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My love for you is like the sea,
A vast and endless mystery;
With tides that ebb and flow like time,
And depths that are forever mine.

My love for you is like the sea,A vast and endless mystery;With tides that ebb and flow like time,And depths that are forever mine

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What have I done!? I am stuck with no way back.

After coming to this place, I have made irreversible choices and the more time goes on, the more choices I have to make, each time going deeper into the trees.

The series of duels finally came to an end while I was trying to calm myself and think about the steps I should take next.

To counter the two weird men that Allah has thrown into my life.

Tightening the head and face covering around my head, I picked up the sword and the book I was given by the merchant, exiting the tent and once again coming into the view of endless men.

Now that the duels had ended, the people seemed to be divided into two groups.

Walking closer, I noticed that one group was under Aza while the other was under Khulaid.

Ya Allah, I Hope no one expects me to join either one. One tries to make an enemy of me while the other seeks interest in exposing my secrets.

Best I scurry away before someone sees me.

"Amir Hamza!" I had to jinx myself, didn't I?

Turning to face Ahmad, my eyes shoot arrows at him which he seems to be oblivious to.

"Where are you going?" It seemed as if Ahmad wanted to add more to his simple statement but preferred not to.

Raising my sword to his eye level, I hoped he would understand.

"Are you going to clean your weapon? I can ask so-" Shaking my head, I raised a hand to stop him between his sentence.

Placing the thick book under my arm, I unsheathed my sword and slashed the air multiple times to show him what I wanted to do.

Slow man, understand!

"Oh!-" Nodding, I sheathed my sword again. Turning around, I left before the man would delay my training anymore.

Behind the tents was a dense forest, I doubt anyone would come here. Especially Aza or Khulaid since they had their hands full with training others.

Walking a little deeper in the forest, I ended up in a small clearing, bordered by trees and bushes.


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