39. A Change of Pace

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A day before I, Rose Marion Tyler, was born; Jack and I left the UK for our own adventures. With the agreement of Nan of course, who was assured she'd be called whenever I reached a new destination.

We travelled everywhere but Europe for eighteen years. We did the sort of things I had once compared travelling the stars with to my mum. Swimming with sharks, climbing volcanoes and exploring deep jungles.

The long way round while travelling went by quickly. Each place we went to I grabbed a souvenir and postcard, waiting for the day I could send the bundle to my mum.

Jack went back in 2000, assuming the position of head of Torchwood 3. Unlike in the TV show they did not watch over a rift, since the rift no longer existed, instead it tracked time anomalies.

I came back in 2004, assuming the identity of a distant relative of the Lovetts.

Remembering what happened in 2004 for I found where Mrs Lovett had taken up a new residence, closer to Powell Estates, and had one of Jack's agents keep an eye on her. When it was reported that she came into contact with Rose Tyler, Jack and I went to save the day.

I found Nan, Mrs Lovett, sitting beside my younger self who was sleeping holding her hand tightly.

"Hello deary, I knew you'd come to the rescue." She looked at me with a raised eyebrow and a smirk, "Well, aren't you going to take her from me."

I shook my head, "Nan, you know very well I can't touch a past version of myself."

Mrs Lovett gave a low chuckle, "I'll let her go. If you promise me."

"I promise I'll always find my way back to you." I let out a long sigh and called to Jack behind me, "CJ, let's get her home."

Jack picked up my past self, and I slipped the check into his pocket to give to her. I had invested in several important businesses through the years and had quite a hefty amount in my bank account. Jack helped with all the legal jargon when it came to my cross-over identities.

As Jack went to take my past self to Powell Estates, I stayed behind to spend some time with Mrs Lovett.

Giving her my hand and watching as the relief came over her features and her shoulders untensed.

I kneeled before her and hugged her around the middle, her hands ran through my hair.

"I'm sorry I've been gone so long."

Mrs Lovett hummed, a habit she picked up from me,

"It's alright now. The drums are gone with you here."

The shop, or Mrs Lovett's TARDIS, sat waiting for me when I returned

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The shop, or Mrs Lovett's TARDIS, sat waiting for me when I returned. Its song no longer hushed but rose almost admonishingly when I walked through its doors.

The duo were back together.

Mrs Lovett would bake the pies and biscuits for the shop and I would make the tea and coffee for the guests.

It spread quickly that the Corner Shop Cafe was back in business.

After March 2006 I was finally able to send a box full of letters and souvenirs to my mum, including a small parcel for the Doctor with dates on them for when he could open them.

Before I knew it, time had passed and it was nearly time for me to rejoin the Doctor.

It all started when Sally Sparrow started coming to the cafe as a regular. She would photograph Wester Drumlins, an old mansion off the beaten path in our part of London. She was fascinated with old things, our cafe included. She loved the weathered brick walls and timber ceilings.

After some persuading she even got Mrs Lovett to have a small photoshoot.

Later Nan and I would gather the photos between us on the sofa in the flat, admiring how well Sally captured the cafe and Mrs Lovett's essence.

"She captured me far too well."

I narrowed my eyes, "No harming that girl."

"I won't. She did capture me in a flattering way even if she captured my darkness as well."

The photos were of Mrs Lovett standing by the cafe windows looking down at her old locket in her hands, the shadows of the shop at her back while the light at her front was faded.

The most chilling was the ones with Mrs Lovett and her baked goods, especially her pies. An eerie smile upon her lips.

A hand came upon mine.

"You'll be leaving again."

"Yes, but not for another year or so."

Shoulders slumped before Mrs Lovett perked up, "You'll see another me then."

"Most likely."

This was how the two of us talked of such things, never fully calling each other out but always referencing it lightly.

Once upon a time I thought it disconcerting how much Mrs Lovett knew about me but over time, it was a comfort. Like when Reinette had known both sides of me, there was another who wouldn't easily fade away like Reinette had.

Nan's darkness was one I became almost used to. She would of course surprise me on occasion, with some erratic or violent behaviour but it was never done to me.

At some point in my timeline when the Time Lord had yet to live with me, I must have become something more than a comfort, something like family.

At some point in my timeline when the Time Lord had yet to live with me, I must have become something more than a comfort, something like family

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One day Sally came in looking really shaken. She sat by the window looking out through the rain splattered windows. A thick envelope, a spread of old photographs and a familiar key upon a string laid out in front of her.

Outside I could see the Weeping Angels hiding in plain sight.

I placed her usual but included a banana at the side of her scone.

"I don't like bananas."

"Oh that's a shame. Good source of potassium, great for all the running."

Sally wiped a couple of tears from her cheek as she read the letter in her hands.

I patted her on the shoulder, "You'll figure it all out, Sally Sparrow."

And she did, one year later I saw Sally running out of her 'Sparrow & Nightingale' shop to catch up with the Doctor.

I smiled.

Time to call CJ. It was nearly time to meet up with the Doctor.

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