40. To the Ends of the Dimension

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My Mind Palace had told me that this was the day.

May 2, 2008 had Jack and I running to catch a ride on the TARDIS before the Doctor hopped away.

Sexy welcomed me with open doors causing me to slide past the Doctor and Martha, the TARDIS had the swimming pool ready to catch me.

Sexy brought my suite closer, so I got changed into my old clothes since all the clothes I'd brought along were drenched.

It felt odd since my frame had matured since wearing the older clothes. Even if I could have sworn that Sexy must have made alterations because they fit just right.

I came into the console room to find the Doctor's jaw dropped and his eyes wide.

"I really need to stop falling in the swimming pool its becoming a habit."

I looked up to find the Doctor no longer where he had been instead he was bounding over like an over excited puppy. I stifled a laugh as I imagined him in floppy ears and a wagging tail.

"Hello again my Doctor."

I was enveloped in his arms holding me tight.

"You act more like it was you who didn't see me in ages than the other way around."

I waved over his shoulder at Martha, "Hi Martha."

I felt as the Doctor began to nuzzle my neck and I patted the back of his head.

"Don't be rude, its not just the two of us."

"Thank you for the bananas. I should have..."

I rocked back on my heels, "It was due to the timey wimeyness, its ok."

"No its not ok you've been all on your own."

"Well not really. I had a roommate and Jack would come to visit. Oh sh...Jack!" I turned and raced towards Sexy's doors only to be knocked back into the Doctor's arms as Sexy sped off somewhere.

"What's going on?" Martha called from the console.

The ship rocked back and forth and the Doctor held me securely to his body. When Sexy settled, the Doctor took my hand in his and raced toward the console.

He looked over the interface and then up at the ship's screen.

"We are accelerating into the future. 1 billion. 5 billion. Five trillion...fifty trillion? What? The year 100 trillion, that's impossible. We are going to the end of the universe."

"Well at least this known one." I whispered.

The Doctor looked shocked at my statement, "What?"

"You'll find nearly nothing is impossible."

The TARDIS settled and I walked over to the doors.

"We should leave. We should go." The Doctor stared, dazed.

"Why?" Martha asked.

"This is further than anyone's been before, further than the Time Lords have ever gone.

I shook my head before looking at the Doctor in the eyes, "All the more reason to explore the unknown."

The Doctor was still gazing somberly off into the distance.

"Well if you are not going. I am."

I went to open the TARDIS's doors, but they wouldn't budge.

"Come on Sexy, don't do this right now." I looked up back at her heart.

'You are going to leave again.'

'The sooner I go, then sooner I can come back.'

The locks released reluctantly and Sexy let me walk outside, the Doctor and Martha following after me.

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