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I had completely lost all track of time, having closed my eyes, his arms still wrapped around me. We hadn't been without silence, he'd hum a song every now and again, and I could've sworn that he was talking to somebody an hour or so ago. I was caught up in my own world, my face pressed against his warm torso. I felt safe in his arms; he loved me, I knew it.
He was still humming, his deep voice soothing, as though he was hypnotising me into a happier state of mind.

"Jacob?" He asked, his voice soft. Breathing out heavily, I looked up at him, him down at me. Rubbing his nose against mine, our foreheads touched. "I love you." He said quietly. I smiled. He loved to tell me that he loved me, it was something that helped me to realise my importance. I had never been told that I was loved so many times before, it was something exciting.


"Thaddeus?" I asked, smiling. The way he asked the question made him seem like an infant, there was a hint of innocence to his voice. I knew that he was grinning like an idiot- he had a habit of doing that lately. Usually, his solemn face scowled and looked at the world through bitter eyes. He suited his grin, it showed of a character that many people didn't know existed; if anyone. He kept that side of his hidden, as a privilege to those that he loved and cared for.

"What are your opinions on gifts?" He asked, pouting. I frowned, knowing full well what he'd gone and done. He looked away from me, pulling a face, raising his eyebrow. I tapped his wrist, a half-arsed attempt at a slap. Even that was too much pain for me to give to him in my eyes. Giggling, he let go of me, leaving my skin to be ravaged by the cold air of his room. My teeth chattered, as he held out his hand for me to take. Batting my eyelids, I gripped his hand, he helped me off his bed.

The floor was ice-cold underneath my feet, sending a shivering wave across my body. He came up behind me, covering my eyes with his hands. I felt his breath against the back of my neck as I giggled, he was leading me somewhere secret. We walked slowly, my hand going up to touch his. They were bony, skeletal, but they were the warmest part of him. You can tell a lot about people from their hands.
He stopped walking, holding me against him. I was smiling brightly, his hand still covering my eyes. "Now. Will you make me two promises?" He said sternly, I nodded obediently.

After a brief pause, he opened his mouth. "A. That you won't get mad, and B. That you'll be happy." He said.

"The first one is reasonable, and the second one depends on what you've done." I said, hearing him snickering away behind me. I was getting impatient, I tapped my foot against the floor, he cleared his throat. "Okay, fine. I'll try."


"I won't get mad, I'll be happy." I said, earning a kiss on the neck.

"Good boy." He said, before removing his large hands from my eyes.

I was in awe- he had really outdone himself. Half of the living room was covered by boxes, their pink ribbons appealing to my hidden female. My hands instantly went to rest on my cheeks, air failing to enter my lungs. I was frozen with happiness, unable to comprehend the extent of my joy. Turning to face him, unable to use my words to ask if they were all for me. "Yes, they're for you. Knock yourself out." He said with a laugh, rubbing his nose with thumb. "Except for that black box, that one's mine." He said, as I sat amongst the bags and the boxes, handing him a small black box. I watched him open it, smiling as he did, pulling out an old, silver pocket watch.
I turned my attention to the mountain of objects, my tiny mind unable to comprehend the extent of his kindness. I could already feel myself tearing up.

Standing in front of the mirror, body clad in sequins and glitter, I finally felt content. Quite frankly, I was born to wear this dress. For a boy, my body was quite feminine- minus the boobs- and I was blessed with assets. Standing sideways, I saw Thaddeus in the background, adjusting a bow tie. He looked as though he was struggling, I smiled, letting out a sigh. Walking over to him, he looked down at my painted hands, as I tied it perfectly.
"I can't believe that you're taking me for dinner, especially when I'm dressed like this." I said, dusting off his shoulder. He looked up, his eyes dark- I didn't care. He was in awe of me, unable to cope with how different I looked. To me, I looked perfect; finally.

"Don't tease me." He said, holding me against him, his hand resting on its favourite place.

"I won't let you kiss me until after we get back. I've done my makeup, and you're not allowed to smudge it." I said, watching him roll his eyes. I was getting the impression that he was beginning to regret buying me the things that I had fantasised over owning since I was born. We stood in the mirror together, side by side. He wrapped his arm around my waist, my chin lifted high. "Do I look pretty yet?" I said sarcastically, he smiled, grabby my arse.

"Baby, you always look pretty. There hasn't been a day when I've thought that you're not pretty." He said grabbing me a little harder. I smiled brightly as he kissed my cheek, chuckling to himself.

"You think so?"

"I know so." He said, linking my arm, leading me out of his room.
My heels were huge, but I was more than experienced in wearing them. I had spent many an hour walking around my house in my sisters stripper-heels. Mine were incredibly expensive, and I had taken great pleasure in scolding Thaddeus for spending way too much money on me; he laughed at me, mocking me as I spoke to him.
"Just so you know, Jacob, whenever I go anywhere in this damn city, I have photographers up my arse- I'm sure that I've told you this before. If they talk to you, ask you questions or whatever, just stare at them blankly and refuse to answer. We just want to enjoy a meal." He said, pressing the button to summon the lift up to our floor, I nodded obediently.

I loved that man.
Song Of The Chapter- Kiwi by Harry Styles

We're on our way to drama- so I hope you're all prepared!! I love this story (I say it all of the time, I know) but I'm just gonna reiterate it!!

Let me know what you think, and don't forget to vote- it really helps me out <3

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