20. The Bad Wolf

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When we were back at the station, the Doctor was immediately on the move.

"Turn everything up! All transmitters, full power, wide open, now!" When he saw the workers just stare at him, "Do it!"

"What will that do?" Mickey inquired from where he was sitting at the computers. He had stayed behind with Lynda and to monitor the station while we were gone.

"Stop the Daleks from transmatting on board. It won't stop them for long, but it will slow them down."

Planet Earth was still a sitting duck, especially after ignoring the warnings from the Satellite.

"Lynda." The Doctor turned toward the young woman standing beside Mickey, the Doctor's lips pursed before he stared down one of the workers. "I told you to evacuate everyone on board."

Lynda stood in solidarity by Mickey's side, "I didn't want to leave Mickey behind."

I looked at how she placed a hand and Mickey's shoulder and gave her a smile.

Mickey looked almost bashful despite the dire situation.

I would have to hear about how those two got together, once we were all safe though.

"There's not enough shuttles left, Doctor. We've been trying to figure out what to do about the hundred trapped on Floor 0."

The other spoke up, "Oh my God, the fleet is moving. Its trajectory is heading toward Earth."

I looked to the Doctor, "What do you need?"

The Doctor was pacing between the Floor 500 grates pulling them free and pulling out wires, hoses and misc parts.

"They've made a big mistake leaving me here. Can anyone guess? Anyone? What have they left me with?"

"A transmitter?"

"That's right. Can anyone guess what that means? Can you?" The Doctor was nearly manic with how he tore through the wiring.

Jack sputtered, "You've got to be kidding. A Delta Wave?"

"Give the man a medal." The Doctor's eyes were wide with what looked like excitement but I could see how his left eye was just a lil wider as if trying to stop tears. He was fighting himself, even as he tried to find a way to fight the Daleks.

"How can I help?" I repeated myself.

"What's a Delta Wave?" Mickey asked.

Jack answered, "A wave of Van Cassadyne energy. Stand in the way of a Delta Wave and your head gets barbecued."

"This place can transmit a massive wave. Wipe out the Daleks." The Doctor spoke excitedly.

The TARDIS's song warbled worriedly in my head.

"Problem is, a wave this size, building this big, brain as clever as mine, should take ooh..." he pondered and tore open more ducts, "about 3 days." He looked over at those at the computers, "How long til the fleet arrives?"

"22 minutes."

I dove into the mess and started to follow the doctor's lead by stripping the wires and reconnecting them to the routes he pointed to. Jack went and came back with the extrapolator, which he plugged into the station's mainframe.

"With the extrapolator in place we have a forcefield. I can only concentrate the extrapolator on the top six levels, 500 to 495."

"Meaning the Daleks can still enter manually through the lower floors."

"Well they can try." Jack checked his gun.


He ignored my look.

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