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*Listen to the song, it's immersing*

"You are so handsome." I whispered, before pressing my lips against his. I had completely taken him off guard, although his pants seemed to tell me something else. I raised an eyebrow, giggling like a little girl, kissing him again. I knew that Thaddeus really would he impressed, and I'd probably get a reward of some kind for finding him such an attractive specimen.

The doors opened, I took him by the hand, walking out with a smile on my face. He followed me excitedly, I could tell by how tightly he was gripping my hand. The door to our suite was left ajar, Thaddeus hiding somewhere inside. He desperately needed blood, having been too busy with me to drink any. I led him confidently towards our bedroom, closing the door behind us. I knew that he was hiding somewhere in here, I could smell his cologne. He had promised that he would take me out for dinner- only if I got him some blood. Pushing the boy down onto the bed, I undid my dress. My chest was bare, but I was wearing a nice pink lace pair of underwear. His eyes widened, as he started to sit up. "I-I'm not gay." He said, trying his best to escape from the room.

"Oh honey, that's what they all say." I said, pushing him back down on the bed, pressing my forehead to his. He gasped, as I grabbed him over his jeans, kissing him, chewing on his bottom lip. I lifted his white shirt over his head, his eyes closed.
I stood up, Thaddeus stepping out from behind me. He climbed on top of the boy, cutting his neck with the blade in his hand. Dropping it, he held the boy's hands down, as his legs flailed with less and less impact as he fell into unconsciousness. I crawled onto the bed, sitting next to my love, stroking his head as he drank. He made a few growls here and there, until he sat up, closing his eyes, taking in a deep breath. I smiled, reaching out to him. He took my hand, kissing the back of it after licking the blood from around his mouth.

"Nice choice." He said with a sly smile, kissing my hand again.

"So, now will you take me out?" I said, beaming at him. He looked up, as though he really had to think about it.

"Okay then." He said, backing off from the unconscious boy. Following him, he handed my dress to me, zipping it up for me. "I'd prefer it if you didn't wear that." He said quietly into my ear, resting his chin on my shoulder. I rolled my eyes, batting behind, aiming to hit him in the crotch. He laughed, jerking his body away from my hand.

He linked my arm, leading me from the room, the unconscious boy still lying there.
We made our way to the lift, standing back against the golden bar. Thaddeus poked the 'ground floor' button, sending the car down to the lobby. He held me close to him, his arm wrapped around my waist, he really was proud of me. He kissed my cheek, squeezing my hip.
"I love you, little mouse." He said quietly, I smiled.

"I love you too."
The lift doors opened, revealing a mass of excited partygoers. Their crush wasn't going to he sat at his booth today, he'd be out with his little mouse. Talulah raised his eyebrow as we walked past him, a smile spread across his face.

"You have a gift in our suite, he'll wake up in about an hour." Thaddeus said, pointing up. Talulah put a hand to his chest, as though he was flattered by the news. Thaddeus and I laughed in unison, as we headed towards the front door.

There wasn't anything on this planet that could make me lose love for this boy. The way he held onto me as tightly as he could, the way that he smiled whenever he saw me- it was all just enchanting. I was going to spend the rest of my life with him, here, in the hotel that allowed me to explore myself.
Stepping outside, there was press everywhere. His car sat right in front of us, yet, he took the time to stop, holding me close. He pressed his lips against mine, my hand reaching up to cup his cheek. He held me there, in front of everybody, adoring me.
Song Of The Chapter- You're In Love With A Psycho by Kasabian

So, this story's come to an end! How do we feel??

Let me know what you thought about the thing, it'll really help me yanno- improve and whatnot in the future!! Comment and vote because it really helps me out <3

Also, be sure to check out The Revolution- my newest story, because I think it's kinda rad if I do say so myself...

Love you guys so much <3

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