21. The Bad Wolf & Her Doctor

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The Doctor closed his eyes, "Maybe its time."

A familiar whooshing caused the Daleks to go on high alert and the Doctor to stiffen.


The Emperor shouted from behind on his screen, "You will not escape!"

The Doctor turned to find the TARDIS doors had opened and out from them stepped a glowing Rose. Her eyes alight with the TARDIS vortex flames, galaxies and universes within them. Her hair billowing behind her grown to fall majestically down her back in a flowing molten gold river.

He fell back as the TARDIS's energies searched out, Rose re-materializing closer.

"What have you done?"

Rose turned her head towards the Doctor,

"Only what was meant to happen."

The Doctor's eyes widened and gazed horrified at the golden glow of Rose's eyes.

"You looked into the time vortex. Rose, no one is meant to see that!"

"Oh Doctor, my Doctor, how wrong you are."

The Dalek emperor's voice held a similar horror. "This is the Abomination!"


As the beam headed toward Rose, she caught it in her hand soaking in the energy from the beam. The flames of the vortex fluctuated behind her.

"I am the Bad Wolf. I take the words and scatter them in time and space. A message to remind myself who I must become and to lead myself back to you."

Her skin shimmered like it was made of billions of microscopic diamonds.

"Rose, you've got to stop this! You've got to stop this now."

"Oh, but I'm not finished yet."

"You've got the entire vortex running through your head."

"Doctor, its so warm. I've never felt so..." a tear that glittered caused a golden tear streak down her cheek, "so very free."

Rose gazed into his eyes, "I promised Doctor, I'll always find my way back to you. I want you safe." A smile. "I want you to be happy. So I'll take the responsibility of your task from you, even if you hate me for it."

The Doctor couldn't fathom how Rose was keeping herself sane.

"Protected from your enemies."

"You cannot hurt me. I'm immortal." The Emperor of the Dalek's shouted.

Rose let out a laugh, "You are tiny. I can see the whole of time and space. Every atom of your existence and I divide them."

Rose raised her hands and the Daleks disintegrated. She flickered as if she weren't there and then she became solid.

She looked down at the Doctor, "I gave them a chance. They all must come to dust. The Time War ends."

The Emperor continued to shout until his last moment before he too became nothing but space dust.

"Rose, you've done it. Now stop."

"I can't. I have more questions to ask."

She flickered and she was gone for seconds more before she was back.

"Rose just let go!"

"I can't. I bring life!"

"But this is wrong, you can't control life and death."

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