29. Searching the Timeline

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"No!" The Doctor shouted, slamming his hands against the console. "I lost her again."

Sarah Jane looked up from the pile of books she was reading.

The TARDIS had set aside numerous references to the Weeping Angels as if trying to help them in their search. Her eyes gazed upon the tense shoulders of the Doctor. He was so different to hers, this one looked so darkened from the past, all sharp lines and hard angles.

Jack came up to the Doctor and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Maybe you should get some sleep, you've been at it for days now. Rose wouldn't want you to collapse."

"You don't understand." The Doctor gritted his teeth, "I found out why I can't get a location." He pushed himself away from the controls and paced, "Every single instance she's appeared its within my timeline."

"Your past?" Sarah Jane asked.

The Doctor nearly growled as he walked to console and shoved the screen in their direction.

"Wouldn't that make it easier? You can just go back and ask your old self to help."

Jack and the Doctor turned toward Mickey. Jack with a disappointed look and the Doctor with a furious one.

"Time can not be rewritten. I do not remember meeting this self so it did not happen."

Jack stepped forward, "Then send me."


Jack held out his tech brace, "The circuits were jammed long ago, but I'm sure if you fix it I'll be able to use it not only to teleport but also time travel."

"No." The Doctor shook his head

He stomped to the other side of the console room before he paused, "Maybe, just maybe if we can find a time that you can distract them long enough..."

Mickey and Sarah Jane decided to stay behind

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Mickey and Sarah Jane decided to stay behind. Mickey went to check on Jackie and Sarah continued researching in case the Doctor needed her help.

The next time Jack and the Doctor got a ping on Rose, it came from London Underground early 1969.

The TARDIS arrived in a tunnel electrician room.

The Doctor's scanner seemed to be confused, not sure which direction Rose was, it was like a compass that got disturbed by a magnet.

"Something is off about this time."

Jack stepped out, "Could it be the overlap of your timeline?"

The Doctor shook his head, "I've narrowed it down just to her timeline."

"Then could there be more than one Rose in 1969 London?"

The Doctor froze, "Possibly."

He stared down the dark tunnels.

"We have to be careful. The trains might start running at any moment."

The device in the Doctor's hand did not calm, instead its arrow kept turning back and forth.

A bell came from Jack's wrist watch, "The lines have turned on. We need to skedaddle."

The Doctor sighed knowing if the lines were on then that meant the Weeping Angels had already left. They seemed only to stick around until the earlier Doctor left.

Once they were back in the TARDIS, the Doctor turned abruptly.

"Give me your brace."

The Doctor soniced it open before making a couple of adjustments and placing the cover back on. Then he soniced the device that was looking for Rose's signature and paired it with the signal he knew the assassins had.

"Here." He shoved the brace back in Jack's hands, "Next stop, your brace will be set to take you immediately to the next location as soon as we miss her. Hold them off for as long as you can."

"Ay ay captain."

The next location was from so far back in the Doctor's timeline he'd nearly forgotten it. He stepped from his TARDIS to find a Time Lord in monk clothes sitting on the steps of a monastery, tears falling down his cheeks. His gaze looked up and he let out a chilling laugh.

"You told me no more monkery, Doctor. What about you? Have you been meddling with time?"

The Doctor turned away, he could not change the future of this one.

"Run, run like you always do. We'll meet again Doctor." The Monk spoke from behind.

The Doctor walked back into the TARDIS calling out for Jack but no response, he looked down at his device.

His gut dropped as he saw the next location, "Not there..."

Jack appeared upon a grassy hill, he watched from above as red velvet gowned guards took away the earlier Doctor

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Jack appeared upon a grassy hill, he watched from above as red velvet gowned guards took away the earlier Doctor. The hill overlooked what looked like a Grecian city set ablaze, Jack's gaze went back to the Doctor. He was older than he expected, but held the same intense looks and an almost goofy grin reminiscent of the now Doctor on his lips as he bid farewell to his companions as he was taken away into his TARDIS.

Jack shook his head and looked around, she had to be close by.

The Weeping Angels seemed to always keep her close to the Doctor's events while staying out of sight.

There down the other side of the hill was a small ruin, he sneaked down carefully to hide out of sight behind shrubbery as he made his way down.

As he neared he saw the Weeping Angels all crowded around the centre of the ruin, as if standing as sentinels.

At the centre laying on a soft bunch of grass was Rose, her hair grown long again spread out like a golden blanket beneath her. Her eyes closed but her chest rising assured him that she was still alive.

Jack blinked and he watched as they got closer to her reaching out their hands to touch her.

"Hey!" Jack waved his arms at the stone assassins.

This is all for Rose.

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