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Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I walk by again?

Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I walk by again?

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It was a bloodbath.

The sun was atop of our heads, showing its wrath.

My legs lead me among the warriors, charging in without an ounce of hesitation.

By now, our warriors and archers hidden in the trees would have made their attacks and the army must have divided in two directions.

Ignoring the protests of my body, I made way with my troops, slashing whoever I could. Most of the enemy warriors were on the horses, the spearmen in our battalion took care of them.

Pulling a knife from my waistband, I throw it at another warrior charging towards us on a horse.

Amidst the battle, I had shuffled my position from the front line to the side, further away from the enemy line of march.

Since they had to enter through the gate opening, I could easily stand on the sides and take aim at the enemies.

My head had started to hurt long ago, my arms were scratched from various areas and my legs would tremble every now and then. Blocking attacks was not easy, it would take a lot of energy to keep my arms steady and firm. If they ever buckled under the intense hits, I would not be alive. 

A shudder swarmed down my spine at the thought of that.

This was one of another reason for me taking a step back from the front lines. Our men simply cannot see the Amir dying in front of them, What morale will they have if I die?

So far, I believe we were doing extremely well, not a single warrior from the enemy side was able to enter our walls without dying. We were defending very well.

Yet . . . This weird feeling continues to nudge at my heart.

Moving from my position, I quickly climb up the wall, joining my archers.

I needed to look from higher grounds.

"Everything is according to plan my Amir!" My eyes moved to Ozair and I nodded. "The army has divided as we planned. Our archers have completely annihilated their archers. The warriors outside the walls are fighting we-"

My ears start to ring as a large bang goes out, an explosion I had seen before coming to memory all too well.

Traps. Like the ones in courtyard of Mirage.

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