38. Visits From the Future (Part 2)

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It was a very cold day in February 1974 when a Doctor I hadn't seen before came into our shop to warm up.

He looked as if he had stepped out from a 19th century period film or portrait. Chin length brown curls that framed his long jaw and high forehead. Light blue almost grey eyes that looked around at the world as if each and every thing was something new and exciting.

I closed my eyes checking my Mind Palace, this was the one known as the 8th Doctor. I reopened my eyes and set upon making the Doctor his tea. He had barely sat at a table before I set a nice steaming cup of Earl Grey in front of him, sliding a banana beside the cup.

"It's on the house. I think you'll like this."

"Do you often serve your customers before they order?"

"Only the special ones." I winked.

Manicured fingers patted smiling lips, "Do I know you?"

"Not yet."

"What's this for?" He pointed to the banana.

"Potassium. Bananas are good."

His fingers touched the banana as if it were some strange new organism before peeling it, "Odd. I remember this." He bit into the banana and talked with his mouth full, "I like this."

I giggled, "Rest here til you go off on your next adventure then."

I went to turn away but a strong hand caught mine.

"I know you, don't I?"

"You will." I smiled before leaving after he let me go.

Dinosaurs roamed the centre of London early March 1974

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Dinosaurs roamed the centre of London early March 1974. Mrs Lovett and I sat in our rooftop garden watching as the massive reptiles lumbered along. We shared a tray of biscuits between the two of us as we drank our tea and coffee.

The coffee shop became the stop for the youth in our area of London.

We never hid the truth of alien attacks and often would keep news articles that were reprinted after the effect, we took to framing the most interesting ones on our cafe's walls.

When a heavy cloud descended upon the Earth we encouraged our customers to stay inside until the toxin cleared.

Our regulars calmed down the newbies when the doors to our shop stayed closed not letting anyone in or out until the toxins were cleared outside.

After that we drew a tad bit of attention from Torchwood from our in-the-knowness.

The Torchwood agents were never able to come in because our shop would never let in anyone it didn't trust.

Our shop's sentience was one of the many little discoveries I made over the years despite its efforts to hide its subtle song in my mind.

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