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A love that's deep and always new;

A passion that ignites my soul,And makes my life feel whole.

ogether, we are more than one,
A love that lasts beyond the sun;
Forever bound in sweet embrace,
Our love a never-ending race.

The crescent moon smiled down at me as I gazed at the sky, Waiting for everyone to fall asleep so I could go and wash myself.

I have stayed dirty for too long!

Women talk alot but I was surprised when men were not shy of doing that either. They talked and talked, discussing whatnot and because of those discussions, now I know that there is a water body just some distance in the trees behind the tents.

Only opposite direction of the clearing I went to train in.

Waiting for fifteen more minutes, when the movement around the camp had stopped and the candles inside the tents had been blown out, I stood up from my spot, grabbing my things that I had gathered in the bag and walked in the direction of the said water body.

And true the words, there indeed was a water body that spread quite far. A grin immediately formed on my lips and I started taking off my attire bit by bit.

The robe, the boots and gloves. When the clothes from around my mouth and hair eased off, cold air immediately nipped at my face and a sigh of pleasure escaped my lips.

Has been too long since the last time I could feel my face and hair.

Soon enough, my long hair came down in natural waves and I hid my body in the coolness of water.

I just hope nothing bites me inside the water.

Washing my body and hair gave me the relaxation I needed.

But I could not ravel in this pleasure for long, caution griping my heart. I could not take the risk of anyone seeing me here like this.

After rushing my thorough bath, I climbed out of the water, dried my body and put on a long white dress.

Just for a while until my hair dries. I was tired of wearing the heavy chainmail.

Dragging my things next to a tree, I managed to climb a branch and settle myself on it. Just for caution, I cannot stand out in the open, what if someone else feels the need to take a dip.

I just hope a jinn (ghost) does not attack me while I comb my hair out. I am sitting on the tree anyways, I would not be surprised if a jinn does plan to come onto me.

Slowly starting from my roots to ends, I finger combed my hair.

"My heart does not understand,

Why does it seek that dangerous man,

Everytime my eye catches his,

My heart is ready to take the risk,

But all my brain wants is to kill,

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