47. The Doctor Cooks

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Next time I jumped was several weeks forward.

I watched as the Sexy landed outside Martha's flat.

I walked forward and leaned against Sexy waiting for her occupants to come out.

It was the day before Election Day.

A day before things went mad when the Master was elected Prime Minister.

I heard the TARDIS door open.

"What am I going to do?" The Doctor's voice nearly whined as Martha stepped out.

"I need to spend some time with my family for a bit." She looked to the side and saw me leaning there and gave me a smile, "But look someone is here for you."

The Doctor peeked out, his hands in his suit pockets, his eyes going wide when he took me in.

"Let's go for some fish and chips."

"It's a date." He grinned.

Martha and I waved at each other as the Doctor locked the TARDIS and then looked at me.

I made the first move. I held my hand out and he took it.

We walked through Martha's neighbourhood in silence before we both tried talking at the same time before we sputtered and laughed.

We had circled the block and were back to the TARDIS, I looked at the Doctor in question.

He opened the door for me, "I owe you a meal I believe."

I smiled, "Indeed you do."

We walked arm in arm to the kitchen.

I had always loved the kitchen. It felt like a cosy grotto, copper sink and antique dark wooden cabinets with slate countertops in a light colour that matched the coral-like walls of the console room.

The Doctor led me to the dining nook across from the kitchen.

After making sure I was comfortable on the leather cushions he swept off his coat and jacket.

I wiggled my eyebrows at him.

The Doctor chuckled, his cheeks reddening.

He rolled his sleeves and turned back to the open kitchen.

I watched him move around the kitchen with such joie de vivre.

"You said you couldn't cook."

The Doctor chopped the vegetables expertly before glancing towards me.

"Oh that was before our stay in Versailles."

I looked back in my memories and remembered a time he'd come back to our suite smelling like wood smoke, meat, and sweat.

"So that's where you were off to that one year."

"The great palace chef would only teach me if I was utterly devoted."

I traced the pretty lace of the tablecloth, "The parties weren't the same without you."

"So no great courtier swept you off your feet?"

I glanced at the Doctor to see a self-deprecating smile on his lips and his brow furrowed as he stared down at his sizzling pan.

I knew immediately I needed to put a stop to whatever idea was in his head.

"None of them were you. I missed you every day."

He paused his cooking, his eyes wide.

"You did?"


He looked back down at his cooking, "I missed you too."

Candlelight reflected in our eyes as we gazed at each other over the extravagant meal

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Candlelight reflected in our eyes as we gazed at each other over the extravagant meal.

"It's beautiful."

"Only for you, Rose."

I smiled before I began to eat.

An embarrassing moan of delight coming from my mouth as the savoury steak nearly seemed to fall apart in my mouth.

I cleared my throat embarrassingly and took a sip of some of the wine we'd saved from Versailles all that time ago.

Both our cheeks were flushed.


We looked at each other, and both dissolved into giggles.

When we'd at last composed ourselves we finished eating.

After finishing the dessert tart we sat smiling at each other over our fresh made coffee.

"Rose." The Doctor's voice lowered and he leaned forward.

I leaned forward too, "Yes."

Our breath mixed with each other's.

Our gazes drifted to each other's lips.

"When will you stay?"

I looked up, "I..."

The sound of footsteps echoing caused us both to sit back, even still the Doctor's intense gaze didn't leave my features.

I blew out the candles as Martha's voice called out, breaking the moment.

I couldn't help the mixture of disappointment and relief I felt.

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