•Champagne Casual•

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Tallulah had already given me the rules over and over again, imploring me to recite them to him so that he knew that he could trust my judgement. He cared for me more than my own mother. did; I respected him more than her. He patted me on the shoulder, telling me that he would be at the front desk if I needed him. Nodding, I pushed open the doors to the music, the alcohol, the laughter. It was overwhelming at first, but the further I got into the room, the more confident I began to feel. I was ready to answer any question that he was bound to hurl at me, and I was ready to drink my fair share of expensive champagne. If that made me any more confident, then I would welcome every single drop of it. I wasn't looking for Thaddeus, but I knew that he would find me no matter how hard I tried to avoid him. After all, he had invited me here, and he definitely would be on the lookout for me. He was always looking for me, he was obsessed with me. I felt an arm wrap around my waist, pulling me against their chest. I had only one guess as to whom it was- my dearThaddeus.

"I thought that you weren't going to come little mouse, I know that you aren't such a huge fan of me." He purred in my ear, rocking me from side to side. Letting go of me, I turned to face him, he was beaming. He had a bottle of champagne in his hand, beckoning me over to his little private booth. To my luck, we were the only ones there. I was pleasantly surprised, as I was expecting more of his pretty boys to be sitting there, waiting for him to nibble on their little necks. He poured champagne for the both of us, sliding a glass towards me. He was already staring at me as I took a sip from my glass, setting it down in front of me. I could smell his cologne, it was invading my head, ricocheting off the inside of my skull. He smiled, leaning in closer to me. "What made you accept my offer? You usually don't want to be anywhere near me." He said, cocking his head to the side.

"I decided that the easiest thing to do was humour you, Thaddeus, seeing as you follow me around this hotel like a lost puppy." I said with a raised eyebrow, he leaned back with a smile on his face. He put his hands behind his head, watching my every move. I was sure that he was drunk already, because his skin seemed to glow and he seemed much cheerier than his usual, dismal self; which I felt was a little odd in itself. However, I was none the wiser, and he knew that he had caught me in his trap.

"Oh you did, did you? That's very kind of you." He chuckled, drinking the entire contents of his glass, pouring more for himself.  We didn't talk for a while, instead we stared at each other. I got the feeling that he just liked having me in his company, for reasons unknown to me. "You're beautiful." He said finally, for the millionth time since meeting him. I shook my head with a laugh, looking away from him. I heard him shift in his seat, noticing that he had inched closer towards me. I didn't really have any objections, because the smell of his cologne was enticing.

"I'm really not." Was all that I could manage to say, as his hand snaked over to my thigh. He grabbed it, I shivered, trying to keep my cool with a sip of champagne, eyes squinting as I stared off into the middle distance.

"What makes you say that?" He asked curiously, turning my head to face him. His face was straight, expression blank, so I knew that he wanted to get information from me.

My mind instantly went to Tallulah. Thaddeus had helped him. Allowing him to be himself in exchange for his work on the front desk. I was truly unhappy with my body, and the way I was perceived by those around me. I wanted to be able to dress comfortably, to lather my face in expensive makeup, to bathe in diamonds. But I knew that it was going to be difficult to get any of that, as many people didn't want to accept that some people don't want to be trapped in a body assigned to them. "Will you answer my question now?" He asked quietly, whispering in my ear again. I nodded my head, taking a deep breath. "Why do you want to work here, for me?"

"When I was little, my mother used to drag me past the hotel after school. I would admire the glamorous guests that poured into the hotel, and the glitter- and I would tell her that I wanted to be like that, like the pretty ladies in their dresses and that I would love one like theirs. She would scold me, tell me to stop being so ridiculous, and tell my father as soon as we got home. Of course, he disappeared, and she was left raising a golden child and one that was in a crippling mess over their identity. I go home every night, and I stand in the mirror, and I cry. I cry because I can't wear those dresses and the heels and the long nails-"

"Who said that you can't?" He asked, interrupting me with a question valid enough to ponder it. I shrugged as I looked away from him, downing more alcohol to prevent myself from crying for the millionth time this week. He frowned, moving his hand from my thigh to my chin, turning my head so that I was facing him once again. "Who said you can't?" He asked again, his authoritative tone making me shiver. I shrugged again, he raised an eyebrow, his face incredibly close to mine.

"You're right. Nobody's stopping me other than myself- except maybe my mother, and my sister." I said truthfully, watching him roll his eyes. He smiled, brighter than I had ever seen before. He was probably celebrating the fact that I had opened up to him, even though I know that I probably shouldn't have. I had no idea whether he was going to use that information against me or not in the near future - however,  I had a sneaking suspicion that he wouldn't, because he was more than just a slightly interested in me.

"To me you're attractive no matter what. I never say that to anybody, so you should feel special." He said, stroking my cheek. I blushed.

Maybe it was the alcohol, or maybe it was the huge crush that I had on him, but I knew that I was right where I wanted to be. Caught in his trap.
Song Of The Chapter- Revolution by Rat Boy

Already started college
Already 17

Time flies and I wanna die already- like I'm already sick, overworked and completely and utterly exhausted... I'll stop complaining because I love this story, it's my fave

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