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Your love is a symphony,
A harmony of joy and peace;
A song that lifts my soul to infinity.

Your love is a symphony,A harmony of joy and peace;A song that lifts my soul to infinity

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My head started to throb as I quickly thought of ways to escape this.

There were none!

I was not strong enough yet to fight Khulaid or any other sword-wielders with years and years of practice.

I can only do what little I learned from watching my brothers and even that is not enough since there are many other factors that effects one's art of sword.

I, Hoorain, someone who has never slashed with a sword ever in the whole eighteen years of my life, how can I defeat someone like Khulaid, Aza, or even my brothers?

A smirk begin to form on Khulaid's lips when he saw I made no move to come to the ring.

That's it! This man is going down!

I was about to move, honestly! But what can I do when someone else wants to challenge Khulaid?

"Allow me! Usman bin Khalid! I would like to test my skills against a warrior such as yourself." Without even knowing, Usman was helping me.

"You are most welcome son of Khalid," Khulaid smirked even more after hearing the praise from Usman.

Was Khulaid really an exceptional fighter that even my brother was aware of his skills?

Usman moved into the ring, his wooden sword tightly clutched in his hand. He seemed nervous and to be honest, I would be surprised if he wasn't.

It is not that I do not believe in the skills harnessed by Usman yet I can not bring myself to think he will be able to win. Since Abu Bakr being the better fighter lost.

Whatever the case might be, I hope Usman shows what the sons of Khalid are made of.


Usman and Khulaid, both did not move from their spots for a while and the anticipation started clawing at me.

Sometimes it annoyed me how I could not voice my thoughts.

It started like a flash! Both one second stood at the opposite ends and the next moment their swords were clashing.

Unlike the first match, this was far more fast-paced and other warriors had their spirits raised immediately.

The first match was pure brutal. This was far more fun to watch I believe.

Their swords continued to find each other again and again, Usman was quick on his feet with excellent balance unlike Abu Bakr but Khulaid had more strength. He was fighting with pure force.

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