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It's weird how they say everything is wrong in their turn,
It's weird when they say our similar problems don't matter,
Oh the double standards.

It's weird how they say everything is wrong in their turn,It's weird when they say our similar problems don't matter,Oh the double standards

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Early in the morning, when everyone was asleep except Ammi and I, the door of our house was knocked upon and I rushed to see to it.


It is best to ask before opening the door and allowing danger into the house. Even though I have been doing self-defense with Baba almost every day, I do not think I am ready to defend anyone in this house barehanded yet.

"Here to deliver a letter!" A gruff voice sounded familiar and I jogged my memory, trying to put a name to the voice.

My mind was fuzzy.

Opening the door, I peeked out and after taking in the face of the man, I could finally put the name to it.


Why are the visits becoming more and more frequent?


Khulaid eyes stared into my peeking ones and a brow of mine raised itself. Wordlessly, he pushed a sahifa in my hand.

A realization hit me yet I could not help myself but lie, "I am sorry, I would invite you in but my brothers and father are not at home at this moment. You can come by -"

"No no! It is alright. Just make sure everyone reads this letter. It's from the palace."

"A letter from Amir?"

"Yes, and an invitation actually. I will get going now!" Silently nodding back at him, Khulaid gave me one last look and turned around, leaving without another glance back.

Something burst in my heart.

Shutting the door close, my hands trembled as I shakily unrolled the sahifa, taking in the contents of the letter.


A dawat? (A respectable party that involves alot of food)

For the warriors and their families?

A personal invite from the Amir?

The details were scribbled down and at the bottom left laid the sigil of the Amir.

Is this also a sign from Aza? Does he want me there? It is sent by his father after all.

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