33. The Slow Path

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By the time we got out of 18th century France we ran as fast as we could through the ship's hallways.

I couldn't remember being tipsy but I felt myself sobering up when I saw Mickey strapped down in the centre of the engine room. All around the room were the clockworks in 18th century wears.

"Mickey you weren't...?"

"No but it took you long enough. Where were you?"

The Doctor swung around the corner.

His tie wrapped around his head and a glass goblet in his hand.

"Boy! Do the French know how to party!"

Mickey looked at the two of us, "What were you two doing?"

"So much dancing, then the Doctor decided to show them a banana and they all went..." I hiccuped.


"Yeah." I nodded.

The Doctor looking tipsy neared the machinery and the head droid.

"I think I invented the banana daiquiri a couple of centuries early."

"You're so thick. Thickety, thick, thick." The Doctor sauntered over to the head drone. I came up from behind and grabbed the Doctor's glass to pour it over the robot's head.

"Hey that was mine!"

"What I wasn't about to pour mine, its good wine!"

The Doctor flipped a switch and the clockworks powered down.

"Now let's close those time windows." The Doctor pounded the keys before letting out a semi-yell, "Why aren't they closed?"

A ding came in and the clockworks powered up again.

I cleared my throat, getting the Doctor to focus and he looked at the ceiling.

"Of course! There's still another out there. They must have found the right window." The Doctor raised his eyebrow at me.

"I don't know where it is on the ship."

"Ok then, we'll have to spread out searching the portal."

We all raced off.

Down one corridor I found a tapestry.

I peeked behind it. "Reinette?"

"Rose?" Reinette came around the corner. Her gaze looked over my clothes. "You truly do not change."

I gave a bittersweet smile, "The place that allows me to travel your timeline, doesn't let me do so in order."

"You wouldn't age regardless, would you?"


Reinette peeked behind the curtain, her eyes widening.

"This is the vessel?"

"Not the one I travel in, but the one that allowed me to meet you." I looked at her curious features, "Reinette, have you been visited by the Doctor or Mickey already?"

She shook her head.

"I see. How old are you now?"

"Thirty two."

"The clockworks will be coming for you in five years. Sometime after your 37th birthday. When they come, try to delay them for as long as you can. The Doctor and I'll be there when you need us."

"Why won't you stay by my side right now?"

"Rose! Rose!" Mickey came jogging up, eyes widening at Reinette.

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