•Thaddeus- Part Two•

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Thaddeus P.O.V

There was only one reason for keeping Jacob at a distance- I didn't know whether I could fully handle myself around him. Sure, we had already slept in the same bed, but I had fed before then. So, he was safe. I could barely manage spending more than a few hours with him, my stomach rumbling constantly. Luckily, my mediocre acting skills seemed to pay off. I could pretend that I wasn't experiencing any type of symptoms, like I wasn't constantly on edge.

I pulled away from the boy in front of me, he looked disappointed. He wouldn't be getting anything more loving any more tonight. I'd lure him upstairs, eat, then shove him back where the bulk of his friends were. I didn't want anything more from him, he wasn't his own person. He was a carbon copy of the other boys that he was with. "Why'd you stop?" He asked, trying to look into my eyes. I picked up my bottle of whiskey, taking a huge gulp of it.

"Drink." I said, handing him the bottle, which he took gingerly. I could sense a reluctance in his eyes, but he still managed to take a sip. He coughed, his hand against his mouth, I snatched the bottle from his shaking hand. I could've finished the bottle there and then, but I knew that I would definitely make a mess. I wasn't one for a spot of murder, but it's nearly happened on many occasions.

My foot tapped impatiently against the marble floor, as he looked up at me with adoring eyes. With a deep sigh, I grabbed his arm, dragging him from the booth. I wasn't sure whether it was the Cocaine, but my impatience was clearly running my mind. He trotted behind me, looking around at his bewildered friends. I saw Talulah at the desk, he nodded at me. He knew that a clean-up was definitely going to be needed after this one. I pressed the button several times, dragging him inside. The doors closed, he looked around. "Can't my friends come?" He asked, he got close to me, his hand against my chest. I span him around, pinning him to the wall of the lift. He gasped, as I looked into his eyes. Smiling- acting like I was attracted to him- I kissed him again, he moaned.

"I don't do multiples." I purred, feeling well and truly not in control of my body. He giggled, as I kissed his neck. My throats was dry, thirsty for the metallic, red liquid within those young veins of his. My lips trailed down to his neck, lips feeling his pulse, feeling well and truly excited for what was about to happen. The lift stopped, doors opening wide, me dragging this nameless-boy down the corridor. I was fighting the urge to take him there and then, but I knew that Jacob would know that something had happened here. There would be remnants of my late night rendezvous everywhere. It would kill me if he found out, I wouldn't know what I would do with myself.

I didn't want to think about Jacob at that moment. I didn't want to refrain from drinking, knowing that if I did then I would be seriously ill. Cold sweat, intense pain, mood-swings worse than those of your teenage years. I slammed the door behind us, as he stood there, biting his bottom lip. The only way that I would make it through the night would be to pretend that he was somebody else- Jacob, more than anybody. Picking him up, I sat him on the edge of the couch, my tongue exploring his mouth. It tasted like cheap beer, the kind I knew that he had been drinking before he had showed up to my party. Such a tasteless thing to do, completely immature too. Not that I cared, I had one goal- something that he probably wouldn't approve of. "Are you sure that you don't want my friends to come up here? Henry's really good." He whispered, I shook my head. I didn't care about Henry and his grade-A blowjob skills. I wanted to get this over and done with, so I could mope around in my room.

I laid him down on the couch, crawling on top of him. I knew what he was excepting, but I wasn't in the mood for casual sex. There was one person and one person only that I would screw senseless. And that boy needed some serious self-esteem. My knife was in my back pocket, where it usually lived. He really wouldn't be expecting this, but I was stronger than him, and he wouldn't be going anywhere anytime soon. Kissing him again for reassurance, I moved my hand to my back pocket, finding comfort in the cold metallic blade. Flicking it open with my thumb, I brought it close to his neck, his eyes widened. The red liquid seeped from the small wound, he began to struggle. Tossing the knife aside, I put my mouth on the wound, finding instant ecstasy with the first gulp.

Energy was instantly coming back to me, my eyes closed. He had long since stopped flailing his arms, instead he had turned into a weak, flailing mess. Letting go of his wrists, I finished drinking from him, leaving the blood around my mouth. He was still breathing, but was definitely in need of a stiff drink. Moving his head so that it faced me, I squeezed his cheeks. "Thank you." I purred, planting a kiss on his redundant lips.

I left him lying on the couch, sending a call to Talulah to inform him that there was a gift for him up in my suite. Slamming the door to my bedroom, I took off my shirt, using it to mop up the blood still around my mouth. I threw it across the room, tucking the bag of cocaine back into its box, hiding it from view. I didn't want Jacob to see, realistically, I didn't want him to know about my condition. It's not vampirism- as the media suggests. It's a disease that means I crave it, I want it, my body needs it in order to function like a normal person.

Nobody would understand. They'd say that I was insane- and who says that I wasn't? Perhaps, if I honoured Jacob's wishes, and his wish to be his true self, he'd understand my true self.
Song Of The Chapter- Somebody to Love by Jefferson Airplane

Are you all still mad at me because of the last chapter? 😂 I have some interesting plot devices to show off, and one of them is a little bit....... odd?
Needless to say I'm sure you'll all enjoy it regardless <3

Don't forget to comment and vote because it really helps me out <3

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