• Chapter 39 •

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"No! I'm saying that I killed him. It's all on me" you said with your head low.

"How about the others?" This time it was Taehyung to ask. He wanted to know how far your rage took you to kill 6 men. He needed to know in order to at least have a little anger towards you for committing such a gruesome crime.

"The bee's attack was intentional. It was the only way I could think of at short notice so I threw a stone at the beehive when you went to take the water" You told them. He remembered correctly the day you two went for the portfolio shooting. It was the same day he realised his growing feelings for you. How could he not remember that day!

"How were you so sure that would work? I mean, the bees could have attacked you as well!" Ren enquired. Taehyung looked between you and her for a second before focussing his attention back at you.

"That was a risk I was willing to take. If it wouldn't have worked that way, I was going to electrocute him" you said with zero ounce of regret in your voice. "None of the people I killed were saints, officer. They all deserved what they got. I don't feel guilty because I got rid of 6 scumbags from the world but because for the person whom I did it turned out to be an illusion," you said with a low voice.

"And how did you plan for the apple seeds poison? It was brilliant though" Ren asked again. All the while you were being investigated, you kept your head low. Not looking at Taehyung at all. You were either looking down at your hands or answering Ren. Taehyung wanted you to look at him. Even if for a second, he just wanted you to see him. Maybe as a reliance.

Once again, you directed your answer towards Ren "I had a biotechnologist at the coffee shop once. She was working on some project of hers which had something to do with apples and its seeds. I got intrigued and asked her. She explained to me how the seeds are deadly. I did some research of my own and.." rest was known to the two of them. They knew how the seed powder was used as poison. Yoongi has already briefed them about the dangerously genius technique.

"And all this while, the thought that you are destroying someone's family for your mean motives? Did it ever occur to you that some kids are going to grow up without a father" Ren's words were spitting fire towards you. You knew where she was coming from. You did feel for those kids but those men didn't deserve to live and that's what you believed all along.

"Did it ever occur to them that someone lost their whole world because of them? Did they ever think to reflect upon their actions? Then why should I? Why should I think about their family when they never thought about mine?" you spat back. Ren stopped blinking at the tempered words leaving your lips.

Taehyung on the other hand couldn't look at you. He didn't recognise the woman in front of him. He couldn't picture the girl sitting in front of him and the girl he'd spend his afternoons and evenings with. The sweet and innocent looking girl he fell in love with was nowhere near compared to the murderer sitting infront of him right now. You were not his YN.

"You're horrible YN! I'm sorry Tae" Ren said, looking at Taehyung who had his head hung low. His breathing was shallow but he wasn't moving a bit. Just frozen on the spot. You looked at your hands too. Cuffed in the metallic grip. Suffocating but all too deserving.

And then the door to the room slowly opened. The metal door made a protruding noise in its wake. Two officers walked in and uncuffed you from the table. One of them held your arms In front and put the cuff around your other wrist while the other stood on your other side. Then the two got you on your feet and towards the door.

You were leaving. Out of the room and out of Taehyung's sight. You never looked back at him. He traced the path you followed out of the room till you were at the door. He stayed rooted there. Heart beating at 1000 miles per hour to just get up and rush to you, to embrace you, to feel you close once again. But he didn't.

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