•A Night In White Satin (Part Two)•

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"Tallulah is going to kill me." I gasped, as he pulled his mouth away from my neck. He smiled, placing one of his ringed fingers against my lips, not hesitating to pull it away quickly in order to kiss me again. We both smiled, as we pressed our foreheads together, looking deeply into each other's eyes. The drunken version of his green eyes were darker, as though they were saturated with humanity. Whereas, the pastel-green version that I was accustomed to seeing were stripped of that humanity and adoration.

"That man loves to overprotect the people that he thinks that I'm going to "ruin." He's a great guy, but he gets too parental" He said quietly, moving a stray strand of hair out of my face so that we could look at each other more clearly. There were no blemishes on his perfect skin, everything was soft beneath my fingers. His breathing was raspy, as if he was hiding feelings of pleasure deep inside himself. I too was hiding my feelings of pleasure, as drunken me didn't want to take their clothes off, just as much as sober me. I didn't want to ruin the moment with him by sobbing in his arms.

"You know, I'll have to stay over in one of the rooms. I should probably go." I said seriously, sober me making an appearance. Thaddeus frowned as I stood up, grabbing onto my arm, pulling me back down onto the couch.

"Stay here. You can take my bed, I'll stay on the couch. It'll save you spending anything." He said, pulling me close to him again. I smiled, beginning to thank him over and over, he quietened me with another kiss, his hand squeezing my thigh. I moaned into his mouth, taking in a deep breath, pulling away from him.

He helped me up, with a firm grasp on my hand as he led me into his bedroom. It wasn't the first time that I had been in there; the first time was when I was tasked with "taking out his trash" when he couldn't be bothered. Listening to the light flicker on, I could finally take in the charm of his room. He stood at the foot of his bed, as I wandered around the place. There were old vinyls stuck to the wall, the paint a shade of dark blue. Underneath them were two large metal boxes, old vinyl covers lying on the ground. Books, candles, old bottles of whiskey- the room was filled with them all. Turning to face him, I noticed that he had his arms folded. "What's wrong?" I asked with a pout, his straight face turned into a cute smile.

"Nothing. You just seemed interested in things that nobody seems to notice." He said. The way that he was acting was surreal- as though he wasn't being completely sincere. I had never known him to be so adorable, so gentle. In all fairness, I had only known him for less than a week, and I was far too reluctant to spend any time with him whilst he was sober. I had to give the boy the benefit of the doubt.

"You don't exactly allow people to get to know the nicer side of you, you're a professional arsehole." I said, raising an eyebrow, as he shook his head.

"I'm not usually this nice." He said. He walked towards me, his boots clicking against the wooden floor. He kissed my forehead, using his thumb to stroke my cheek. "If you need anything, little mouse, I'll be on the couch." He said quietly, resisting the urge to kiss me again. I smiled, shaking my head, as he left the door ajar. Sighing, I crept over to his chest of drawers. Technically, I was still in my work uniform, leaving me without anything to wear to bed. I hesitated as I wandered past the door, looking out to see if he was there. He was, siting on the couch, elbows resting on his thighs with his head in his hands. I didn't want to intrude, especially if he was going through important thoughts, so I crept over to the other side of the room. Routing through a drawer, I found an old-looking black t-shirt. I threw my clothes onto the ground, before pulling it over my head, I wandered over to the light switch, turning it off, stumbling over to Thaddeus' bed.

As soon as my body hit the white satin sheets, I was bathed in the scent of his cologne. I smiled in the dark, curling up into a ball, closing my eyes.

"I don't have time for this." I could've sworn that I heard somebody familiar talking outside Thaddeus' bedroom. I was half-awake, still curled up into a ball, head now in the direction of the door. It was still slightly open, and there was a dull flicker of light outside the room. I heard footsteps, and the sound of somebody being pushed. Somebody gasped, as silence fell over the room. The silence was somewhat crippling, until that familiar voice spoke again. "Now get the fuck out."

I heard two sets of footsteps this time, one heading towards Thaddeus' room, the other towards the front door. Whoever it was, I couldn't see them, as the room was engulfed in darkness. I heard a grunt, followed by something falling onto the floor. The bed dipped down, as somebody crawled in beside me. Closing my eyes, I felt an arm drape across my numb body.

The numbness from that surreal moment was still present when I woke up. I stared up at the ceiling for a short while, noticing that there were no cracks, no imperfections. Turning to my side, I saw him. He was lying on his front, his cheek squished against the pillow, eyes closed, body pressed against mine. His messy hair made him look even more attractive than I remembered, his long eyelashes a contrast to his porcelain skin. Looking down, his arm was across my body, effectively pinning me down. From what I could tell, he wasn't wearing a shirt; I had the pleasure of feeling his warm skin against mine.

Oddly enough, I began to feel wanted. It was a weird feeling that was loitering in the pit of my stomach. In the spur of the moment, I turned over to face him, closing my eyes, resting my forehead against his.
Song Of The Chapter- Clair de Lune by Debussy

Thaddeus loves classical music- I made a playlist just for his character so I can get a better feeling for his character (he's my favourite character that I've ever created.)

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