49. Promises of Time

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"The Doctor ran away to be kind."

I opened my Starling door and reached out to the Void I'd seen. My fingertips began to sparkle with purple starlight from nebulas distant.

"You have killed too many already, do you think I'd let you be? I won't give you another chance."

I felt my eyes begin to glow, I snapped my fingers. A rush of cold air surrounded us as I opened a schism to the Void.

"What are you?" The Family shrunk back.

"I'm the Black Swan."

My eyes narrowed and I reached towards the Mother first tendrils of purple light wrapping around her before I tossed her into the Void. A scream ripping through the Mother of Mine as she was tossed in.

It flickered as I turned to the next, "The Void is a place of nothingness, forever alone you will be." I smiled, my teeth glinting, "I'll grant your wish of forever."

My hands reached out more tendrils of light flashing towards the Son of Mine and Father of Mine.

"No last words?" My chuckle was wet and my teeth grinded against each other, before I flung the two into the Void.

It flickered again and I turned to the last.

"Will you really kill me, too?" The Daughter of Mine spoke in a warbling voice while reaching behind her for her blaster.

"Oh, I'm not killing you." I spoke before light wrapped around her tightly, the blaster dropping from the girl's fingertips, before the tendrils pulled her into the Void.

The schism closed behind me and I collapsed to my knees. Purple light fading away, leaving only white gold starlight in its wake. Silent tears fell down my cheeks, as a choked sob escaped me.

I wiped the tears and walked to the lever closing both glowing panels and the bombardment stopped shaking the countryside.

A clatter behind me was heard, probably Martha, I didn't turn around.

"Just...Just...stop..." The stuttering voice of John Smith came from behind me, and I turned wiping my face with my sleeve.

"Mr Smith?"

He tripped and more levers were pulled down, his eyes darted around the ship searching for the Family.

He wandered toward me, his eyes wide.

"They are gone."

"All taken care of, why haven't you left?"

His shoulders slumped and his head bowed,

"Did you think I would actually leave you behind, my Rose?"

His head came up and I saw my Doctor standing before me.

John Smith hidden away behind his eyes.

"I..." I turned and pressed down the rest of the layers of switches that his act would have done. "We should run."

I walked past him and he grabbed my hand before we made a brisk exit from the ship. Running when we heard its alarms sounding, a large explosion had us falling upon the countryside grass.

I laid my head against my arms, all the stress from before rising up in my throat, making it hard to breath, I felt my chest tighten and my body wrack with sobs.

"Rose?" The Doctor pulled me to him until I lay over him. His body cradled me, his arms tight around my waist.

I gasped as I let out another sob, "I was going to rewrite time for you."

His arms tightened. His chin tilted down, lips brushing against my forehead.

"Let us write time together."

I looked up only to see his intent gaze upon mine. His nose brushed against mine and his breath was hot against my lips. We moved together, his lips drawing mine into a deep kiss.

Martha waited for us at the TARDIS, a bittersweet smile passing her lips as she saw our hands intertwined

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Martha waited for us at the TARDIS, a bittersweet smile passing her lips as she saw our hands intertwined.

I stepped through letting out a long sigh, I wanted to stay longer especially after the moment the Doctor and I shared.

I watched Martha pass us and head toward the hallway, no doubt to give us privacy.

"You are leaving again, aren't you?"

A chin rested on my shoulder and arms wrapped around my middle tightly.

"I'm nearby on the next adventure." I tipped my head toward where he rested his head on my shoulder, "You know overlapping time can be dangerous."

The Doctor let out a blustery sigh, "Will you stay one day?"

I turned and the Doctor straightened.

I pulled him down by his TARDIS blue tie pecking him on the lips.

"Yes, I just need to straighten out my individual timeline. Plus there are people you need to meet, people who will teach you lessons I can't teach you...well not in the same way."

The Doctor pouted.

I couldn't help myself from going on my tippy toes to give him another kiss.

"It won't be long, my Doctor."

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