•How Could You?•

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Penelope had put ideas into my head. She had made me increasingly paranoid, and there was nothing that I could do but run up to Thaddeus' suite like an obedient puppy. She made me feel like nothing compared to him. I found myself walking briskly towards the lift, frantically pushing the top button, urging the doors to close faster. I paced back and forth, my arms folded. I wanted to be near him, to be reassured that he loved me still. She made the impression that he couldn't love, that he was incapable of doing so. I wanted to be free of her toxic words that had made me so increasingly paranoid.

The little bell sounded, the doors opening, I jogged down the corridor. The front door was closed, I could hear nothing from inside. The paranoia built up inside me. Twisting the handle, the sound of silence surrounded me as I entered the room. Frantically looking around, I searched for any sign of him being there.
The bedroom door was wide open, yet no noise was coming from inside.
"Thaddeus?" I called out, the sound of my choked voice scratching my throat as it came out of my mouth. I walked slowly towards the door, dreading what I would find behind it. I was hoping that he wasn't even there, but a part of my mind that doubted that theory.

Pushing on the door, it creaked, I stepped inside. I looks from side to side. My jaw dropped, as my handsome boy was on top of another boy. My lip began to quiver, the only words coming from my mouth were "Oh my God." He was sitting up, not moving, his arms stretched out wide, as though he had frozen whilst being caught in the act. I cocked my head to the side, mortified, as a tear dripped from my eye. "What are you doing?" I asked, as a torrent of tears began to flow down my cheeks.

"Baby, it's not what it looks like it's-"

"Don't you baby me you disgusting fuck." I said, backing out of the room. He jumped off the bed, running after me. It was then, that I got a good look at him. Blood was dropping from his precious mouth, a knife in his left hand. I was confused, scared, upset and more things that I couldn't ever begin to put into words. He tried to wipe it away with the back of his hand, but it had already dried there. I covered my ears with my hands, as he hurried over, trying to get me to listen to him. The only thing that I could hear was a piercing, ringing noise in my ears- I wanted to faint.


"Don't you fucking touch me!" I screamed, batting his hands away from me. I didn't want to know what he was doing with that knife, and I sure as hell didn't want to know what he was doing drinking the blood of another human being. I began to hyperventilate. Never had the door felt so far away. My lip still quivered, as he tried to pull me against him. I began to hit him, aiming for his beautiful, dumb face. He held his hand to his cheek, flashing his teeth at me.

"If you just fucking listened to me, Jacob, then maybe you would understand why I was doing what I was doing before you fucking hit me!" He yelled. I cried louder, turning away from him, holding my body tightly. I could hardly breathe, my nose blocked, my throat closing from the stress.

"I don't want to listen to a word that you say. You were on top of him! You told me this morning that you wouldn't touch anybody other than me! You're a fucking liar, and I hate you. I hate that you've made me dependant on you, that can't function without seeing your face. I hate you. Why wasn't there ever an inch of doubt in my mind! " I screamed, spinning around, waving my arms around hysterically. His lip quivered just as much as mine, hurt filling those green eyes of his, his arms hanging limply by his sides. He looked like a deer in the headlights of a cruel car, about to be run over by something soul-wrenching.

"Stop shouting at me." He begged, visibly shaking, a tear trickling down his face.

"You can't tell me what I can and can not do Thaddeus. I know that that really, really gives you pleasure. What did you do to him? Did you drug him? Did you fucking murder him? Is is some fucking kink that you've got?" I screamed, throwing my arms in his direction. He stood there, taking the blunt force of my rage, silently sobbing to himself. To me, there was no meaning behind what he was doing. He was on top of another boy, and he seemed to be enjoying himself. The only thought that was swimming through my brains was, Does he get some sick thrill of screwing other boys when I'm downstairs. The thought ricocheted off my skull like a thoughtless bullet, ripping unrepairable holes in every place of rationale.

"I-I didn't murder him Jacob. I'm not a murderer. I-I-"

"Stop fucking stuttering and tell me what the fuck you were doing with another man in your bed!" I sobbed, trying not to throw myself on the floor in frustration. He shook his head, looking down at his feet, he dropped the knife onto the ground. The noise it made sounded throughout the room, echoing more so inside my head.

"I was drinking his blood, Jacob. I- was drinking his blood, because I have a health condition-"

"Health condition- fuck you. Fuck you, for taunting me, for leading me into a false sense of security, and for making me believe that you loved me. Truly - loved me. I hope that you're happy. He can keep you. I don't ever want to see you again" I choked, pointing at him, as panic spread across his face.
"Penelope was right, you can't love anybody other than yourself. You're a spoilt, entitled little arsehole. You've ruined me. You made me, then you ruined me." I said, composing myself, containing my temper.

"You don't know what you're saying, Jacob. Come on, baby please- don't you fucking leave me!" He yelled, walking forwards. I backed towards the door, hand touching the doorknob.

"Goodbye." I said confidently, biting the inside of my mouth to stop myself from crying even more.

"Don't you fucking leave me here!" He screamed hysterically, as I left the room, holding myself as I walked towards the lift. I heard him sink to the floor, screaming bloody murder. I just about heard him scream for me, as the lift doors closed, casting me into a deep, unforgiving silence. I choked back a tear, knowing that the only place that I had left to go to was home - my mother's house.
Song Of The Chapter- Sign Of The Times by Harry Styles

I forgot to mention, that this story is almost over. I feel like it could never end- it's legit my favourite thing (other than my new story of course) and I think that I'll really miss writing it when it's finished. <3

Don't forget to comment and vote, it really helps me out <3

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