23. Parlay with the Sycorax

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"They are transmitting." Harriet Jones' assistant spoke across the room filled with screens displaying the worldwide news.

On the largest were the Sycorax.

"It seems I arrived right on time."

Harriet Jones turned, "Rose! Do you have..."

The aliens spoke on the screen and the translator spoke up, "Will the leader of this world step forward?"

This was it. I was just about to bet a lot on my faith in the Doctor.

I stepped around Harriet and stepped to the front of the crowd facing the screens.

I spoke up in Sycoraxic, "I will represent this planet."

The translator repeated what I said behind me for the rest.

"What are you doing Rose? You don't have the qualifications." Harriet tried to pull me back.

"I may not have yours but I have the ones the Doctor gave me," or more accurately Sexy gave me, "If you come with me you will have to fight. I can name the Doctor as my 2nd even if he's not currently beside me."

"Where is he?"

I gazed into Harriet's desperate gaze and I spoke a half truth.

"He'll come but not on time." I hoped he would come, "I just need to give him time."

The irony was not lost on me.

The Sycorax spoke again, "Come aboard."

I gave a small dip of my head in respect, "As you wish."

But as the teleport beam light surrounded me, it also included Harriet, the translator, a military man and the scientist.


When we arrived we were surrounded by the jeers of Sycorax that stood on several different heights in the stadium-like room.

The leader stepped forward, taking off his helmet showcasing a skull like head.

"You will surrender or you will receive the final curse and your people will jump."

He walked over to a big glowing red button, as if to taunt us his skeletal hand hovered over it.

As the scientist went to speak, I hissed at him in Sycoraxic, "Stop! I am the spokesperson, stand down."

The translator did his job and I stepped forward.

"Go ahead and push it!"

"Rose! No!" Harriet shouted from behind.

I walked up the steps nearing where the leader stood.

"Your tricks might fool other humans but not I."

The Sycorax leader growled.

I continued, "Your control matrix can only go so far. I'll hand it to you, it is terrifying..." I looked back at the humans behind me before making eye contact with the Sycorax leader, "...well for most, but you see I'm ever so clever and I know this kind of mind control can only go so far."

I waved my hand toward the glowing button, "You can make us act like we'll harm ourselves but in the end survival instinct will win every single time."

I stood before the tall Sycorax and hit the red button.

The scientist shouted from behind, "You've killed them."

"Did I, great Sycorax?" I turned my head toward the leader.

"We let them live. The control device was just one form of conquest. I can summon the armada and take this world by force."

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