24. Coffee with Mr Saxon

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When Sexy dematerialized, the scent of honey and the feel of sunlight was replaced with the scent of blackberries, charcoal and an ocean breeze.

It was so familiar.

I looked across the street and I saw a red convertible.

It was a newer model, but there was something about it that made all the alarm bells in my head ring.

I stood frozen as I watched it park.

A man in a casual business suit stepped from it, a red rose in hand.

He grinned, a too white smile. He walked across the street not bothering to look both ways as if he believed the world revolved around him.

I had the sudden urge to run.

It was too late, he was before me.

Slicked back golden hair. His eyes were dark brown and intent.

He stood before me as if expecting me to speak first.

With a chuckle he offered the flower, "A rose for a Rose."

"How do you know me?"

I was wary.

The Time Lord attached to the TARDIS that reminded me of a seaside night had only known one name before. This could only mean I was meeting another Time Lord out of order.

It seemed like I was making a habit of that today.

"Perhaps I just would like to take a pretty girl on a date." His teeth glinted in the light as he grinned.

"Perhaps," I eyed him warily and he let out a laugh.

His voice turned serious, his eyes searching and fierce.

"Come with me," he commanded.

"Only coffee."

A chuckle low and deep that reminded me of the Bond villain I'd met long ago, "Only a coffee...this time."

I sat in the coffee shop looking out the window

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I sat in the coffee shop looking out the window. I could feel his gaze upon me like it was a physical thing.

"Enough, eyes on me." He commanded.

I supposed I could look at him, it was only polite to do so. I looked at him, and bent to take a sip of my coffee only after I saw him take a sip of his own.

"My you are quite young aren't you? This is the youngest I've seen you since we met, my Marion."

I barely held back a wince at the 'my'.

I raised my head, "I hope I don't look the same as I did when I was ten."

He let out what sounded like joyful laughter, before he reached out to grab my hand.

"I was worried for nothing it seems, you do remember. Of course, you can't easily forget now can you, my Marion."

My eyes narrowed.

He leaned forward as if to speak a secret, "I imagine that man would be offly jealous if he found out how much time you've spent by my side. Oh, just imagining it is delicious."

I wondered why I would ever willingly spend time with someone that radiated danger.

"Oh my dear Marion, you love me. You told me so."

My lips pulled down in a frown and his hand tightened on mine tugging me so I was leaning over the table, his mouth coming to hover over my ear.

"What kind of love, well, I'll leave that up to your imagination." His nose brushed against my ear and I couldn't hold back the shiver, "If I had it my way, I'd be your everything. Son, brother, father, friend, foe..." his lips brushed my cheek and I tried to lean back but his hand became a vice on mine, "...lover." He leaned back and let go of my hand, "Oh but you are mighty stubborn."

He looked out the window, his gaze narrowing.

I followed his gaze to see Jack and Mickey rounding the corner across the street.

"Ah, your pets are here."

"They are not..."

He held a finger to my lips, "When you're older you'll realise its safer for me to view them as such." He leaned back, "Till then you'll have to learn the hard way."

I swallowed and his gaze tracked every movement I made.

He stood dusting off his suit and giving me a grin.

"Till next time, Marion. I must get back to my Rose."

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