• Chapter 37 •

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Taehyung was following behind everyone. He had lost all of his senses. You've been arrested. For a crime so big and so shameful that anyone would have feared the person behind those vulgar sins. But your innocent face was saying otherwise. You had tears continuously running down your eyes the whole time Ren pulled you out of the van and inside the station. The moment she pushed you inside the lockup, you were still crying. You weren't feeling anything. Not even hurt. You were numb.

"I told you I'll get to you" Ren said, locking up the metal cage from outside. You didn't care about her words. They were empty to you. All you cared about was how the one person you trusted more than yourself betrayed you. You were betrayed by your life itself. Hurt wasn't the right word to explain your emotions.

You didn't say anything and mindlessly sat down on the ground. She smiled victoriously and walked back to where everyone else was. Seokjin and Namjoon were contacting the CIA chief for further procedure while Jiwa was busy preparing the case papers.

They still had to get a confession out of you for further action and they were all contemplating who'd be the one to question you.

Teahyung was in his office. He hasn't spoken a word ever since the door to that damned terrace opened and you were caught in the act. You were dragged back to the station with handcuffs around your soft wrists and he didn't speak a word. He wanted to run and uncuff you and kiss those lightly forming bruises away but he didn't. You were pushed inside a dark cell and he didn't speak a word. He wanted to hug you, kiss you and make you cower in his chest for all he cared in the world, but… he didn't. He just couldn't do it.

Why?? Because somewhere in all of this, he still chose not to believe it. He has seen everything with his own eyes, heard you talking to your supposedly alive ex boyfriend but he still didn't want to believe. His love wasn't letting him believe. He wanted to close his eyes and let all this be a dream. No!! A nightmare he wanted to end briskly in its wake.

He wanted to see you, talk to you. Ask if you've done it and if you have, then why did you do everything. So many questions were bubbling in his head. So many unanswered and so many he didn't even want the answer to because he knew, at the end, those answers will break him further more than he already was feeling.

Ren was outside talking to others. He was hearing everything but his responses were numb. She then entered his office to ask him something that he didn't have any idea about. He mindlessly nodded. Didn't even hear what she said but agreed nonetheless.

"Alright then, I'll let you go to her in a few" when these words got registered by him, his ears perked up.

"What??" He asked the girl.

"You're going to be questioning her. Be ready" she informed once again and now he understood what she asked before.

"Why me?" He didn't want to go. He didn't want to face you for the sake of his poor heart. He just couldn't do it.

"Then who, if not you? You've been the closest to her in the past few months. You can look through her lies. And.." Ren faltered with her words. Taehyung raised a questioning eyebrow at that and waited for her to continue.

"And it'll be a nice way to break her open. She'll be vulnerable to you" she finished. Taehyung couldn't believe how harsh she could get in order to make you look bad. Just how cruel can she be??

But she was. There was a reason she was called 'Deathstroke' by her colleagues. She was ruthless and merciless when it came to criminals. Sparing one was never in her vocabulary even if the person was somehow closer to her.

"I don't want to," Taehyung strived to her words. He really didn't want to interrogate the love of his life for anything. He didn't have that kind of zeal to bear standing in front of the girl he's been in love with an accusing gaze. He just couldn't.

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