30. Rose Who?

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When I woke it felt as if a fog was covering my thoughts, I felt disoriented. Somehow I knew I had awoken before but I couldn't remember.

It felt as if I was missing something.

A loud snap made me shrink back.

My eyes tried to quickly blink to clear the blurriness.

My eyes cleared just in time to see a tall man with dark blonde hair fall to the ground. His neck odd, his eyes unseeing.

He's dead. No, that's not right. I know him, who is he?

Tears pooled in my eyes.

I stood on wobbly legs.

The statues that surrounded me all converged on the man, fists raised.

"Stop!" I ran forward. I tripped and fell down the small downcline. As soon as I reached his sides, I fell to my knees by his side. "Wake up please wake up."

I glared up at the approaching statues, "Don't you dare hurt him!"

What was I doing? Hadn't he died?

Another loud crack sounded and a huge breath of air was heard.

I turned to find the man sitting up his hand to his neck as if checking it.

"You're alive?"

I blinked but saw the statue's fist hovering an inch above his head.

I crawled forward.

"Don't hurt him."

"Rose," a voice croaked.

I looked at the man, "Who?"

His eyes widened, the only warning before a raised fist crashed down on his head in the blink of an eye.

I stared down at the man unconscious again, there was so much blood.

Tears fell down my cheeks as I covered his body with mine and felt as the other raised fist only brushed over my hair.

I wasn't sure what was driving me.

I just knew I needed to protect this person.

I looked around to find all the statues with their eyes focused on me.

"What are you waiting for?" I whispered.

"Rose!" Another voice called, it felt familiar just like the person I protected.

I looked behind me at the person standing at the entrance of the ruins. Shaved head, big ears, intense blue eyes.

Who was he?

It was as if the statues were stopping me from remembering.

I looked back at the one in my arms, afraid that if I looked away too long the statues would hurt him again.

A horrible crunch seemed to echo around me.

A gasp of ragged breath had me looking over my shoulder.

The tall man was on his knees clutching at his heart lost for breath, another statue raising their hand above their head over him.

"It's all my fault." I whispered.

Why? Why was it my fault?

I looked away, something blue caught in the corner of my eye. I looked up and there on the hill overlooking the ruin was a blue box.

Lights within sparkling dimly and its edges hazy.

I know you, don't I?

Another horrible crunch and a pained yell.

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