41. Professor Yana

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"It's like a big blue box. It's my ship, its stuck out there. Could you bring it in?"

The head soldier gave the Doctor a plastic looking green tag, "We are driving out for our last water collection, I'll see what we can do. We'll let you know."

The Doctor nodded, "Thank you."

A young boy came up with a clipboard and asked the man we'd run to the silos with about who he was looking for.

We followed after the two, walking through cramped corridors lined on either side with people huddled together with their few possessions.

"It's like a refugee camp." Martha peered at the people, her eyes filled with sympathy.

I looked at the people we passed, "In a way they are."

The Doctor turned and looked back at Martha, "You humans survive, for the most part staying the same, alive with the hope for a better future. End of the universe and here you are. Indomitable, that's the word. Indomitable!"

The man we'd been following found his mother, and I looked at the young child we'd been following. He watched the reunited family with such a look of yearning.

"You are quite amazing, do you know that?"

The golden haired boy looked up at me with wide blue eyes.

I smiled at him, "What do you think Utopia would be like?"

"My mum used to say, the skies would be filled with diamonds."

I resisted the urge to pat him on the head, he seemed to be rather independent. I wouldn't wish him to feel as if I thought him inferior. So I merely smiled, nodding.

I'd see behind Utopia's door in my mind. As I looked around the countless people I wondered if there was another option for them.

When I had a chance I would need to have a Starling dream. Starling dreams were what I called the times I entered my Mind Palace and had a telepathic conversation with the alien race that gave this second chance.

Yells of surprise came from the side of the corridor where the Doctor, Martha and Jack discovered the rocket waking me from my daze.

An excited older man with grey hair, a poet's shirt and printed waistcoat bounded over to the Doctor and Jack.

"The Doctor?" He looked from Jack to the Doctor.

The Doctor raised his hand, "I'm the Doctor."

The old man grabbed the Doctor's hand and then sped off down the corridor. "Good, good, good, good!"

Martha, Jack and I followed after quickly so as not to be left behind.

We came into a lived-in workspace where the Doctor was being shown every piece of equipment.

A smiling teal alien with mandibles welcomed us, "Chan, welcome, tho."

I bowed my head in return for her welcome.

When the older man came to the end of the machinery he looked over to the Doctor with eager eyes, "Any ideas, Doctor?"

"I'm not from these parts. I've never seen a system like this. Sorry."

The Doctor looked bewildered at the bits of machinery surrounding him.

"I'm sure you'll figure something out, Doctor."

The Doctor turned and smiled at me.

The jolly scientist looked at me with a gobsmacked expression.

He stumbled back, mouth open and eyes wide.

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