there any other way to go, daddy-o?"

I blushed as his grin got wider.

The Doctor tossed me a pink helmet and I placed it on before getting on behind him and wrapping my hands around his middle. I hid my own grin into his shoulder.

He drove down and out of the TARDIS.

I snapped my fingers and the TARDIS doors closed, "Thanks sis."

As we drove down the streets so far they looked too British.

"The TV studios, where are they?"

"New York, of course."

"Right." I let out a chortle at all the union jacks.

A red double decker went past on the intersecting road.

"A very Londony New York, hm?" I hummed in his ear.

"What? It could still be New York."

I laughed. The Doctor pulled up to the side of the road next to a TV salesperson giving out quite a far amount of tellys.

"Just in time for the celebration!" The man smiled after his customers.

The Doctor walked up, "What celebration would that be?"

"Where have you been living? The colonies? The Coronation of course!" The man had rounded shoulders and a shorter frame, a small scruffy beard upon his cheeks and slicked back hair.

"What coronation would that be?"

I nudged the Doctor with my elbow, "Must be 1953, Queen Elizabeth's."

The TV salesman nodded before going back to his van.

The Doctor's features lit up, hands in pockets he grinned at our surroundings. "Oh this is a brilliant year! Technicolor! Everest climbed. Everything is off ration."

I looked to the salesperson who hadn't left yet, "This neighbourhood seems well off to afford so many tellys."

"Oh, only 5 quid each from my shop." He pointed to the side of his van that read, 'Magpie's Marvellous Tellys' in blue grey paint.

The Doctor grinned, still going on about the time, "A classic year, throwing off the shackles of war looking forward to a happier and brighter future!"

As if to contradict him, a woman's screams broke the mood.

"Someone help me please! Ted!"

Men in black suits took a man away with a blanket over his head.

The Doctor marched over, "What are you doing?"

A man in a black fedora shoved the Doctor away from their car,

"Out of the way, police business."

"What's going on here?" The Doctor watched as they drove away.

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