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With you, my heart is whole,
My life is full of grace;
Forever bound, body and soul.

Like any other day, today the sky was again a vibrant blue, having patches of white clouds creating random designs

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Like any other day, today the sky was again a vibrant blue, having patches of white clouds creating random designs.

I wonder if these patterns of clouds had any hidden meaning. A stupid thought really.

And then there was this round ball of fire, staring right back at me with its hot glare, immediately making me break a sweat.

"Why is it so hot all of a sudden." Muttering under my breath, my hands continued the task of plucking the henna leaves from the tree.

Recently, my empire has been the subject of constant distress.

"Aziziti!(My precious) Hurry, bring the henna leaves. I have to prepare the paste for tomorrow."

To my knowledge, there are some . . . Resentments among our neighboring empires who are possibly teaming up against us.

I am unaware of the reasons for the resentments but it's quite obvious that it is related to our religion. Ever since the new ruler in their countries came, these problems had started to rise.

I do not have much information on this but what I have collected from the sahifa (Newspaper) that gets delivered every day on our doorstep-

"Hoor, aziziti hurry! I asked you to pluck the leaves, not to plant a tree! How long will it take you, I can't stand for long, I have to do more work around the house."

There were articles highlighting and hyping the young males to join the battalion. From that, I can deduce that something big is definitely going to happen. A war perhaps.

This is what has been the talk of the town these days, including my house. My three brothers are already quite enthusiastic and are already discussing their roles.

Ever since they were young, they had swords in their hands. All I had were rocks that I pelted on the targets my baba once made me to satisfy my wishes.

Maybe if I wasn't born a girl, I cou-


A flying slipper is awarded to my back and I yelp in surprise.

"Ammi! Why did you throw t-"

"Hoorain bint e Khalid, I have been calling you for the last 2 hours yet you don't find it important to answer me. I am not free like you the whole day, I have much work to do. Bring my slipper in with you."

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